Is it okay for two people to date while their parents are also dating?My mom has been dating my girlfriend's dad for just as long as my girlfriend and I have been dating.
What are super subtle ways of flirtingI’ve never been into flirting my entire life and now I’m kinda just leaning into it So help, cause i’ve been flirting with this older guy at work that im kinda into Not like super serious, but im into him
Why don't people go out more?Instead of typing on their phone or gaming. They complain they don't have a partner but won't go out to find one. (1)
I wish he hadn’t semi-ghosted meI fell for someone. He broke my heart Instead of ending it, he said he was too busy with work and needed a break. Then he’d text randomly. I told him to just tell me it’s over since it’s obvious he’s not interested. He won’t. He says he’s still... See More »
How to overcome fearsWhenever i talk to any men I get fears like he might be abusive, will dislike me, will hurt me, will cheat on me, he might not find me attractive, etc.