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Hot Diggity! I am a One Percenter

Oh crap. It's in age, not financially.

[quote99 % of those born between 1930 and 1946 (worldwide) are now dead. If you were born in this time span, you are one of the rare surviving 1% ers of this special group. Their ages range is between 77 and 93 years old, a 16 year age span.][/quote]
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sree251 · 41-45, M
You are one of the 99% ers who are now dead. Your buddies are all gone. In fact, your generation is long gone. You are like the only ginger bread man left in a cookie jar.

How does it feel, mentally?
sree251 · 41-45, M
@dancingtongue So, Marco Polo took the overland Silk Road to China 250 years before the Portuguese sailed to Japan. This explains why westerners have been trying to dominate the world till today. Spreading democracy is a form of colonialism that originated from Christian evangelism. What do you think?

Going forward is going to be very different on account of China's rise to reclaim her former glory as the Middle Kingdom, the center of human civilization. China must find a way to defang the US and neutralize western aggression.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
Spreading democracy is a form of colonialism that originated from Christian evangelism

Religion certainly played a large role in colonial days, whether it was Catholicism's campaign to convert, subject, or eradicate "heathers" worldwide or it was those fleeing religious persecution in Europe such as the Welsh Methodist minister who brought my surname to this continent in 1720. But it was the spice trade who spurred Polo to go to China and Columbus to "discover" the "new world", and the natural resources that sparked the interests of European nations enough to fund the expeditions and colonizations. .And none of those were democracies.

Democracy as the new "religion" driving geopolitics is an interesting concept, and it may be tactical corollary. But imho economics is still the driving force on both sides. The search to dominate markets, and cheap production.
sree251 · 41-45, M
Religion certainly played a large role in colonial days, whether it was Catholicism's campaign to convert, subject, or eradicate "heathers" worldwide or it was those fleeing religious persecution in Europe such as the Welsh Methodist minister who brought my surname to this continent in 1720. But it was the spice trade who spurred Polo to go to China and Columbus to "discover" the "new world", and the natural resources that sparked the interests of European nations enough to fund the expeditions and colonizations. .And none of those were democracies.

Democracy is a belief. It is the modern adaptation of Christianity that replaces God with the intelligence of man (science).
I feel like your age group has seen the most change in the last 80 years than possibly any other age group that has ever existed in modern history. The world went from fully analog to fully digital since you've been alive. Do you think any other period in time has seen such a change in the span of 80 years?
QuietEd2019 · 31-35, M
@GoToTheCompound 1800s saw invention of electricity, steam engines, trains and railways, construction on unprecedented scale, horse drawn carriages become horseless powered first by electric motors then petrol. Also significant leaps towards aviation ( wright brothers had most success in 1903 but there was a flying machine in 1897 that wasn’t a weather balloon
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
Congrats! My dad is 86 and going strong.
In which country?
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
@SW-User Worldwide.
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@dancingtongue] 😆wow hot diggerty that is not an expression i have not heard for a while was on i heard when i was a kid on the bevereley hillbillies by jed clampett i think
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
@smiler2012 Yep. My grandkids used to accuse my wife and I of making up words and expressions.
Convivial · 26-30, F
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
😊Fight my friend !
Grab your sword of lifelong knowledge and battle the demons of aging !

Do not go gentle into that good night !
- Dylan Thomas
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
@Picklebobble2 I'm tryin'. But since I am in the 1930s rather than 40s group, I'm probably more a half-percenter or quarter-percenter.
Nimbus · M
Just don't let the Hells Angels know ;)
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
@Nimbus They might take him as a prospect.
Nimbus · M
@Nitedoc I know all 1%ers have an ageing population but mid 80's is taking it too far ;)
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
@Nimbus Yeah I was kidding, but some of them sure are getting white-headed.
MethDozer · M
Aren't you a little old to be rocking the diamond?

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