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Name a time you followed the crowd. When I was in high school I was at a church youth group meeting. They served pizza, and all the boys got up packed

their plates full. All the girls went up and got 1 dainty piece of pizza. Well I was absolutely starving but I didn't want to look piggish in front of the other kids by getting a plateful like the boys did so I also got 1 dainty piece of pizza. I went home still starving and gorged on any snack in the cabinet. Mom asked why I was so starving when they served pizza and I told her I only ate 1 slice. She asked why and I said it was what all the other girls did. Of course she said "who cares what all the other girls did. Next time eat what you want." Good thing they weren't jumping off bridges. 😄
NativePortlander1970 Best Comment
With you being Gen X, like myself, those other girls would have crucified you, I have seen it happen a few times at church parties while growing up in iowa during the 80's.
Cloud7593 · 46-50, F
@NativePortlander1970 Yeah it was either late 80s or early 90s

JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
The US is so creepy
@JimboSaturn And the girls paranoid about weight issues, starting at a young age.
Cloud7593 · 46-50, F
@JimboSaturn Just meant to be a funny story
@JimboSaturn Religion is creepy
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
Butch haircut and blue suede shoes.
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
I tried to follow the crowd in 7th grade by dressing like my friends, but it never sat right with me. By the time I hit 10th grade, I was doing my own thing, proudly.
I didn't..I marched to the beat of my own drum ..which left me without friends many times . I had friends fucked up on drugs and I decided that wasn't for me
WhateverWorks · 36-40
I.. honestly can’t think of an example 😆. That’s not bragging. It’s been a problem 😅

I suppose dressing basic for my profession because if I dressed how I want to my agency would be displeased since some clients might find it off-putting.
WhateverWorks · 36-40
@Cloud7593 in my case, it’s more so I have to present myself as a blank canvas because it’s hard for people to feel comfortable and open up if they already have a bunch of potentially negative assumptions about you based off your clothes. At least, this is what the agency is concerned about.. a number of years from now after I’ve jumped through all the hoops, I can present myself however I want, and if clients don’t like it, then they can go see somebody else. 🤔🤭
Cloud7593 · 46-50, F
@WhateverWorks Are you a counselor?
WhateverWorks · 36-40
@Cloud7593 Eventually. My internship starts in a couple weeks. Before this, I did peer to peer counseling, but that environment was intentionally very laid-back.
I started smoking cuz i wanted to be like "them" :( mid 90's
being · 36-40, F
@SW-User I made several attempts. This time it's just behind me.
In my first serious attempt I joined a site that helped, quitnet, but it's closed now.
It was hard at first and I used all of the suggestions that I found online, such as to have a first aid kit for when you need to smoke, to have a friend or two accountable that you can call anytime at least for the first weeks. To celebrate every little victory, your first day, 3 days, 1st week, 2nd, then a month, then celebrate every month.
Also you might need to stop being in the company of others who smoke for sometime. And avoid activities that go well together such as coffee, alcohol, etc.

But after 7months quit I went back. Then I was smoking so intensely. Years passed and I was on and off. Finally I made the decision i will only smoke every full moon, only one single cigarette a month. Half a year went by and I was having my ritual. Then one full moon I felt like let that shit go. I didn't smoke..and haven't ever since. I've lost count but it must be a year and a half or maybe close to two years ago..
@being Wow, good for you!! .... Around 1997 or so i burnt half our house down due to how idiotically i put out the cigarette. I didn't smoke for three days after, but like a fool started up and i've always been smoking since. I got a book that might help, but i'm procrastinating on it.
Really · 80-89, M
@SW-User @being
Smoking: did it for 30 years. Tried unsuccessfully to quit, many times, and got up to 3 packs a day in a very stressful job. . A workmate who knew I was in distress recommended a retreat/workshop that she said would turn my life around. So I enrolled. On the eve of departing my brain suddenly said to me 'You're going to turn your life around but you can't quit smoking?' I tossed my last pack into the garbage. That was almost 40 years ago.

Drinking: Still doing it more than advisabe. I mostly use it as a reward for task-completion, fatigue or just relief of boredom. Somehow tea, coffee, fruit juice etc don't do it. And at my age, energy level and lack of social interaction 'staying busy' isn't viable. Plus I'm married and we co-enable. Maybe I'll just accept my lack of willpower!
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
I have never fit in.
nickir · 61-69, M
There were 2 memos in the 60s. The 1st said do your own thing. I got that one. The 2nd said as long as it's what we're doing. I missed that one. So I was never socially integrated enough to do what you did with the pizza 🍕.
BarbossasSpouse · 36-40, F
I'm not sure I ever did, actually 🤔
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
I am a woman but never before have I seen girls eating less than normal , not in school or home or in a restaurant.

Don't get me wrong we had plenty of skinny girls in school but they ate more or less as much as the boys.
Cloud7593 · 46-50, F
@Queendragonfly I loved to eat as a teenager. I had a high metabolism so didn't gain weight.
ElRengo · 70-79, M
Rarelly if ever.
I have never been one to follow the crowd. I’ve always had my own mind, and made MY Own decisions.
Cloud7593 · 46-50, F
@NoGamesTolerated Typically I did too but I remember that 1 incident.
Humans are funny
pdockal · 56-60, M
Thank you for best comment :)

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