At last, we may finally know the truth....CONRAD BARROW It’s similar to the new protocol I’ve been developing with the cattle in the lower offices. I put them in miserable situations where the only way out is to work as a unit in order to comply with senseless, petty instructions that yield... See More »
Have you ever taken a day to work at homeand seriously considered going into the office just to get away from home?
It's 18°C out todaybut my office is cold as the proverbial well-digger's ass. They must have turned on the air conditioning. That must have been the weird smell the other day.
So, this was funA 2005 commercial filmed entirely in camera —no CGI, all practical effects. (1)
I first knew I was grown upwhen I saw the first Playmate of the Month who was younger than I was. I knew I was really an adult, though, when I first saw a girl in a beer commercial and thought to myself, “That girl’s not old enough to drink.”
So, the emergency weather drill that was scheduled for todayhas been cancelled. Because of the weather.