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How to make friends as an adult?

To be honest I struggle with making new friends. It’s not that I’m not friendly and approachable. I have to socialize all day for my job. So I feel to tired to do it after work. I have to approach people, ask them deep questions to best be able to help them. So I have to be an extrovert.

But when it comes to not being at work I resort back to my normal nature of being an introvert. Where I don’t want to approach people. When someone from work invites me out I rarely want to go. And yet I sit here wishing I had more friends.

I guess I am just looking for my people. The ones where it feels natural and not a forced effort. So many people are fake now a days. I can’t be bothered pretending to like someone because I have no one. I rather be alone.

As an adult how do you make new friends? Do you find it as difficult as me?
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iamnikki · 31-35, F
I am certainly finding it just as difficult. I've posted about it before.
Try a club, class, exercise class, hobby that meets weekly or something. You can try meetup, though I haven't had much success with it.
@iamnikki Please don't apologize for the length of your response. I LOVE this kind of chat. I would like to have more of it.

During Covid, it seems you might have been able to stay in touch with your groupies through conference calls, either through the phone or Zoom, or some other platform. I know it's not the same as being with people in person. And I know how the closeness tends to fall away.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@DayDreamer3 I think it's worth a shot, I see groups that are in other states or far away cities and think "I'd join that group".
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@PhoenixPhail I don't think that would have worked but all I can do is try some of my own advice. I was looking into an exercise class the other day.
DHggmu · 31-35, M
I’m much the same way. I’d just rather be at home relaxing after working all week, it’s our down time. But that’s why I come here, can try to have conversations with new people while doing what I want at the same time.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@DHggmu Half my time belongs to my 6 y/o daughter, and I work the rest, so there's availability for much in the way of friend-making and I don't socialise with people from work outside of work.
soulshadow · 36-40, M
It's hard.. you sound like me. Try and do something social that takes the pressure off.. like a club or similar interest meeting.. keep focused on the activity and relationships will naturally form. Easier said than done, like most things hard in life.
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zonavar68 · 56-60, M
Don't stress about it. Get on with life. If you meet good people and they become friends that's great. If not, that's still great. Wake up every day and be happy you're alive. Live for you.
Convivial · 26-30, F
Do the things you enjoy... Then look around... Chances are the people doing the same things are potential friends 🤗
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
As an adult making friends usually branches off some form of interest. So you meet at a common interest group or as part of a tour/travel group or study course. Then you break the ice organically and see a more genuine version of the person. Its not so far from people who meet at work and form close relationships..😷
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
The only place I interact with lots of people regularly away from my work is school pickups and drop offs for my daughter. I'm way older than all the other parents of kids in my daughters class and it's not really possible for me to make much conversation as I'm not in the 'social crowd'.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@zonavar68 I hear you. As a granfather I do the school pickup once a week and the old guy just doesnt fit. Even though I also tag in on some other parent activities as my daughter and son in law both work.😷
OMG, I could have written this post. Yes, I find it very difficult to even find prospective friends. And the dating sites are the worst places to look.

I'm an introvert, too, and do the best I can when I'm with other people. It's not easy sometimes, but I get through it. Then, I can't wait to get home, wishing I had more true friends to be with.

I've never found my tribe. It would be so great to find even one or two members of it. But, they don't seem to be around.

I wish I had some suggestions for you. If you think of anything, let me know.
Mudkip · 31-35, M
Mostly on similar interests at this point. I wouldnt say its difficult, I just don't try too often
Mudkip · 31-35, M
@DayDreamer3 Maybe you think about it too much. When I pick up games at a park I just ask other people if they wanna play the next day or somewhere else.
DayDreamer3 · 36-40, F
@Mudkip you’re probably right. I am overthinking it. I need to be more carefree with it.
Mudkip · 31-35, M
@DayDreamer3 yeah just be carefree about it
novaguy2u · 70-79, M
I understand at least part of your issue. For many years, thirty or so, I held roles where I was meeting many people each day, working hard to build up relationships for business purposes, and like you I frequently felt drained and reluctant to open up to other people outside of a business environment. What worked for me was joining clubs and getting into activities where I met people with similar interests who weren't looking to judge me. It worked and I made a number of long-term friendships.
DayDreamer3 · 36-40, F
@novaguy2u yes exactly, I feel so drained after work. It’s hard to even want to socialize. But I know it’s healthy to do so and of course I do want more like minded people in my life. That’s a good idea I should join different clubs or events to meet people.
novaguy2u · 70-79, M
@DayDreamer3 Yep, just look at what events/ club meetings are on in your locale and wander in. Some may not interest you, but some may. Our local newspapers and community newspapers always have "what's on" pages. It worked for me.
DayDreamer3 · 36-40, F
@novaguy2u thank you. I’ll do that.
Mardrae · F
You sound exactly like me. But my favorite time is when I'm alone. People totally stress me out. I'm an empath and being around people, I absorb all their emotions and it's absolutely overwhelming
eMortal · M
It’s because you want a serious relationship/friendship from start. That builds up as you get to know someone.
DayDreamer3 · 36-40, F
@eMortal very true, I don’t like shallow relationships. I crave meaningful conversations. Yes you’re right it would become deeper the longer you know some people. But haven’t you ever met someone and it’s easy and you feel like you have know each other for a long time? I want those relationships
eMortal · M
@DayDreamer3 Yes I have.
PunkRockSuperStar · 61-69, M
I've been finding it very difficult to find new friends for a long time. Partly that's been due to my personality; my lack of self-confidence and how difficult I find it to make conversation with strangers. But the alternative avenues I used to have for making friends, such as placing personal ads in music magazines and swapping letters with penfriends, no longer exist. I've found it almost impossible to make friends with people via the internet, and dumbed-down, shambolic social media sites like Facebook are the most useless of all. There's no meaningful communication there.

The only thing that's really worked for me was when I joined a band and played regular gigs. That way, people came and introduced themselves to me, and I didn't have to make the effort to speak to them, feeling like I was an unwanted intruder.
In many ways SW is it represents a cross section of society not all of us can relate too. Like the point of a complete feeling of loneliness. Even when you know introversion is shooting yourself in the foot and there is a way out.......introversion wins as a lifestyle. ?? And depression and how that affects a person. And perversions that are self-seen as huge turnons while the rest of would puke if we were with someone who just pee'd themselves in public because THEY think that is the coolest, sexiest thing ever. Or how many on social media beg for someone to PLEASE PM them because they are so lonely..............and yet if anyone does they never respond back.

As bad as social media can be it does open up doors to seeing just how screwed up a LOT of people around us actually are. That is good and bad............but it does expose an "other side" of society that many of us would never even know existed normally. Just thoughts.......
@MaBalzEsHari im definitely a introvert, and i dont really want the way out
Its who i am
@rocknroll I understand that is you.......but not for me.
StyleCat · M
Don't know, I only seem to lose them! It's lucky I enjoy my own company, or I'd be royally Rogered.
Strongtea · 22-25, M
It does seem really difficult, it feels like my friends have disappeared since we left school/college.
PrestonJ · 36-40
Yes, it takes a lot of effort and time to develop friendships. I’m currently trying to make new friends by going to a yoga studio for a month straight. They have an unlimited yoga package so it’s relatively cheap and it’s a place I can go everyday and see the same people. I think repetition and consistency is key.
DayDreamer3 · 36-40, F
@PrestonJ I did the same. I signed up for yoga too. You’re right though I stop going after a few classes. You have to consistently go to get to know people. Some places are just so expensive though!
PrestonJ · 36-40
@DayDreamer3 I think that’s why if you’ve ever gone to a camp or participated in something with the same people that you become friends. We’re all suspicious even if we don’t mean to, when letting new people in, but if we can see them over and over again and they don’t change we can trust them a little more. They are expensive… if they have an unlimited plan than it’s easier to justify it because going everyday drops the price per class to nothing, like $3.83 cents for mine.
It's a lot of work to make new friends in this age. I am having same issues
HumanEarth · F
I like talking to people and making friends is very easy for me.

I have lots of real life friends, lots of weekends we get together and play cards, have a cookout.

We're all like extended family.

There like 20 of us but its about its about 10 that it to the card games and cookouts. Every weekend its someone else's turn to host
Just be yourself 😀 If you find someone to your liking, strike up a conversation.
I'm in the same boat myself.
Montanaman · M
I've lived in Montana now for 9 years. No friends since i left New Mexico. We're still considered outsiders here.
Maybe why i spend so much time on SW...searching. 🤗
DayDreamer3 · 36-40, F
@Montanaman I can understand that. It is hard to find time for other things sometimes. And yes sometimes it’s more peaceful to have less people to deal with!
Montanaman · M
@DayDreamer3 But still, something is missing 🤔😒🤗
DayDreamer3 · 36-40, F
@Montanaman I understand
Howudoin · 46-50, M
I hear you. The other day, i wanted human interaction with other human adults. I walked into a tavern I'd never been in before. It was totally packed. No room at the bar or anywhere for that matter. I walked out, and went to a quiet restaurant
DayDreamer3 · 36-40, F
@Howudoin yeah that’s like me. I know I need to socialize but a lot of the time when I’m in it I just want to get out of it and go home lol. I think we just need the find the right people. It seems like now a days everyone is trying to have a lot of friends instead of just a few good quality ones.
It’s so hard !
DayDreamer3 · 36-40, F
@Femlesbo101 I know!! That’s why I asked this question! Lol
@DayDreamer3 I def can be ur friend I’m here for you !
RedBaron · M
Being part of a social organization like a church or synagogue helps a great deal.
RedBaron · M
@DayDreamer3 That doesn’t help. The most social time is following services.
DayDreamer3 · 36-40, F
@RedBaron you’re right. I should stay longer and put myself out there
RedBaron · M
@DayDreamer3 Indeed
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
Just be yourself.
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
As many others have said it can be about joining clubs and stuff like that. But one thing that’s overlooked is that you may need to go a few times to really get to know anyone and become friends. So pick something affordable and that you’re into so you keep going

Good luck 🤗
Here if you’d like an online friend
No idea
And i dont care to make friends though
DayDreamer3 · 36-40, F
@rocknroll I get you. A lot of the time that’s how I feel. But unfortunately we need it for survival and quality of life.
@DayDreamer3 to a point but im definitely a loner
DayDreamer3 · 36-40, F
@rocknroll I am too
I think this is why people often build friendships through other circles: work, church, activity groups for one's kids, or other recreation / hobby interests.

What activity or other interests do you have? Or do you need a person to just hang out with as you decompress from work?
Alex51 · 61-69, M
Yes it is difficult. Can we chat
Fluffybull · F
I've given up trying, tbh.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Best friends listen
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
meJess · F
Androids are tricky, try Lego first
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It takes time to make friends, with whom you can sit and relax , but some people are just so open that you make friends with them in short time
MissyChrissy · 18-21, F
Would love to be your friend, Miss, but you would have to reply on my private message, I sent you a while ago.
Go to a Church Social
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@Submissiveiendencies Only works for indoctrinated Christian Cult members.
@zonavar68 No - most people are just friendly with no motive.Try a Church that has coffee and donuts after Mass, People their are friendly
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GlitterEater · 36-40, F
Just do drugs.
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
swirlie · F
I manifest people to come into space by utilizing the Art of Manifestation. Only those who I manifest into my reality are the ones who show up in my space.
@swirlie Nope. Just the handle
swirlie · F
I'm strictly a handle girl!
@swirlie As you should be.

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