Can any Europeans stop laughing long enough to comment?“Let's be honest. The European Union was formed in order to screw the United States," Trump said. "That's the purpose of it, and they've done a good job of it.” -- US President Donald Trump
To quote Pogo: "I have seen the enemy, and it is us"Amidst all the rants from the Trump Administration about California's mismanagement of forest lands -- some truth in some criticisms, imho -- leading to the devastating L.A. and other wildfires, often overlooked is the fact that 46% of California's... See More »
A serious question about what Thomas Jefferson might thinkThere is a lot of discussion about what the U.S.'s "Founding Fathers" (no women need apply) would think about the "Trump Revolution 2", largely fueled by the mythological revisionist history of our founding from both ends of the ideological spectrum.... See More »
Great line in last night's Senate Debate in CaliforniaSteve Garvey, the former baseball player, kept bobbing, weaving, and ducking every question. Finally Congresswoman Porter said, "As they say here in Southern California, once a Dodger, always a dodger".
Marketing people may be the biggest criminals of allJust received an official looking notice that states the home warranty insurance that the bank that holds the mortgage on my house "may have" is expiring and time is running out for me to renew the warranty. In the itsy bitsy legalese at the bottom... See More »
The attitude we could use in politics and not just baseballFrom new L.A. Angels manager and self-professed baseball generational lifer: “In the game of baseball, what it is about is adjusting and readjusting,” he said. “As long as you make adjustments and you readjust to things after you’ve made that... See More »
"Modern Monogamy"(Quote) USA Today My wife always maintained we were just roommates, because the witnesses (we had eloped to a JP in Reno) had left for lunch before the JP even showed up. Unfortunately, most people put more effort into keeping roommates than... See More »
Hot Diggity! I am a One PercenterOh crap. It's in age, not financially. [quote99 % of those born between 1930 and 1946 (worldwide) are now dead. If you were born in this time span, you are one of the rare surviving 1% ers of this special group. Their ages range is between 77 and... See More »
For once I could have had a cat video to go viralFor several weeks my cat has been eying the squirrels that attack the bird feeder, waiting for them to come down to ground level, and then charging at them full speed. Squirrel always makes it up the tree trunk just ahead of the cat. Today the cat... See More »
What is the over/under on when MLB will have more announcers in the booth than players on the field?And will they ever have anything meaningful enough to say to obscure the action on the field?
Not sure whether it is nostalgia, age, or the prostrate medsThe latter of which have killed most of my testosterone to the point that few things get a rise out of me anymore. Or perhaps it is plethora of yoga pants and short-shorts that has inured me. Anyway, I was in the supermarket and this woman shopper... See More »
MLB's Draft was must watch TVjust to hear the ever-increasing booing of Commissioner Manfred as he came to the podium that eventually drowned out his announcements and he turned over the duties to one of his lieutenants, former Seattle player Raul Ibanez, who was cheered. Not... See More »
Smartmatics lawyer says the firm is in for the long haul against FoxThe reasons? 1. Smartmatics is used only in one county in the U.S. (Los Angeles), which was never in question; 2. Smartmatics has all the evidence that Dominion uncovered, plus more; 3. Unlike Dominion which is a small Canadian firm with only... See More »
Whose right to "Stand Your Ground" takes precedence?(Quote) --USA Today If someone runs a redlight to ram their car into you, aren't you standing your ground by raising your AR-15?
Is it a generational thing, or am I the only one irritatedby the penchant of "news outlets" to begin quick summaries with the phrase "here's what you need to know". I am the judge of what I want or need to know, not you, particularly when it frequently turns out to be what is "trending" and having no... See More »
Santos is in real trouble nowLatest report is that he used a GoFundMe account to raise $3,000 for a homeless Vet's dog needing surgery, and then absconded with the money. You can get away with doing all sorts of crap to humans, but I bet even the MAGA crowd will send out lynch... See More »
I realize it is very unlikely but I'm surprised no one has mentioned the possibilityThat the Democratic Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries could be elected Speaker of the House? McCarthy is said to be five votes short of a majority. Jeffries is only six votes short of a majority. IF everyone casts a vote. In these partisan times it... See More »
Musk's concept of "free speech absolutism" does not include journalists(Quote)
Serious question for British postersI remember watching some of the campaigning when Tony Blair was re-branding the Labor Party, and then watching some of the PM Questions when he first became PM. He seemed to have broad-based appeal and support. And now, at least from most of the... See More »
Should political parties really dictate primary elections if tax-payers are footing the bill?(Quote) --USA Today I agree that while having Iowa and New Hampshire the first primaries makes it easier for candidates with low budgets to campaign "retail" -- also forcing well-heeled campaigns to get out amongst the voters -- it does tend to... See More »