I Got A New CD PlayerYes, a cd player. A SMSL PL100 to be precise. I hooked it up to my Onkyo receiver with JBL speakers and sub woofer. All i can say is WOW! It sounds great for a piece of audio equipment that costs a liitle over $100. (1)
Unidentified song - Stay by my side (Dream your dream)Does anyone know what this is sounds like something from a movie in the end credits and could it possibly be by one eye cherry who sang save tonight maybe it's a demo by him he does have unreleased songs that he hasn't released to the public and... See More » (2)
Unknown Songs from RobloxSongs that I discovered on Roblox I can't Shazam them no matter how many times I do it it was a Roblox game called ballroom dance very cool game beautiful surroundings then I found these songs that were a banger if you know what songs these are... See More » (9)