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What does it it mean if

You applied for the job, cleared all the rounds but they havent selected your application yet. When asked for an update they say the manager is travelling (its true actually) so they dont have an update from her yet. And that they will let me know the update...But they never get back with the promised update. Meanwhile, you see ads on their social media requesting applications for the same post you applied for...
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smiler2012 · 61-69
@Heretodaygonetomorrow no disrespect either there was no candidate suitable for the position or it has been offered too somebody and they changed there mind for whatever reason so re opening the position and giving you another bite of the cherry
Means they aren't in a rush to fill the position. Possibly a company you do not want to work for if they cannot stay in touch with you. While you wait just keep applying elsewehere.
It sounds like you didn't quite wow them. They're likely stringing you along. Might get an offer, but it'd be more of a reluctant one.
Convivial · 26-30, F
It means you're still waiting
Heretodaygonetomorrow · 26-30, F
@Convivial i definitely am waiting for an update from them because it was a good offer. Not sure whats up in their end though.
Convivial · 26-30, F
@Heretodaygonetomorrow use the time to throw other irons in the fire ;)
Heretodaygonetomorrow · 26-30, F
@Convivial yes!!
Bleak · 36-40, F
It means they won’t hire you.
TigerLili · 46-50, FVIP
Keep calling
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Heretodaygonetomorrow · 26-30, F
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow thats very true. Seems like this is the case.
tenente · 100+, M
it's nerve wracking isn't it. TL:DR stay positive and continue to ask questions (patiently impatient)

take this as commentary from someone who knows nothing about your situation but hires people frequently: recruiters are compensated when candidates become hires so they are incented to get that decision asap, travel does make hiring decisions difficult because getting consensus on the right candidate takes time and that's interrupted by travel causing delay, recruiting is also advertising and making a good impression in the public includes ensuring candidates feel taken care of, last, taking the req off social media sends a message internally that a hiring decision has been made and with all the back and forth of your situation that will cause confusion.

i'd keep on top of them, ask them if there is more information they need, what red flags prevent you from getting the job, propose a start date and ask if that fits with their schedule, just basically stay at the top of their inbox and don't relent.

good luck!
Heretodaygonetomorrow · 26-30, F
@tenente very true! Thank you for the detailed response 😊😊😊
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