My boyfriend says he admires other women's beauty. This makes me feel hurt. Is it wrong to feel hurt??I wish he had eyes only for me... Like I do for him...
Is it wrong to want the man I'm in a relationship with to prioritize me?I'm a 23 year old female. I fell in love with a 55 year old man. A month into it, i find out that he's married and has kids. He apologized for not telling me and said he's going to separate from her. He did (because she found out) and we're together... See More »
I don't find my boyfriend physically attractive. But I do love him. Is it wrong if I tell him that? (If he asks)
My bf said he prefers big boobs, blue eyes and wavy hair. I have none of these, is it not ok to be hurt?He says I shouldn't be hurt but I am so hurt by this...
What can I say to a friend who wants plastic surgery? (Breast implants)She is so beautiful and perfectly fine. But she is so insecure and I really don't want her to be hurt. The risks involved and cost is just tremendous. Please tell me how I can help her
Does anyone here find only their partners attractive and no one else?Do you find other people handsome/pretty?
Is cheating ever okay? Is it forgivable?Can it ever be forgiven? Even if it's within the context of say, a drunken night at a party?
Does veganism actually save animals?Animal farming is such a huge large scale industry Do a few vegans even cause a dent in that process? If the vegan doesn't eat it, the meat eater will, right? Won't it die anyway?
1) Men, do you find your girlfriend/wife the most physically attractive person in the world?And 2- is it unreasonable to expect that of a boyfriend?
Is it offensive to tell your girlfriend that she looks better when she's dressed up and has put on some make up?
Do you believe in the phrase "a man is know by the company he keeps"?My boyfriend's closest friends have cheated on their girlfriends before. They do lie a lot as well and encourage him to lie too. It makes me question his character although he does not seem like the lying/cheating kind. Should I be doubting him?
Is it morally incorrect to hook up with 2 people at the same time having told one of them that they are exclusively the only one they're hooking up w?
What can you say in response a friend who tells you they hate their body?A male friend, that is, what would you say?