That awkward moment when you're having a random conversation with your partner with all that playful banter and then suddenlyThe conversation takes a turn for the worse. And theyre offended and respond with hurtful replies. And it becomea a full blown fight and now youre not talking to each other. Ofcourse it had to be on Valentines week.
Are there any youtubers/ aspiring youtubers here?Whats your channel and your area of interest that you base your content on?
Can I reapply for a job position?I had applied for a job 6 months ago, made it to the last round of the interview process. And then they ghosted me. After asking multiple times for an update they finally said they found someone with more experience and chose the other person. I was... See More »
What do you do whenYour spouse had a rough day and wants to be alone for the rest of the night ... and said he would speak to you tomorrow...?
Different love languages. Sigh.My husband's love language is gifts. He wants to buy me a gift for valentines day and asked me to choose between a high end phone or a gold chain. Both of which will pinch our pocket a bit to purchase. While I am touched he wants to do this for me, I... See More »
How does one restart one's life again?My husband and I started a business and it failed. Feeling defeated and stuck. And completely clueless on what to do next. How does one start from scratch all over again? Jobs have been rejecting me because of my gap I took to start a business and... See More »
I think I need some helpI come from a family where drinking alcohol is seen as a bad thing. My father and uncles have never drunk in front of me, though they did have their fair share of drinking before marriage. They all quit once they got married. So I have never seen any... See More »
Marriage is an eye opener. A mirror that shows you your faults.Before marriage, you feel you are perfect. And can do no wrong. Sigh. A humbling experience
Men, what would you do if you were in my husbands place?We called my relatives home for lunch. My sister and husband were there too. After lunch we served some dessert. This dessert was given to us earlier by my husband's parents- a local delicacy from their state, when we met them after many months. They... See More »
To all the wives in thr groupThere's a stereotype of wives being angry/upset with their husbands. Either jokingly or in all seriousness. I too am currently in a silent war with the husband even though we are generally a very happy couple. Why do we women do this? I'm trying ro... See More »
How would you feel if you meet an old aquantance in a party snd speak to them for a long time...And you thought it was a lovely conversation. Only to hear from a third person that they said you looked weak and dull. And that was all they said about that meeting.
Has your parent ever told you that you were a disappointment to them? How did it end in the long run? Did you prove them wrong?My mom just said my sister and I have both been disappointments and we didnt do well enough in life compared to others' achievements and her expectations inspite of all the support my parents gave me through the years. I flatly disagreed with her... See More »
A question for the husbands: what do you need more from your wives? Love or Respect? Poll (16) See Poll Options
After being strung along for 2 weeks, they finally told me I didnt get the job because they found someone with more experience.Not feeling sad. Maybe a tad disappointed. And also glad that I got clarity enough to show them the middle finger and move on.
What does it it mean ifYou applied for the job, cleared all the rounds but they havent selected your application yet. When asked for an update they say the manager is travelling (its true actually) so they dont have an update from her yet. And that they will let me know... See More »
Is it weird that sometimes I feel a disconnect from my parents when I meet them? I have been married for 2 years.No hard feelings and only love and gratitude for the most part. But there is a disconnect and I feel closest to my husband... and a little distant from my parents who loved me endlessly for 28 years.
What does it mean ifYou complete all the rounds of interviews and HR says they will update you but they didnt. And when you text them asking for an update, they dont reply? Why cant they just inform... even if I was rejected? Why the silence and the lack of decency to... See More »
Have you ever hit rock bottom? What was your rock bottom?Mine is failing businesses. No job. 7 failed attempts at conceiving a baby. All at once.
What would you do if...You made it to the final stage of the job interview process after clearing 2 rounds. And you think the final interview went quite well. They said they would get back within 1 or 2 days. 2 days have passed and theres no answer.