Librarian fully painted Just got to varnish him. Probably tomorrow. Sorry for the terrible picture (1)
Crimson Fists terminator librarian nearing completion Got to do the glow effect, the base, and reattach the dangly thing on his hand which broke off (1)
Crimson Fists terminator captain pretty much doneIt just needs a spray varnish coat, but it's too dark for that right now so I'll have to do it at work tomorrow. Sorry I'm so bad at taking pictures lol (1)
I'm planning out a High Elves army for Warhammer: The Old WorldI think I've got something I like, with plenty of sea guard, characters, and other harder hitting units like lion chariots and swordmasters. The main hero will be a prince which will use the new Ishaya Vess model (I might swap for her if I like what... See More »
Infernus squad basically done I painted unit markings on the right shoulder pad of each one, and realised while doing the base rims that I'd forgotten to do the brown which is now done. So glad it's done. Will varnish them tomorrow at work. (1)
Infernus marines progress 3 They're nearly done. A drybrush on the base (once the shade dries), black on the base rim, and some varnish. (1)
Crimson Fists Terminator Captain Not done yet obviously. But I think the captain himself might be? I think there's just the ork head and textured base to go (1)