Does anyone else get a little sad when the Christmas decorations are taken down? I love Christmas lights and hate it when they have to come down.
I work retail and ask kids all the time what do they want from Santa Clause.Just about all of them shrug and say they haven't asked for much. Most of the parents say the kids get what they want all year long. I think it's sad that kids are now so spoiled that Christmas and Santa Clause are no big deal for them anymore. By... See More ยป
I want everyone to know that Hurricane Helene caused historic devastation to the Southeast of the United States, especially to the state of NorthCarolina. Whole towns in North Carolina have been completely destroyed by Hurricane Helene. I live in South Carolina and we suffered damage as well. I'm telling you this, because the national media downplays this historic, biblically catastrophic... See More ยป
I hear all the time that the 90's were such a simpler, peaceful time, especially compared to now. I have to laugh at this, because back during theactual 90's people talked about how awful the 90's were and how much simpler things were in the 60's and 70's. As I recall there was a lot more crime in the 90's. School shootings started happening. There was very little discipline in the homes, at... See More ยป
I just read an article saying single women are way happier than married women. Once women get married their happiness greatly declines because theyWind up doing all the work in the relationship and feel like slaves. This was written by divorced women who are enjoying single life. Any thoughts or opinions?
In your opinion, what makes someone weak? In my opinion it means you're not able to cope with anything.
Did anyone ever try to scare you on Halloween when you were a kid? I remember one time in particular when I was roughly 8 my brother and I ranga neighbor's doorbell and instantly the man ran down the hall toward us hollering very loud wearing a hideous mask. He opened the door and lunged at us scaring the crap out of us. We ran back to Dad crying and hysterical. Dad was talking to a man who... See More ยป
Do people in other countries complain all the time? I live in the U.S. and people just seem to whine and complain about just about everything almost.I work retail so I might notice it more than the typical American would. I'm just wondering if complaining about everything is just an American trait or is true of people in general.
Name a time you followed the crowd. When I was in high school I was at a church youth group meeting. They served pizza, and all the boys got up packedtheir plates full. All the girls went up and got 1 dainty piece of pizza. Well I was absolutely starving but I didn't want to look piggish in front of the other kids by getting a plateful like the boys did so I also got 1 dainty piece of pizza. I... See More ยป
Did you ever want to be an only child? I never did, but most only children say they loved it because they got everything they wanted and everythingrevolved around them. I never wanted all my parents' attention like that. Childhood may be great for only children but adulthood is hard for many I've known. They have to deal with the fact that the world no longer revolves around them.
Whats the temp where you live? Here itll be 100. We are in a miserableHeat wave. Its usually about 90 degrees in June.
Why is it when men have conflict they actually call it cinflict, but when women have conflict they call it drama?Women are labelled drama queens if they argue or confront anyome. If men do it its simply called conflict. Ive seen men have just as much drama as women. 1 thing thats true is men get over conflict faster than women.
Do you waah your hair everyday? I do but its not good for it.Ive heard youre only supppsed to wash it a couple of times a week.
I read an article saying Superman's son is coming out aa bisexual.I swear, this is the most twisted and stupid decade in all of history.
Are you getting the vaccine? I dont trust it at all. Lord only knows whats in it and what kind of effects itll have in the future.
I wonder if most companies are starting to realize what a mistake it was to treat employees liike theyr're disposable?In my working years most companies have treated employees as disposable because they knew people were easy to replace, but now the tables are turned and it's the employees who have more of the upper hand. Employees don't have to put up with crap as... See More ยป
I read the most ridiculous thing earlier. Some woman was identifying as nonbinary, meaning she is claiming no gender.She wants to be called they/them in stead of she. Honestly, people think if they identify as something it makes it true. I'm going to identify as a millionaire and see how true that becomes.
Woukd most peoplr own slaves if they could get away with it?My close guy friend says most people would definitely own slaves if they could to serve them. That it's human nature to want power. I don't know about individuals but there's no doubt companies would all own slaves if they could get away with it.
Why do so many people hate cats? I can understand a lot of people are allergic and cats are not forEverybody but never understood the huge hate some have for them.