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Whats been your experience with landlords when you rented homes?

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DunningKruger · 61-69, M
Rented one apartment for 12 years — the landlord was great. The whole family was very nice.

I then rented a duplex and it was a nightmare. The previous tenant trashed the place. As soon as I moved in, I discovered that the place was infested with fleas and the landlord wouldn't do anything about it. A problem with the plumbing caused the bathroom and my bedroom to regularly flood. I'd often find turds in my toilet from the duplex above mine. The landlord finally got around to fixing the place's foundation problems about a week before I moved out.

The next place the landlord was shit and screwed me out of my security deposit for bullshit reasons.

After that, we bought a house.
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DunningKruger · 61-69, M
@SW-User Didn't have the money. I often just had something fixed — exterminator, plumber and such — and then deducted the cost from my next rent payment. That pissed them off a bit, but I really didn't care.
@DunningKruger At least!!
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
Back when I was little our landlord doubled the rent suddenly. My dad was lucky enough to have savings + loans to buy a house.
4meAndyou · F
The ex and I rented a second story apartment in a three story walkup in Milton about 40 years ago. My son was in second grade, and he had moved in with us for the first time. We weren't married yet.

We gave him his own room, which was great, at first...and then winter came and my son's room was freezing cold. We turned up the heat. Now it seems this creep of a landlord was a fire fighter, and should have known better, but he had illegally rented out the third floor apartment, which did not have separate heat. So if we turned our heat up, the people upstairs were roasted.

The landlord wanted us to turn down our heat. We would not. My son's room was freezing cold! We were paying for the heat. We were also paying for the heat for the people who lived upstairs.

The damned a-hole landlord let the oil tank run dry...and didn't refill it for five days in the middle of winter. I had to call the board of health, and THEY forced him to fill the oil tank.

In the meantime, we had to buy a space heater. We plugged it in to an outlet in the living room, and the outlet blew and dark smoke shot up the wall. Obviously the electricity was not upgraded, either.

But enough about Mr. Fitzpatrick.
@4meAndyou Of course. I know you would do what you had to for your son. Dont mess with a mothers cubs.
4meAndyou · F
@Sojournersoul You got it! Grrrrrr...🤣🤣🤣
4meAndyou · F
@4meAndyou 🤣🤣🤣
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Good. They can’t come near without 24 hours notice!
Adrift · 61-69, F
My son and his girlfriend rented from some old British guy who used to show up randomly to work in the garden and peek in the windows.
My son also thought he was entering the house when they were out of town.
You are supposed to give 24 hours notice, and there was a signed agreement with a management company.
One day my sons girlfriend was home by herself and didn't know he was in the backyard, she let their dog out to pee.
The dog ran out and knocked the guy over the back fence.
The dog usually loves everybody but he didnt like him.
The guy was a bit creepy.
mainvane · 61-69, M
most always find a way to not return your security deposit
Tumbleweed · F
In the almost 3 years I've been here, I've not been late on my rent except for ONE time & even then, I was only about $100 short. The landlord hit me with notes on my door, emails, texts, etc about how I had 5 days or I'd be taken to court, hit with court costs, blah blah blah, like I had packed up and skipped out in the middle of the night. I was LIVID. I had gotten sick to the point of being delerious, I had lost my bank card & was waiting on a new one and my youngest brother had accidently killed himself - all this in a matter of one week so I politely gave my landlord a spoech as to how rude & insensitive she was. I ended up having a $120 credit for the next month's rent. So not only was she rude & insensitive, she apparantly can't count either.
Not good always.
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
Great i can't complain
smiler2012 · 61-69
[@heretodaygonetomorrow ]
we are from the united kingdom hand have always been in council rented property rather than a landlord never had problems as such just a bit slow with repairs
Not a whole lot. I signed my contract and pretty much never saw them again.
Northwest · M
It's been a while since school.
noexpectations1 · 41-45, M
My friend found her landlord and his 75 ye old dad wearing her lingerie...
Had one horrible landlord, 2 neutral ones, and the rest were all great.
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RedBaron · M
I’m a landlord.
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Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
I have always been the landlord and not all of my tenants have been fabulous. Some have been really good though and we have become friends. 🙂
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Musicman The good ones are keepers.
PatKirby · M

Hard to find these days.
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
@PatKirby Yes they are. ☹️
tenente · 100+, M
(NYC) fair. no issues

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