Sense of forebodingSense Of Foreboding One of my online friends lived as my neighbour in a town I never saw before and I had no family and friends. We only held contact via landline calls. Then one day he invited me to come to his home and I found his door unclosed and... See More ยป
Dream interpretation? Usually I do my own interpretations, but having trouble with this one.I dreamed that I had three beautiful blonde daughters. One of them was a teenager and a cheerleader, and she got herself into legal trouble, and I had to travel to Boston to attend a press conference about her trial, with her lawyer, at a motel. I... See More ยป
I had the strangest dream last night!I dreamed that a "friend' who recently blocked me was standing with her alt, the alt was crying and my friend was catching her tears in a pie pan.... Wtf??
Weird dreamsLast night I went to bed drunk and didn't sleep very well. I dreamt i was hanging off a ledge high up a mountain. People told me to swing my legs out and let go and they'd catch me. I panicked and swung my legs inward and felt sheer terror as i fell... See More ยป
What dreams annoy you the most?I hate the ones where I have some type of task to accomplish and I can't seem to get it done..I wake up so stressed out.