I just found out I'm gonna be an aunt!My younger sister and her boyfriend announced they're having a baby! They've been trying for a while and she's finally pregnant, I'm gonna be an aunty!
Walter Murphy's unreleased original motion picture score for the infamous "Foodfight!' has been foundRecorded in 2007, this was missing for many years. (1)
Did interracial couples start becoming more common in the 60's?Like whites and blacks dating or marrying.
Would you be able to watch a movie or series where a kid has their hand chopped off by an adult for stealing?
My cousin has a crush on a stuck up princess!I know her and it's always all about her, but because she's hot, my cousin wants her. Lol
Ladies, would you be friends with a woman younger than you?I get along with and like talking to a co worker who's in her 50's.
Can you legally date your cousin?My friend got hit on by her European cousin, she enjoyed it and is into him back.
I had a dance battle with a lady to this lolhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWPeWhFL8Lk&pp=ygUac2hha2UgdGhhdCB0aGluZyBzZWFuIHBhdWw%3D
Ladies, how would you feel if a guy you liked had liked your friend instead?Then they agreed to go out, would you be jealous or happy for your friend?