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How does Trump win the election?

I’m genuinely curious. What is the mechanism where he wins another term and is sworn in on January 20? I’m interested in Trump supporters explaining how he will accomplish this. I keep hearing people say it’s not over yet but I’m not clear on the specific steps.
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Isn’t the question now, where will he live?
I understand that the good citizens of Mar Lago don’t want him around and he announced that he won’t leave the residence of the White House.

Can you imagine him being dragged out? 🤨
@SomeLikeItHot I am actually looking forward to it.
Uachtarain · 26-30, M
@SomeLikeItHot No he'll move to Florida. His neighbours will just have to put up with it. They can't force him out lol
It will be a different reality show.
Which community will accept the trumps?
Strangely enough they signed an agreement and you can’t live at a place that is your personal business. I would say stay tuned!
@Uachtarain Actually, Mar Lago has rules where they can. My guess is he will just use the millions donated to his "legal cause" to buy another property.
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@SomeLikeItHot you’re spewing cnn news, you need to watch a different channel
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@ididntknow These are truly some warped thoughts. To begin with the list I'll point out the President had throngs and throngs of enthusiastic supporters. Both before and during the covid terror that the media aired and the Dems played up. They showed up in every city, backwater community and level up sailing community.
And for every single one of those people they would have gleefully made him king if he'd wanted it. Though he'd never be a tyrant, a cheat, or a conniving politician.

He wins playing by the rule of law. You should know that his supporters are of every race and religion. And it's that unity that drives the Democrats and the news nuts because they profit from controversy and human divisions.

Grow up.
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@SomeLikeItHot like I said, cnn
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@SomeLikeItHot you’re basically saying, Trump is that unpopular, the people don’t want him living there. So how do you explain 70 + million votes, more than Obama got, for his second term
SteelHands · 61-69, M
Many parrots does not a population make.
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@SteelHands many fraudulent votes, don’t win an election
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@SteelHands on a serious note, why would anybody vote to put, Biden and Harris in charge, only misinformed people
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@ididntknow There were a lot of wealthy settlers that opposed the revolution against the king of England in those times as well while the ones that weren't were making chairs.
Uachtarain · 26-30, M
@ididntknow at least Biden and Harris know what they’re doing.
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@Uachtarain and what makes you think that, have you seen Biden speak 😀 he’s losing his mind, and that’s not meant to be insulting, it’s a fact, the way they’re going after Hunter, I’d say the powers tat be, don’t want him in the whitehouse, why cover the story up, until after the election, then hey presto, it’s in the news, in the newspapers, on social media, but before, you’d have been taken off you tube, at the mere mention of Hunter and his lap top, think about, think for yourself
Uachtarain · 26-30, M
@ididntknow I do think for myself. All this shit about Biden losing his mind is horseshit. It was the one reason Trump was so afraid of going up against Biden: he had nothing on him. Therefore, he had to try and put about the narrative that Biden was losing his marbles.

Well that is shot down in a second when you actually hear him speak or debate live; not through some carefully edited shit on some far right heap of crap site, which is clearly what you use.

If anyone is losing his mind it's Trump. Seldom does he make any sense when he talk; he stumbles over words, he mispronounces, he slurs, and almost always goes off on rambling tangents that normally lead back to his own insecurities (Hillary Clinton, lack of respect etc.)

As for Hunter Biden. ahahahaa :D No one gives a shit. They didn't during the election; they didn't now. The fact you tell me to look at some poorly edited YouTube channels by QAnon nuts shows me that no one in their right mind would treat this shit seriously.

Trump lost. Deal with it!
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@ididntknow I'm fully aware of what you are pointing out. I just don't see how speculating helps. Neither about how blaming a female to hide from the problem or attributing to the Chinese what wall street has done.

Bill Clinton's removal of Glass Steagall (see (GLBA-1999) and Obama's policies combined to light this fuse.
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@Uachtarain I’ll clearly never change your polluted mind, good luck, I think in America, you all will need it, I suppose you think Obama did a good job too, as I said I’ll never change your mind, Q anon has nothing to do with it, it’s just common sense, how many wars has Trum started 0 Obama Bush, a lot, I suppose you think Hillary is great too, cnn, msnbc, you are a product of those channels, and if you think Biden won the election fairly, you’re living in cloud cuckoo land,
Uachtarain · 26-30, M
@ididntknow he did win the election fairly. There is no evidence to the contrary.

Learn to cope. 😎👍
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@Uachtarain doesn’t bother me at all, it’s blatantly obvious it was fiddled, a colour revolution
Uachtarain · 26-30, M
@ididntknow Ah a racist as well. Blatantly obvious to everyone except for all the lower courts, the SCOTUS, all the electoral commissions and legislators both Democrat AND Republican, the leader of the Senate, 100 million + Americans and the rest of the world. Go drink bleach and cry on QAnon
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@Uachtarain as always, has to start going after the person, throwing insults, a typical democrat, where did racism come into it 😃 look up a colour revolution, idiot
Uachtarain · 26-30, M
@ididntknow you are in denial.
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@Uachtarain we’ll see
He is scared and sees his future. That is why he is begging for money now with his lies about the election being corrupt.