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I Am An Mra

News just in;

"Yes avfm ( a voice for men) is strongly opposed to marriage because the institution of marriage is nothing more than slavery for men. The same can be said for.having children. Father a child in this gynocentric feminist culture is about as smart as playing ba<x>seball with a live grenade. Marriage is worse. Most MRAs who aren't already married vow to never do so. This is why MRAs and MGTOWs are so close. We share that same philosophy."

This kind of puerile crap is exactly why the MRA is a hate group. It attacks fathers and marriage. What exactly does it stand for in a positive way, I wonder?
JB wrote: "Ladyblu, who's husband is a divorce attorney, says that this can't happen and because I say it can and does she says I don't know what Im talking about."
my response: Oh brother . . . here we go again with the BS. My husband isn't a divorce attorney, and he has never said this can't happen. If you open your mind and pay attention to what I have written you would know this JB since I have written about it in the past (I think you know it, but just lie to try to make us look bad – FAIL!).
Once again you are showing yourself to be a liar because I have written numerous posts (some in response to you) indicating that my husband's law firm is a corporate law firm, and not a divorce law firm. He and his associates engage in corporate law for income, and not divorce law. However, he, and he alone and not his associates, sometimes represents men and woman who have been treated unjustly in divorce (and other legal) proceedings. I have written this several times, but here we go again.
And just so you know, I was treated extremely unfairly by my ex husband when I filed for divorce because he was treating me horribly. Before I had left him I worked night and day like a slave for him to do what he constantly demanded that I do. He was extremely emotionally abusive. When I eventually left him and filed for divorce because I couldn't take it anymore (I had told him he needed to stop abusing me or I would do this, but he didn't care) he fought me and told me that he would never pay me a dime, and would fight me “tooth and nail” for eternity if I tried to get any money, or any of our assets from him. I just wanted out so I gave up my right to seek any of our assets, any alimony, any child support, or anything else. All I got was my old car, some of my clothes (he refused to give me all of my clothes), and a few other things that were mine, and that he would never want to keep. He did not request any custody of our two children, but I agreed to give him joint custody. The majority of the time he would come up with excuses to avoid spending the time he was given with our children. He seemed to want little to do with them. Me and my kids left our huge house that my husband kept and lived in a tiny apartment. I worked at three jobs at one point to support us. I would often work 16 to 20 hours a day, and would spend the remaining hours with my kids. I was exhausted all the time, but wanted my children to be able to spend time with their mommy so often I wouldn't sleep more than an hour or less before going back to work. It was horrible, but emotionally better than my life had been with my ex. My ex didn't give a damn about our struggles and our impoverished life. He just kept demanding that if I wanted a better life I needed to come back to him and abide by his demands. Eventually things improved and I married my current husband. He wanted me to marry him as soon as my divorce was final, but as I mentioned below I needed time. He offered to help support me and my kids before we married, but until I moved in with him I refused to have him do so.
Maybe I should have made a YouTube video about how unfairly and unjustly my ex treated me, and then made YouTube videos showing all the women I have known who have been abused and treated unfairly by their husband's too, and taken to the cleaners in their divorces. Nope, I have a good life and it isn't something I would want to cling to and put out for everyone to see like that guy constantly does.
As I stated above, my husband is a corporate attorney. He sometimes chooses to represent people (both men and women) on an appeal because they have been treated extremely unjustly and unfairly in their original case. The majority of the time he does it for free (pro bono). He has represented men who have been treated unjustly and unfairly in divorce proceedings so there is absolutely no reason why he would EVER say it can't happen, and he NEVER has. I have never said it can't happen either. It just isn't as common as JB and many other anti-feminist MRAs constantly claim it is.
In addition, what someone posts on a YouTube video isn't always completely true, and is sometimes one sided and exaggerated. The fact that Vonderheide only posts a few snippet's of his interview with Alvin Esh's current attorney (not his old one who probably screwed things up for him), and then Vonderheide puts his own written comment's about what is happening on the video, tells me that far more is probably going on to cause things to end up the way that they have that he refuses to mention, and we will never know about, because it may explain more thoroughly what is happening and make it seem less unfair.
Now here are the answers to your questions JB. My husband won't lose any income whatsoever since, as I mentioned above, he isn't a divorce lawyer, he usually represents the men he has appealed cases for for free, so he would probably gain income if they stopped needing his help and he stopped giving it to them. Now do you want me to post links to cases where women have been abused, and completely screwed over by their ex husbands in divorce cases like I was, and/or taunted and harassed by them. Here are some interesting and educational links for you:
Almost all of these links are objective and were not written by men who are angry because they felt they were not treated fairly by the divorce courts, and as a result focused all of their future time and attention on that. As stated in one of the links, women are often able to move on emotionally (I did) while men often cling to their negative emotional feelings longer.
It is a well known fact that women are usually the ones who end up worse off financially following divorce, and not men. But the women that this happens to (like me in the past) very rarely openly whine, moan, complain, post YouTube videos, and tell the world about their unjust and abusive treatment. Instead they move on and make it work.
They are envious and jealous of people with happy, successful, fulfilling lives and marriages so they try to criticize and ridicule them in an attempt to convince themselves that they are actually better off and more superior so they will stop feeling jealous and envious. It's a vicious circle.
that article is a good read!
Really? You know a lot of MRAs personally or are you just projecting?
Ladyblue. You are smarter than you pretend to be.
Joe biden said it is never ok to hit a woman. He didn't say "its never ok to hit a woman except in self defense."
See the difference.
Joe is the VP. He was physically abused by his sisters yet he leaves the "except in self defence" part out. He is smart enough to not make a mistake like that so it must be intentional.
We know that DV is 50/50. By creating a PSA that is directed solely at men that tells them to never hit a woman (even in self defence) he is saying the following:
Women aren't equal to men. Women deserve special protection from violence even when they are the aggressor. This is misogyny because it reinforces the idea that women are week and shouldn't be held accountable for their actions. It is also misandry because of the same double standard. He is saying that if a woman attacks a man he should just take it. It is also misandry because he is pretending that male victims of DV don't exist.
By this PSA he has proven that he doesn't see men and women as equals.

He is an idiot because he knows that women can be just as violent as men because he experienced it himself.

He is the textbook definition of a mangina.
We have already made marital rape illegal. Now we should remove a mans legal obligation to protect and provide for women.
I never said marital rape wasn't rape. I simply explained why those old laws were there.
I never said those laws were right or ok. Please learn to read.
I have already my views on rapists and rape victims in one of my YouTube videos.
Plus you and I have had extensive private conversations about this. You know my views. You know that I don't blame the victim.
Oh geeze, here JB goes repeating his lies and bullshit AGAIN after I have already addressed them. He has obviously ignored what I wrote or just wants to get a chubby by seeing me point out how wrong he is again, or he thinks that by just writing his nonsense over and over at the top of the story people won't recognize that I pointed out how wrong he is when I already addressed it when he wrote it down below. He is so annoying.

JB wrote: (I have) “said that a person cannot be an MRA and be a humanitarian. Yet she offers no evidence of any kind, let alone credible, that this is true.”

my response: I will repeat what I wrote in response to this lie AGAIN. I NEVER said that a person cannot be a MRA and a humanitarian. I already pointed out that saint wrote this and not me. Please stop lying about what I write JB. I also wrote below that I know that some MRA's are good people, and not just feminist-haters, who actually like women and don't have issues with them, and actually engage in activities to help men who are being treated wrongfully and/or unfairly.

He also wrote: "She also demands that I provide evidence that a person cannot be a feminist and a humanitarian and placed restrictions on what sources I can use as evidence.

my response: And I will write it again . . . provide actual factual PROOF that feminists are not humanitarians who promote equality, instead of just providing your twisted opinions and beliefs, or those of other feminist hater/MRAs. Asking that you do not just provide opinions or beliefs, and instead provide actual factual evidence, is not placing restrictions on what sources you can provide as evidence, as you have falsely accused me of. Everyone who has even the smallest degree of intelligence knows full well that when someone writes blogs, articles, and posts that contain their opinions and beliefs that is NOT considered factual evidence or proof of anything. That is why, for instance, in newspapers and other sources of information, articles and stories are considered to contain factual information while editorials are known to contain opinions. He is probably getting a chubby by writing this nonsense that he knows I will spend time and energy pointing out is nonsense, and that is why he keeps doing this crap.

He wrote (with absolutely no proof whatsoever that it is true)” "a feminist (a group of people that has a proven track record of pushing for policies and legislation that removes rights from one group of people based solely on their reproductive organs). As you can see the two contradict each other. You can't be both."

my response: I have continued to ask you to provide actual factual proof (not MRA/feminist-hater blogs or posts that contain opinions and incorrect assumptions) that prove that feminists have pushed for policies and legislation that removes equal rights from men. You have continuously failed to do so. Feminists have continuously fought for equality, and not for the removal of any “equal” rights from men. If you consider men making more money than women who are doing the same job for the same company to be a "male right"; or the ability to force a woman to have a child when she has been impregnated by a man, but doesn't want to have the child, a "male right"; or men's ability to sexually harass women in the work place a "male right"; or an employer continuously promoting men while ignoring women who are doing a better job and have worked for the company longer a "male right"; or a rapist's ability not to be prosecuted for raping a woman a "male right"; or only men, and not women, being able to vote a “male right”; or only men, and not women, being able to own a business a “male right”; or husband's, but not wives, being able to own their property a “male right”; or only males, but not married females being able to be heirs a “male right”; or only men being able to have certain jobs a “male right”; or only males, but not females, being able to attend higher educational colleges a “male right”; or men being able to beat their wives without being prosecuted a “male right”; or women not being able to take birth control a “male right”; and similar types of male preference and female inequality that feminists have fought to correct, then you are absolutely right because feminists have fought for women, and not men, in those types of situations. However, if you consider those things to be rights that men should still be entitled to then you, and anyone else who thinks the same way, obviously does not believe in equality and clearly is not a humanitarian.

he wrote AGAIN: "Lets take a look at VAWA. Ladyblu has said that VAWA is gender neutral. But it isn't. Here is the proof.”

And here is my response AGAIN: I am also surprised that people like JB think that blogs and posts that his fellow biased, feminist hating, MRAs write are actual proof of certain things. They aren't. They are often just their twisted, biased, delusional opinions and beliefs of laws and other things that they obviously don't fully understand, and obviously want to believe that they mean something that they don't (as I pointed out above most people know that opinions and beliefs are not actual factual evidentiary proof of anything). He is trying to claim that the link to the blog he posted below, and posted above again, is proof that VAWA isn't gender neutral when it is obvious that the person who wrote the post on that blog obviously doesn't fully understand the changes that have been made to VAWA over the years that have resulted in it being gender neutral. Our government officials have repeatedly pointed out that VAWA IS GENDER NEUTRAL!!!!, and anyone who is intelligent and knows how to decipher laws and legislation knows full well that this is true.

Here is the link to my story where I addressed this issue:
Even Elam recanted his post on AVfM where he incorrectly claimed that VAWA benefits women and not men.
JB wrote: Ladyblu.
Can you back up any of your assertions?
Can you take the parts of Vawa that she discussed in her blog post and prove that she is wrong.

my response: I absolutely can, and will do so now, and hopefully you will understand it (although I doubt it, since you have continuously shown that you don't) .

The Honey Badger who wrote the Breaking the Glasses blog post that JB quoted is completely wrong in her claim that VAWA isn't gender neutral. She quoted sections from the Act as it was written in 1994 without providing the amendments that were created, and have been applied, to ensure that the Act is now gender neutral, and that everything that previously applied only to women, now applies to everyone including men. This is set forth in the very first section of the 2013 revision (which the Honey Badger left out). It states:


`(A) NONDISCRIMINATION- No person in the United States shall, on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity (as defined in paragraph 249(c)(4) of title 18, United States Code), sexual orientation, or disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity funded in whole or in part with funds made available under the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (title IV of Public Law 103-322; 108 Stat. 1902), the Violence Against Women Act of 2000 (division B of Public Law 106-386; 114 Stat. 1491), the Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005 (title IX of Public Law 109-162; 119 Stat. 3080), the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013, and any other program or activity funded in whole or in part with funds appropriated for grants, cooperative agreements, and other assistance administered by the Office on Violence Against Women.

`(B) EXCEPTION- If sex segregation or sex-specific programming is necessary to the essential operation of a program, nothing in this paragraph shall prevent any such program or activity from consideration of an individual's sex. In such circumstances, grantees may meet the requirements of this paragraph by providing comparable services to individuals who cannot be provided with the sex-segregated or sex-specific programming.

`(C) DISCRIMINATION- The authority of the Attorney General and the Office of Justice Programs to enforce this paragraph shall be the same as it is under section 3789d of title 42, United States Code.

`(D) CONSTRUCTION- Nothing contained in this paragraph shall be construed, interpreted, or applied to supplant, displace, preempt, or otherwise diminish the responsibilities and liabilities under other State or Federal civil rights law, whether statutory or common.

`(14) CLARIFICATION OF VICTIM SERVICES AND LEGAL ASSISTANCE- Victim services and legal assistance under this title also include services and assistance to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking who are also victims of severe forms of trafficking in persons as defined by section 103 of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (22 U.S.C. 7102)."

Essentially what this is stating, which some people obviously don't understand, or don't want to understand (JB and the Honey Badger), is that all sections of the VAWA act (like 40291, 40121, 20102, 20103, and 30208 part 5. which the Breaking the Glasses Honey Badger posted, and any others she quoted which were taken word for word by her from the 1994 Act) no longer apply only to women, and not men or anyone else any longer. It indicates that even if a particular section specifies that it only relates to women, it NO LONGER DOES. Do you get it now JB?

JB goes on to write: "Anyone who admits to being physically abused by his sisters then creates a PSA telling men that it is never ok to hit a woman is not only a misogynist and misandrist but is also a raving idiot."

my response: How so? Please explain why you believe that a man who was physically abused his sister but now thinks that it is never OK to hit women is a misandrist, a misogynist, and a raving idiot? Should he be encouraging men to hit women instead?

Males who were abused by their sisters and maintained hatred, anger and loathing toward women as a result (which is misogyny), and who as a result promote, and think it is perfectly fine to hit women are viewed by most fair minded people with a brain as hypocritical, misogynistic, raving, idiots who don't seen to know the difference between right and wrong, and feel that two wrongs somehow make a right.

Men who experienced physical abuse by their sisters but are able to move on and let go of their anger and hostility, and be a more intelligent, caring, and non-hypcritical person as a result, and who doesn't promote men doing to women the equivalent of what was done to them are viewed as good, fair minded people. They recognize that two wrongs don't make a right and they certainly aren't misogynists as a result, or misandrists simply because they don't think people should do to the opposite sex what was done to them.
JB wrote: "Ladyblu. Prove to me that the blogpost about Vawa was wrong. Take the parts of Vawa she was talking about and show us all that she was wrong.

PROVE IT!!!!!"

my response: And now I have showing that, once again, people who buy into the feminist-hater/MRA bullshit without doing any research to find out if what they are alleging about something is actually true, will often end up looking like a gullible idiot when someone they have challenged to do so proves they are wrong.

Government officials aren't going to say that an act is gender neutral when anyone with half a brain could prove that it isn't (so I guess that honey badger actually broke her glasses and as a result was unable to read the act, or she has less than half a brain and couldn't understand it, or she's trying to convince people who are idiots and don't research things that something says something that it doesn't).
Here is another link to the SAVE (what some consider pro-MRA/anti-feminist) website that provides an additional explanation of how VAWA has been made gender neutral.
JB posted more foolish nonsense below that shows that he doesn't really know how things work most of the time in relation to divorce and alimony. In most states a woman can't empty the couples bank account and file for divorce without being expected to return half of the money she took out of the account in one way or another. Virtually everything that the couple owns jointly will be split 50/50 unless they mutually agree to do things in other ways. This is because the majority of the time each spouse is considered to be contributing equally to the marriage in one way or another. Both people may be working at a job and contributing financially, and also contributing emotionally, physically, sexually, and in many other ways equally.

Often when only the husband works and is the "bread winner", the wife will be picking up the slack and doing almost all of the housework, shopping, cooking, caring for the children, etc. It is also the case if only the wife works and is the "bread winner" and the husband takes care of other things so they both contribute equally. Any man who thinks that making money is the only thing that contributes to the livelihood of a marriage is an ass. Also, in most states a spouse will not get alimony for the rest of their life unless they have no working skills, and are too old to get any before they can start a career and start supporting themselves as a result. Even if this is the case, if they remarry their alimony will stop.

In most cases if one of the spouses is not too old to get a job, but has no career skills, has not been working, and is a stay-at-home mom/dad at the request, and/or with the appreciation and acceptance of the working spouse, if they divorce the spouse who has not been working will be expected to get job training and then begin working and supporting themselves. The working spouse will pay for the job training and the non-working spouse will receive alimony while they are getting their job training and then looking for a job, but once they get a job their alimony will usually end. This is the norm in almost every state. This is also the case if the spouse has been working, but only part-time or at a lower paying job than the other spouse. They will receive alimony until they begin working full-time and are able to support themselves as a result, or if they work at a job where even if they work full-time they still will not be making enough to support themselves they will get alimony until they get the training needed to get a job where they can support themselves, and then actually get the job that enables them to do so. This is often the case if, for instance, one spouse works at a fast food restaurant like McDonalds while the other spouse works at a job where they earn more pay. The courts in almost every state rarely ever let a young wife, who is capable of somehow getting a job and supporting herself, collect alimony from her husband for the rest of her life if they get a divorce. Any MRA who thinks that is common is showing, once again, that he doesn't know much about reality.

I find it very interesting that JB has indicated that his wife is now working full-time. When I first encountered him here on EP he stated that his wife was not working, and did not want to, because she didn't like working with women and every job she could ever have would require her to have female co-workers. If she is working full-time now it must be either because she got bored not working and really didn't have a problem working with women (JB was lying again), or because she found a job where only men are her co-workers (very unlikely), or JB ended up working less and being on the internet instead so he wasn't making enough money to support his family and his wife had to go to work to pick up the slack. Those are the only reasons I can think of as to why she would be working full-time now ba<x>sed on what he wrote about her in the past.
JB wrote: "Should an adult have responsibility for another adult that is their equal after divorce? If so, why?"

my response: Because sometimes one adult insists or promotes the other adult not to work and just to do almost all of other chores that must be done in their relationship so that the adult that is working can focus primarily on their job and not be responsible for taking care of all the other things that need to be done. So when they divorce, the adult who hasn't been working won't have any job, any job training, or the ability to immediately get a job and support themselves. As a result they would end up becoming homeless and living on the street when the other adult stops supporting them. Do you get it now?

Some people still have traditional marriages where one spouse works at a job, and the other spouse does housework, etc. Some religions insist on this, and some people also choose to do it and have what is referred to as DD marriages where one spouse is the dominant boss, and the other is the submissive slave. Often the sub does not work and just takes care of all the work the dom tells them to take care of. As a result these people would also be unable to immediately find work if they got divorced and would also likely end up being homeless. Spousal support is necessary under these circumstances and it is the fair and just, and appropriate thing for them to do.
You're right in some respects, but women who have been in a traditional marriage and are getting divorced often have access to information and counseling to advise them on what kinds of jobs they may want to have to be able to support themselves, and what kind of job training they can get to do so. As I mentioned above, if the woman is able to work, even though she has been in a traditional marriage and has not been working, most courts will require that she obtain job training and begin working at some point. Most courts will not allow a woman who is capable of working to get alimony for the rest of her life. They will allow her to get alimony, and the funding for job training, but once she has completed the training and gets a job the alimony will usually stop. If she has children she will continue to get child support, but often it will be reduced once she starts working because at that point she will be able to provide some financial support for the children too.

Feminism has actually benefited men in this way. Before feminism existed the majority of women were not able to have the kinds of higher paying employment that most men had that would allow them to support themselves. As a result when women divorced they often received alimony from their husband for their entire life because there was no way they could support themselves. Thanks to feminism women became more educated, had access to far more job training, and higher paying jobs that would enable them to support themselves. As a result most men no longer have to pay their ex wives alimony for her entire life, and pay to completely support their children. They can thank feminism for this, but of course the MRAs never will.
JB wrote: "I challenge anyone reading this to find and piece of feminist legislation or policy and/or any feminist ideas form 2nd or 3rd wave feminism that doesn't have its roots in the the redstockings manifesto. The redstockings manifesto is the blueprint of all that feminism is. If you don't believe what it says then you are not a feminist. Period. . . American feminism can be traced directly to the redstockings manifesto. "

my response: And here he goes with this nonsense again that he wrote on hikingguy's story. Feminism came to be long before the redstockings manifesto ever existed so assuming feminism can be traced back to it makes absolutely no sense at all since feminism existed long before the redstockings manifesto ever did. Also, I challenge you JB to find any piece of "feminist legislation", and if you do, provide it, and all feminist policies, and feminist ideas from 2nd or 3rd wave feminism that have their roots in the the redstockings manifesto, and provide proof as to why you feel they do. I am a feminist, my sister is a feminist, my mother is a feminist, my aunts are feminists, my grandmother is a feminist, my friends are feminists, my husband is a feminist, my father is a feminist, my grandfather is a feminist, my uncles are feminists . . . and none of us had ever heard of the redstockings manifesto until YOU brought it up, and we don't agree with much of what it says. The same was written by many of the feminists here on EP. Most of them had never heard of it either and don't agree with much of what it says. Redstockings has always been considered a radical feminist group, and contrary to what you and many feminist/female-hater MRAs claim, most feminists are not radical feminists. Feminism is a movement. The feminist movement consists of many different groups, and many of them differ from each other in many ways. Anyone who thinks that one particular group is the sole basis of the entire movement and that any member of the movement who doesn't belong to the group or agree with its ideology isn't a member of the movement, is VERY wrong. That isn't how things work.

People like JB who obviously hate a certain movement and try to claim that people who belong to that movement must agree with certain things that one particular group in the movement expresses, and must think certain ways, abide by certain beliefs, and act certain ways or they aren't part of the movement come off as pompous, arrogant, self-righteous, judgmental, closed-minded, know-it-all, fools. Doing that kind of thing is like me saying that all MRAs must agree with, think like, abide by the beliefs of, and act like the members of the "Good Men Project" (who I feel has the most equal minded, non-hateful, positive, activist members of any MRA group) or they aren't MRAs. Period . . . However, I would never say that because I am not a pompous, arrogant, self-righteous, judgmental, closed-minded, know-it-all, fool who feels that I have the right to dictate how people must think and act in order for them to be a member of a particular organization, movement, or group.
I tend to live in the moment and not in the past. Unfortunately many MRAs seem to cling to the past. They wish things were the way they were back in the 50s yet they bitch about having to support women and children. Psychologists are starting to analyze them and many consider that they have what is referred to as "Failure to Launch Syndrome".
He probably gets a chubby from reading the REDSTOCKING MANIFESTO

I never heard of the red/s thing till about a year ago .. my guess is, its an out dated archaic info that most don't refer to in modern day bill gates society.

jaki ass boy reminds me of one half of our congress, who uses out dated reasoning to keep women repressed!

DONT they know If mamas not happy, no one will be happy!!
Things were very different when that rs manifesto was written. Women were far more downtrodden and women's liberation was just starting to move forward. Clinging to that outdated, unimportant r/s manifesto today would be like people going back and clinging to FDR's "New Deal" when our country started experienced its recent economic recession.
JB wrote: "By creating a PSA that is directed solely at men that tells them to never hit a woman (even in self defence) he is saying the following:Women aren't equal to men. Women deserve special protection from violence even when they are the aggressor. This is misogyny because it reinforces the idea that women are week and shouldn't be held accountable for their actions."

my response to this dumb comment: This is not misogyny it is reality. Most women aren't equal to men in terms of their physical strength. Most women are weaker. Do some research. The fact that you and your wife are equally as strong as one another, or she is stronger than you is not the norm. The fact that you are a weakling and your wife is a hulk doesn't mean that is the case with everyone or the majority.

I will write again what I have written before, and maybe this time you will understand it and stop making such dumb comments. It is well known that because most men are physically stronger than women, and are built in a way that makes them better than women when it comes to boxing, fisticuffs, cage fighting, and other things involving physical strength and altercations, it is understood that when a man hits a woman there is a far greater chance that the woman will sustain a far more serious injury than a man will when he is hit by a woman. As a result men are instructed not to hit women, and if they get into a physical altercation with a woman who is attempting to strike them, to defend themselves the men should try to hold the women's arms, hands, legs or whatever, and do whatever they can to restrain her from striking them instead of just punching her, choking her, etc. and as a result seriously injuring her in some way, and/or causing her to become unconscious, which most men can do much more easily than women can.

Self-defense does not involve punching, choking, kicking, etc. someone and trying to seriously injure or kill them unless that is absolutely the only way to stop them from seriously injuring or killing you. Self-defense involves doing whatever you can to stop the physical altercation from occurring/continuing in the mildest and least serious, and least physically damaging way.

As I have mentioned before, if someone does something far more extreme to someone who is attempting to hit them or who has hit them, but has stopped, they will be arrested for assault. If they try to claim that the serious injury they caused was merely done out of self-defense, but they do not have any obvious somewhat severe injuries themselves, often it will not be considered to be true, and as a result they will be arrested and charged with assault, and won't be acquitted ba<x>sed on self-defense if they are prosecuted. This is true for both men and women, but it happens far more often with men because of what I explained above.

JB wrote: "Did you know that when a woman gets someone else to kill her husband it isn't counted as DV in the statistics."

my response: Did you know that the same is true with men? If a man gets someone else to kill his wife it isn't counted as DV in the statistics. For both men and women it is just considered first degree murder.
He should also recognize that it is misogyny to refer to a man as a "mangina" because it implies that having a vagina is far worse than having a penis, and having a vagina (aka being a woman) is much more awful than being a man because women are viewed on a lower level. Its also misogynistic to call people pussy's and cunts for the same reason as stated above. Your your trying to insult them by claiming they are the equivalent of the sex organs that women have. Its equally as bad to call people dicks or pricks, but I have never heard a woman refer to a woman who loves and admires men a womanenis. That would be just as silly as calling men who love and admire women manginas.
Particularly a name that implies that having a vagina always make you a lower level person than someone who has a penis.
Mikemcneil · 61-69, M
Exactly the point I tried to make. By calling a male feminist a "mangina" the insult is meant to show that people with vaginas are lesser humans than males. It's very specific, and can only be taken to mean being female is a bad thing.
<p>this post by ladyblue is worthy of re reposting..>And here's some more showing that women can be treated just as unfairly and unjustly as men by divorce courts, and often end up much poorer than men in the end:</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>In addition, now a days many wealthy people insist on having prenuptial agreements before getting married. If men are so afraid that they will be taken to the cleaners if they marry a woman that they love, but they end up getting divorced later on, why not just have her consent to a prenuptial agreement that will ensure that won't be the case instead of refusing to marry and just stay single which often won't lead to a happy, fulfilling, life. If people don't remain single and are in a relationship, but choose not to marry, and to instead just be emotionally committed, they will not get all of the benefits that come with being married such as having to pay less in taxes; getting better and less expensive health insurance; inheriting if their partner dies; having their children not be viewed as illegitimate and suffer the consequences; being able to do certain things with, and for, their partner and children that laws only allow spouses to do; and more. Instead of doing a marriage strike these guys should just do create prenuptial agreements and have the woman they love consent to it and sign it before they get married. They can actually create a prenuptial agreement themselves for free. Then they will feel more confident and secure knowing that if the marriage falls apart their wife won't take them to the cleaners (which now a days is much less likely to be able to occur anyway).</p>
I think sometimes when women have been abused, cheated on, and screwed over by their husband they will try to take him to the cleaners financially when divorce occurs. Its called revenge and sadly its one of the ways a woman scorned feels she can get her revenge and make the man she loves pay for breaking her heart.

The men that this happens to often refuse to accept that they brought it on themselves and instead they will just whine and complain about how their wife has screwed them. They blame it on feminism and often claim that its something almost all women do when that absolutely isn't true. They refuse to accept that their own behavior is what caused it to occur.

A lot of women just let go, move on, and learn from their mistakes. They don't cling to the notion that most men are bad and conniving like the men who've been taken to the cleaners often do about women. The women who let go, move on, and learn from their mistakes recognize that they just fell for a bad man, but most men are not like him, and they just need to learn to recognize and avoid the kind of men who do that kind of thing.
I recall your mentioning this. I have also known plenty of men who have managed to get primary, or at least joint custody. Its sad to say, but often the men who fight for primary custody do so to avoid paying child support, and not because they want to care for, and raise their children, and think they can do it better than their ex wife can.
yep that is why he fought for custody ! he had the oldest child who was a teenager at the time, to care for the younger siblings! as he was out working and playing the single mans game!!
Men and women (or LGBTs) being together is like the yin and the yang uniting. When we are not in a relationship we are usually not complete or balanced.
But before people get married they need to wait for their true soul mate to appear instead of just marrying someone they think they are in love with and can be committed to because they feel temporary passion and infatuation for them. When you find your true soul mate you will be comfortable with them and your life will be easy. Marriage won't be hard work and a chore, and you will want to please them and make them happy, and they will want to do the same for you (its not blowing smoke up someone's ass. Its reality).

With a true soul mate life will never be hell if you fail to go out of your way to do or say things to please your spouse and make their life happy and comfortable. It will come very naturally. A happy wife does mean a happy life, just as much as a happy husband means a happy life. If either spouse is unhappy their life together is not going to be joyful and happy. If my husband is unhappy, sad, upset, frustrated, etc. because of something that happened at work or in our lives (like one of our pets dying, an unforeseeable problem with our house or cars that unexpectedly ends up costing us a lot of money, or things of that nature it can cause one of us, or both of us, to be unhappy, sad, frustrated, etc., and life won't be wonderful for either one of us during that period of time. When that kind of thing happens we will do all we can to make the one we love feel less bad and bring joy and contentment back into our lives. We won't just ignore them and expect them to care for themselves. That's selfish. Its not hard work or a chore either. It is something we enjoy doing, and as I mentioned above, it comes naturally. Good people like to help other people who are having difficulties or are unhappy for some reason. Selfish, self-centered people often don't give a shit about other people, and don't want to put any energy into helping their spouse in any way they possibly can (including saying and doing what they want to help fix things and make them better for them). They just focus all their time and attention primarily on themselves. I feel sorry for women and men who are married to that kind of person.
People also need to be honest about themselves with their potential spouse. If my ex husband had done so I never would have married him. He hid his true self as long as he could, but eventually it had to come out. That is when our marriage started too unravel.
I am glad you appreciate your wife JB. I just hope she feels the same way about you.
I don't see fewer and fewer men marrying. Some of them fall for the negative nonsense that MRAs constantly spew out. Then when they are old and alone they will probably regret buying into the bullshit and thinking they would have a happier and more fulfilling life if they never got married.
I don't see people who don't feel the need to say and do things to help make their spouse happy as truly being united with, and connected to, their spouse. That doesn't sound like a good marriage to me. It sounds like they care more about themselves than anyone else. That is selfishness.
I also think that someone who rarely feels the need to, or wants to, say or do things to make their spouse happy and content is not only controlling in their relationship, but as I mentioned previously, is also rather selfish and uncaring. I think that kind of relationship would get pretty boring and monotonous. Many of the people that I knew in those kinds of relationships ended up cheating or getting divorced because they got tired of being in a boring, monotonous, detached kind of marriage. Its sad. They said they wanted to experience exciting, passionate, exuberant love again. They felt they were more like just friends or roommates in their old, tired, worn out, marriage.
And here's some more showing that women can be treated just as unfairly and unjustly as men by divorce courts, and often end up much poorer than men in the end:

In addition, now a days many wealthy people insist on having prenuptial agreements before getting married. If men are so afraid that they will be taken to the cleaners if they marry a woman that they love, but they end up getting divorced later on, why not just have her consent to a prenuptial agreement that will ensure that won't be the case instead of refusing to marry and just stay single which often won't lead to a happy, fulfilling, life. If people don't remain single and are in a relationship, but choose not to marry, and to instead just be emotionally committed, they will not get all of the benefits that come with being married such as having to pay less in taxes; getting better and less expensive health insurance; inheriting if their partner dies; having their children not be viewed as illegitimate and suffer the consequences; being able to do certain things with, and for, their partner and children that laws only allow spouses to do; and more. Instead of doing a marriage strike these guys should just do create prenuptial agreements and have the woman they love consent to it and sign it before they get married. They can actually create a prenuptial agreement themselves for free. Then they will feel more confident and secure knowing that if the marriage falls apart their wife won't take them to the cleaners (which now a days is much less likely to be able to occur anyway).
The prenuptial is the agreement people make up and sign before marriage, and the postnuptial is the agreement people make up and sign after marriage. These agreements often contain terms that spell things out and can protect both the husband and the wife. They make it clear how the things that people might be concerned about if divorce occurs are going to go so people who are fearful or skeptical before getting married will feel more relaxed and confident. I can't help but think that when someone is fearful, mistrusting, and skeptical when they are getting married it causes a negative vibration which results in the things that they are so afraid of eventually actually happening. People often create their own reality.
Yep 😃
So-called post-nuptial agreements are worth slightly less than a bucket of warm spit. In every US jurisdiction, the law spells out the basic rights and responsibilities of custodial and non-custodial parents. Even a lay person knows that a contract can't modify the application of law. Similarly, the division of assets will follow state law. Period. Only where such agreements do not conflict with the law do they have any merit, and that can be litigated ad nauseum. If you find yourself in a situation where you think you need a post-nuptial agreement, you are in a world of hurt! I know of a case where the attorneys for both parties actually refunded half of their fees for drawing up the agreement because they felt that the couple was disillusioned about the actual effectiveness of the agreement with respect to their goal of splitting liabilities, property division in the event of divorce, etc. Fact is, the law is the law.
JB wrote: "Telling your wife "my life begun when I met you" is just bullshit."

my response: First of all my husband says "my life 'began' when I met you, and not "my life 'begun' when I met you", because saying the later is an example of improper grammar, and my husband definitely never engages in improper grammar.

Second of all, it might be bullshit for you, but it isn't for my husband. Claiming that you know how all other people think and feel is ridiculous, and extremely arrogant, pompous, and self-righteous. My husband has told me many times that before we met he felt that his life was somewhat boring, dull, vapid, and humdrum even though he did what many people would consider to be outrageous and exciting things. He said he almost felt like he was detached and unfeeling.

He says that when we met it was as if he finally became alive. He says he started seeing things in a brighter and more noticeable way, and his life became more exuberant and exciting. His friends have told me that they noticed this. They said before we met he was almost zombie like much of the time. He just didn't seem to really feel anything or have any emotions. They said after we met that changed and he became very enthusiastic and began showing emotions (most of which were joyful and happy).

Things were similar with me. My life before I met him was extremely unhappy and difficult. I felt like I was emotionally shutting down and becoming introverted. When we met I felt like I was coming back to life. Like him I was starting to open up more, and was feeling emotions, excitement and happiness again. We have had extremely happy, joyous, blissful, exciting, and successful lives since we met. We are deeply in love and enjoy making each other happy, satisfied, and content. My husband is an extremely romantic, loving, caring man. He says very romantic, imaginative, creative and loving things to me often, and I do the same with him (far more than just "I love you" and "I appreciate you"). We do things for each other all the time, and it makes both of us feel good doing so.

And just so you know JB . . . I don't know of a single feminist who has ever said, or feels "happy wife, happy life". The first time I ever heard that was on that silly show "Real Housewives of New Jersey", and the woman who said it isn't a feminist. She is more of a traditional wife, and obviously is lacking intelligence in many ways ba<x>sed on how she acts, and the goofy, incorrect things she often says.
Just because one person (Dr. Helen Smith) who is an anti-feminist, libertarian, MRA, Tennessee, psychologist writes a book claiming that men are engaging in marriage strike and becoming MGTOWs, doesn't mean that that is what the majority of men are doing. I have never indicated that some men don't do this, because its obvious that some foolish men do. I have just stated that I don't see fewer and fewer men marrying, because that is reality.
I agree with everything you have written saint, and you brought up some very good points about finding someone who you would want to marry. I actually was not wanting to get married again after I divorced my ex. My current husband was the one who kept pushing for it. I waited quite a while to make sure he was the kind of person he initially showed to me he was (my trust was guarded because of my previous marriage), and to make sure the feelings we had for each other and our compatible views on life were consistent and weren't just a fling. I wanted a partner for life. Fortunately that is exactly what I got. We have remained best friends, lovers, confidants, caregivers, and everything else that makes a marriage wonderful and passionate, for years now, and we're still going strong. I hope you find the love of your life too.

My husband jokingly says "happy husband and wife, happy family's life". I totally agree with him - LOL.
someone wrote: Absolutely NOT TRUE. where did you get that myth. In Texas, the second or third most populous state, it is normal for the courts to make the husband pay attorney fees and court costs for both sides. California is the same."

my response: NOT TRUE. The court's don't make the "husbands" pay attorney fees and court costs. And I should know since my husband is an attorney here in California. It has absolutely nothing with gender and/or whether it is the husband or the wife. It is all about who is making the most money. The person who is making the most money will often be required to pay the attorney fees and court costs regardless of whether they are a man or a woman, or a husband or a wife. The only reason that it seems that they make the husbands pay is because the husbands are usually the ones who make the most money. Particularly when the divorce is contentious (which it usually is when the husband who is making far more money than his wife wants to do whatever he can to avoid paying any child or spousal support). Also, the spouse who earns the most income may initially be required to pay the court costs and attorneys fees, but once the divorce becomes finalized and the assets are distributed to the spouses, half of the court costs and attorney fees that the one spouse who earns the most was initially ordered to pay will be deducted from the assets the other spouse is getting to be fair.

Its looks like he has run away because he now recognizes that someone is here who knows he is writing bullshit and is going to call him out on it and point out why what he has written is not true.
blue lady exactly
What dante (ambi) knows but isn't telling is that most fathers can't afford to "ask" for custody.
Lets look the fact that a parent should has to ask to be a part of their child's life. I wonder if feminists would feel the same indifference if society started giving the children to fathers instead of the mothers and the mothers had to "ask" to see their kids. Oh. Wait. We did that in the past and the feminists got really upset about it but instead of asking for equal parenting they implemented the tender years doctrine.

The act of "asking" to be a part of the child's llife cost 10s of thousands of dollars. Most men who have.just lost everything he owns and is forced to pay 1/2 to 2/3s of his income to the woman that has just taken everything he owns can't afford to to spend the thousands of dollars to "ask" the court to be a parent. So most men don't even try. They accept what the courts give them because they have no way to fight (I mean ask) for equal treatment.
At the vertically start dantes statistic is already looking like just more feminist deception.
Now let look at the fact that she freely admits that 30% of fathers who "ask" for shared custody don't get it. While this figure doesn't seem to bother dante it does me.

Now lets look at what what shared custody means. Shared custody means dad gets the kid every other weekend, every other holiday and a couple of weeks during the summer.
We demand that custody hearing start from the basis that custody is to be 50/50 unless the parents agree to a different arrangement or that one parent can be PROVEN WITH EVIDENCE to be a danger to the child. Anything less is a sever violation of basic human rights and will no longer be tolerated.
Mikemcneil · 61-69, M
You said "equal" custody. I meant "full" custody.
Mikemcneil · 61-69, M
And again you miss the point. Put the children first. What if a child doesn't want to be parented by her father, or her mother? That is why the law works in the child's best interests. It's not just about the money.
Mikemcneil · 61-69, M
Ps You don't have to explain misogyny or misandry to me. I can read books too.
Jack is not addressing the fact that when a mother asked for custody, she had to pay just the same as a father.

So, Given that

" women’s earnings were lower than men's earnings in all states and the District of Columbia according to the Income, Earnings, and Poverty Data From the 2007 American Community Survey by the Census Bureau."

And that

" evidence shows that working women with children make less than women without kids, while having children actually boosts men’s wages"

How is that the mothers manage to find the funding yet according to Jackoffbarnes the fathers cannot ?

Furthermore, the cost of a mutually agreed upon custody agreement is the same whether or not the father asks for custody.

Meaning if a Father can afford to get divorced he has already paid for the ability to ask for custody.

Jack un-surprisingly didn't use the link provided to him because he would have realized that more than 90% of custody issues are settled mutually between the two parties, the court merely enforces the agreement the parties decided on, the cost of that is negligible.

The court will not give custody to either a mother or a father without being asked by the parties. FULL STOP. So women aren't being GIVEN children ( and can't legally be given without cause and petition) ,they are ASKING for them. Men are afforded the same entitlements, rights and responsibilities under the law.

This type of failure to understand basic concepts is why Jack needs to educate himself before making such specious claims.
Child support is part of the custody ruling so all his nonsense (and it's complete nonsense that isn't supported by fact or do not pay 1/2- 2/3 of their income to child support...that's illegal) is completely irrelevant because the support isn't even ordered until after custody is asked for.

Before support can be calculated and ordered, custody must be established and ordered.

Nice try though
Mikemcneil · 61-69, M
Jack isn't interested in actual facts. He believes that no divorced father should pay either alimony or child support. If that father is ordered to contribute financially at all by the courts Jack in another post compares it to legalised "rape".
P.S. IF either parent wants support, they also have to ask for it.

It isn't granted without cause and petition.

After awarded support isn't even enforced without cause and petition. (meaning if the parent doesn't pay support the other parent must repeatedly ask the court to enforce the payments, the parent asking for the enforcement has to pay all the legal costs associated with establishing cause, petitioning, service and representation)
JB wrote: "It is obvious that ladyblu didn't read the link i posted. Unlike ladyblu the author of the blog used Vawa to prove her points. Not only did she make the state that Vawa is bias against men, she backed up her statement with references to the bill itself."

my response: I read the link, and the author of the blog is clearly very biased against women and feminism, and continuously spews her negatives views about us. She favors men over women, loves AVfM and its minions, and is an MRA honey badger.

She continuously writes blogs and posts that attempt to make women (she calls them female humans) look evil, abusive, mean, onery, and manipulative, as so many women of her kind continuously do. I sometimes can't help but wonder if they do this to draw men in and get them to want them, because if they didn't most men wouldn't want them because they are unattractive and look kind of masculine.

Many of her "points" and interpretations of VAWA are incorrect because she clearly does not fully understand VAWA, or just wants to try to make it look biased against men when it isn't. She just took little snippets from the bill here and there, out of context, and interpreted them in a way to try to support her beliefs and opinion that VAWA is biased against men when it isn't.

If you can't find a link to a post or article that indicates that VAWA is biased against men which was written by someone who is objective, and isn't a biased, feminist/woman-hating, AVFMer or MRA, don't try to convince those of us who know that it isn't, that VAWA is biased against men. We aren't going to buy into the BS.

I will point out the reasons why that honey badger's beliefs and opinions about VAWA are incorrect later when I have more time.
Oh and psssssst . . . I tend to think that comments and posts made by the Vice President of the United States tend to be more correct, unbiased, and objective than those made by AVfM honey badgers - LOL
JB wrote: "We have already made marital rape illegal. Now we should remove a mans legal obligation to protect and provide for women."

my response: Now that is seriously twisted. So based on what he has written it appears that he thinks that the only reason that a man should marry a woman and protect and provide for her is so he can sex with her anytime he wants to . . . WOW! So I guess he doesn't really love his wife and just married her, and protects and supports her so he can fuck her anytime he wants to, even if she isn't in the mood, is having physical problems, and doesn't want to do it. Doesn't matter to him because he is entitled no matter what right? What a sweet, loving, caring, considerate, husband . . . NOT!!!!

And based on what he thinks about women I guess women only marry men to be protected and provided for, and not because they love them and care about them, enjoy being with them, enjoy having sex with them, etc. Yeah right, I'm just with my husband so he will protect and provide for me, even though I am perfectly capable of providing for myself and my children, and have learned self-defense and martial arts. And I guess the only reason he married me is so he can sex with me whenever he wants to even though he enjoys doing a variety of things with me that have nothing to do with sex (even though we do have and awesome sex life that I fully enjoy too).
So true, and he still doesn't realize how bad the things he writes makes him look.
he gets off on being the victim!! that is why he stays here on e/p .

over on the other site where they all pretty much agree with each other, he cant play the victim,
poor baby!!
he likes the victim role and he enjoys arguing !at the risk of of losing his family and his own well being!!
Yeah, it give him a "chubby" - ewwwwwwwwwww!
Ladyblu said the following:
"J B posted more foolish nonsense below that shows that he doesn't really know how things work most of the time in relation to divorce and alimony. In most states a woman can't empty the couples bank account and file for divorce without being expected to return half of the money she took out of the account in one way or another."

Why don't you tell this guy, this guys attorney and the divorce court judge that a woman can't do that.

She pulled $194,000 out of a home equity line of credit. The judge ordered that she could keep the money but that the husband has to pay it back. Plus she got half of all the assets. Plus he has to pay her 60% of his income in alimony.

Ladyblu, who's husband is a divorce attorney, says that this can't happen and because I say it can and does she says I don't know what Im talking about.
Questions for ladyblu
How much income will your husband loose if men wise up and stop marrying?

How much income will your husband loose if laws are changed and men start getting a fair shake in the family courts?

How much income will your husband loose if the truth comes out and people are made aware of the corruption and dishonesty in the family court?

Would it be accurate to say that, through your husband, you have a financial interest in maintaining the status quo when it comes to family courts and the laws that govern them?
Would some, anyone, explain to me why a man should get married when half of all marriages end in divorce and 70% of all divorce are filed by women the majority reason being that she isn't completely satisfied. Plus not only the fact that she can run up a huge debt and the courts can will and do allow her to keep her ill gotten money and force him to pay it back with interest and give her half the marital assets plus force him to pay her 60% of his income possibly for the rest of his life.
Please explain to me why a man should sign up for state sanctioned robbery?
Why would any man want give another human being the legal ability to do that to him? Why would any man want to give the government the right to take everything away from him and give it to her?
Most people would call what happened to that man a crime.
Feminists call it oppression of women.
MRAs call it marriage.
As for you "statistics".
First I any reasonable person can say with some certainty that these are feminist statistics because they completely ignore the truth and erase male victims.
For a moment lets just pretend they are all true. Don't worry its just pretend. We know for a fact that men are half the victims of domestic violence. We have know this.since the first credible (non-feminist) studies were conducted back in the 70s. Since that time there between 600 and 700 hundred credible studies show that domestic violence is gender neutral.
Since we know that domestic.violence is render neutral that means that according to your "statistics" 1 in 3 men will be the victim of domestic violence in their life time.
"Dude. You seriously need to do.some research."
I've already done some research by reading books about DV over Christmas. I'm not interested in doing more research on the subject than I've done, because life is too short.
Oh yes there is. What kind of mental warp have you travelled through?
Actually, according to FBI statistics, women admit to starting the vast majority of arguments, admit to striking first, and admit to being the first to use an object to strike their spouse. As the feminists used to say of rape, the number of un-reported and under-reported cases of spousal abuse by women against men is likely nine to ten times higher than those reported.

⋆ One out of every three women will be abused at some point in her life.
⋆ Battering is the single major cause of injury to women, exceeding rapes, muggings and auto accidents combined.
⋆ A woman is more likely to be killed by a male partner (or former partner) than any other person.
⋆ About 4,000 women die each year due to domestic violence.
⋆ Of the total domestic violence homicides, about 75% of the victims were killed as they attempted to leave the relationship or after the relationship had ended.
⋆ Seventy-three percent of male abusers were abused as children.
⋆ Thirty percent of Americans say they know a woman who has been physically abused by her husband in the past year.
⋆ Women of all races are equally vulnerable to violence by an intimate partner.
⋆ On average, more than three women are murdered by their husbands or partners in this country every day.
⋆ Intimate partner violence a crime that largely affects women. In 1999, women accounted for 85% of the victims of intimate partner violence.
⋆ On average, a woman will leave an abusive relationship seven times before she leaves for good.
⋆ Approximately 75% of women who are killed by their batterers are murdered when they attempt to leave or after they have left an abusive relationship.

I can provide hundreds of links that offer the exact same statistics because unfortunately they are REALITY!
No one said that women are not or cannot be harmed by divorce courts.
However the overwhelming evidence proves that on the whole the divorce courts are bias in women's favor. The majority of people who suffer a severe negative impact from the family courts are men and their children.

Here is the thing. All of the legal and policy changes would benefit women and stop women from becoming victims in the family courts. Of course the majority of people these changes would help would be men but women would he helped too. Yet feminists do everything in their power to prevent change.
"Mike" is a woman.
RichardTGere're saying that even after being raped by the family courts, the ex-wife's misbehavior is still the ex-husband's (who has no control or input on her life) fault?

I'm beginning to understand you, Mike/Michelle...

If an ex-husband pawns his children off on relatives or friends, it's because he is irresponsible and has no right to outside relationships.

OTOH, if an ex-wife pawns her children off on relatives or friends, it's because her ex-husband is irresponsible and she, after all, has a right to outside relationships.

Yep, I'm beginning to understand...You're a lunatic.
Patently and categorically untrue. A non-custodial parent certainly will not have access to his children if he is a drug addict or alcoholic. The quality of the relationship is always dependent upon the custodial parent's cooperation. Judges rarely - rarely - call to account custodial parents (women) when they deny or frustrate the non-custodial parent's rights. It just doesn't happen.
<p>&nbsp;<p><p><p><p><p><p>any man who would use children pictures as a threat to their adult counter parts is on the same level as a pedophile who is sick jack ass????"</p><p>
jack said...>All I said was that I had seen the photos you uploaded to your profile. That's it. I never said anything about children. I never used that as a threat. All I said is that I had seen the pictures. You did the rest.I must admit it worked better than I had hoped. You totally having a melt down was awesome and calling me a pedophile was priceless.....

and oh ...once again you lied, you said much more then...>>

****I said is that I had seen the pictures. ****
poor jack ass is trying to save face again!!!


YOU Totally FELL FOR IT!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH u admitted your a pedophile!!<p></p>



it reads/looks like, a most wanted sign/ picture in the post office.
and here you were trying to be famous for mra and it back fired on you poor baby.
mike you need to block that fuklaw guy. He's a self-righteous, judgmental, offensive, know-it-all, creep, who obviously has psychological problems. Don't waste your time responding to his constant critical insults. He does it all the time. I think he gets off on it. He'll continue to generalize and accuse you of being a pedophile lover, and other idiotic things like that that have no basis. I can't help but wonder if people who make those kinds of accusations when they have nothing whatsoever to suggest that what they are saying is true are just projecting. Talk about hypocrisy. That is the epitome.

And BTW - I am starting to think that he may be deviantproxy, aka LAV25, and possibly Crimsonfcker (who hasn't posted anything in quite a while). He is the same age, same astrology sign, has the same problems with women, writes like him, insults people the same way and then blocks them, likes many of the same things, and also doesn't like many of the same things. I wouldn't be at all surprised. When he was deviantproxy and LAV25 he got booted off of EP for being such a hateful, mean, derogatory person. Just boot that troll.
all his stories are gone lol
Mikemcneil · 61-69, M
Consider him blocked!
JB wrote: "This is not to mention the death threats and acts of violence perpetrated by feminists against people that dare to.disagree with them. People like Erin Pizzey. Why?
Because they were revealing the truth about domestic violence. They said that not only can men be victims and women be perpetrators but that the number of male victims are significant, nearly half. Those statements earned them death threats. They even killed Erin Pizzey's dog.
Does this sound like a humanitarian movement?"

my response: Well if that is true then MRAs are not a humanitarian movement either because some of them have done the same kinds of things to women.

What you need to recognize is that individuals are individuals and they do not reflect, show, or express what an entire organization, or everyone who is a member, is about. Some people who belong to organizations do bad things. That does not mean that everyone in the organization does bad things, and promotes the bad things that some people do. Clinging to those kinds of beliefs makes you appear very irrational, biased, and closed minded.
JB wrote: "Men and women are paid the exact same pay for the same work in the US. Its easy."

my response: Wrong again. Gender discrimination happens frequently, and is more likely to happen to women. Numerous companies have been sued, lost the lawsuit, and were severely penalized for treating women unfairly. It is found that they are paying women less who are doing the same jobs that men are doing, are not promoting women who should be promoted based on their seniority and good work, but are instead continuously promoting men, are giving men more hours and women less, are giving men better benefit packages, are ordering the women to do the more difficult and unlikeable tasks while having the men do easy and enjoyable tasks, and so on and so on. No one should assume that every company does things exactly right. Do some research because that obviously isn't the case.
And the fact that women are paid less doesn't mean they are going to hire more women (although sometimes they do and give them the crappy jobs while promoting the men). Often companies that are run by biased men want men to enjoy their work and get paid more. It's not always just about the money as JB seems to think it is in divorce cases, child support situations, employment, and other things. .
Especially in the nursing profession. Men tend to get shunted into management very quickly
I am also surprised that people like JB think that blogs and posts that his fellow biased, feminist hating, MRAs write are actual proof of certain things. They aren't. They are often just their twisted, biased, delusional opinions and beliefs of laws and other things that they obviously don't fully understand, and obviously want to believe that they mean something that they don't. He is trying to claim that the link to the blog he posted below is proof that VAWA isn't gender neutral when it is obvious that the person who wrote the post on that blog obviously doesn't fully understand the changes that have made to VAWA over the years that have resulted in it being gender neutral. Our government officials have repeatedly pointed out that VAWA IS GENDER NEUTRAL:

Here is the link to my story where I addressed this issue:
Their grossly one sided ignorance does not allow for any form of learning. They must hold fast to that same ignorance to foster their continued hate spree and validate their dysfunctional views.
I wonder why Jack is allowed to derail every thread ...especially given that he contributes absolutely nothing !He continues to parrot the same things he has always parrotted from AVfM. The only change being that he now thinks he is part of the AVfM staff, despite people like Victor Zen and Paul E. Not having a clue about who he is !!! Anyways I think anything he posts which is off topic should be removed.
Lilt, you are an Ep member in fine standing for six years. You have many loyal friends and your personable and well executed writings are all plentifully commented on in a supportive and warm fashion.
Jack in his turn has done nothing for two years but spout hatred and clamor for attention to his mental menagerie of delusions. The site has removed most of his troubled writings for its hate content and he has lost support from what few individuals once tolerated him.

Credibility dear lady will always come to rest where it may be readily witnessed. You have a very generous store of that credibility.
herer is another threnening remark jack ass made...>

here is a screen shot where he is trying to gather info on some one to use against them ....>>>>>>

here is another screen shot where he is asking how he should portray a feminist on his videos he makes to threaten feminist with ....>>>>
jack ass is not telling the truth, he likes to pretend he has access to all these people !! doesn't he know we see through his propaganda?
I am going to start posting links to all of the articles I am finding that point out that the majority of society sees AVfMers and other MRAs as the misogynistic, self-centered, egotistical, delusional, numbskulls, that they obviously are, and who for one reason or another have issues with women, while claiming their movement is just about humanitarianism and equality when it obviously isn't. Here are a few to start with:

Many of these articles and posts are written by men who aren't feminists.
" example: Here is a case where a custody dispute was entertained. The custody trial itself cost a father $10,000. His wife had a number of psychological problems, which was proven. The judge still ruled in behalf of the ex-wife and ordered the former husband to pay the ex-wife’s attorney fees of $15,000. The legal fees he paid were $25,000. This amount was just for the custody portion of the divorce. If you are the sole provider of the household, beware, for you may be held responsible for paying legal fees for both sides. "

One custody trial cost this guy 25,000 for his wife tk get custody.
What if he wants equal custody? Most men don't have another 25000 laying around.
Mikemcneil · 61-69, M
Care to explain or qualify your invective?
Mikemcneil · 61-69, M
If men don't ask for custody they can't complain if they don't get it. Why wouldn't responsible fathers fight to see their own kids? Maybe they are happy to be seen as deadbeat dads?
Mikemcneil · 61-69, M
Costs are awarded based on income and who issued the law suit. If the husband is working full time why should the state pay his legal costs?
Mikemcneil · 61-69, M
"The act of "asking" to be a part of the child's life cost 10s of thousands of dollars. Most men who have.just lost everything he owns and is forced to pay 1/2 to 2/3s of his income to the woman that has just taken everything he owns can't afford to to spend the thousands of dollars to "ask" the court to be a parent. "

Another of Jack's made up statements. It doesn't cost "tens of thousands of dollars" to apply for a custody hearing or actually turn up for one.

There are no cases he can quote where a father has financially "lost everything" and been made to pay over 50-66 percent of his income to his divorced spouse. The rules are set by the legal system. Jack of course believes that the courts in the US are making divorced fathers homeless on a daily basis.
So very, very true mike. Almost every state in the US has uniform guidelines relating to divorce cases to try to ensure that each spouse will get 50% of the jointly held money and assets, and will only have to pay an amount of support that they can afford without becoming impoverished. It is a well known fact, as I posted below and provided links that point this out, that the majority of men actually become richer after divorce, and the majority of women become impoverished for various reasons, but mainly because they are given primary custody of their children by their husband, and as a result they devote the majority of their time and energy to their children, while the father can devote more of his time and energy to his job, and less to his family.

As the article states: "Ultimately, the overall economic quality of a man's life, based on earnings and amount spent on living expenses, increases after his divorce. He continues to earn more but bears fewer family expenses. The overall economic quality of a woman's life, post-divorce, decreases."

As I indicated above, it is so irritating to have to continuously factually prove that the things that JB writes that he just makes up because he wants to believe them, or has bought into them due to AVfMs bullshit, are usually not true. He need to do research on objective, non-gender biased websites instead of just believing Elam and other AVfMers totally biased nonsense.
someoneisusingmyname is a another fake MRA!! ( he hates women) he called some one a liar then blocks them!!lol

Mikemcneil · 61-69, M
Most divorced men are already in another relationship. Sounds like life served you some lemons and you ate them all without sugar, buddy? Your anecdotal bullshit is exactly that. Funny how it's all about the money with you guys. Nothing about the kids that you fathered in there, is there?
Can you back up any of your assertions?
Can you take the parts of Vawa that she discussed in her blog post and prove that she is wrong.

You can't take the word of Joey Biden if you want. Anyone who admits to being physically abused by his sisters then creates a PSA telling men that it is never ok to hit a woman is not only a misogynist and misandrist but is also a raving idiot. You can believe him if you want. "Who is more foolish? The fool or the fool that follows him."
Mikemcneil · 61-69, M
No-one has to PROVE anything to you Jack. You are a single voice whining in the wilderness. No-one is listening.
I never said that all feminists follow the scum manifesto.
Mikemcneil · 61-69, M
Why mention it at all then, or Hannah Rosin, or Valerie Solanas? You are just a parrot that talks. You are so sure that you know all about how and why feminists thinks, but really you know nothing about feminism. Why not waste your time trying to do something positive for men instead of slagging off women all the time?
<p>&nbsp;<p><p>*** example: Here is a case where a custody dispute was entertained*** .................................................................................................................

you can not use "ONE" example to use as a go to guide on how custody suits are disputed !..................... every case is different! depending on many variables.There are ground rules but, after that , like i said, the situation of that particular case, age of children, any special needs of the children?..... who/ where the children feel most comfortable with, which parent has the thickest wallet, how many children are in the family, ........ courts look at the parents relationship, do they get along well enough to co- parent, to care for the children, which parent will be able to spend quality time to support the children. there are some courts who wont allow one or the other parent to leave the state with any of the children. and the list goes on!!</p><p></p>
So very true lovefem. An MRA can search high and low for a case where a man seemed (I say seemed because sometimes there is a valid reason) to be treated unfairly and unjustly by the courts, but it is not the norm, and it does not happen regularly. We can also post cases where the same kind of thing has happened to women. It sometimes happens to PEOPLE and not just men.
There have been several situations where men came to my husband to ask for his help claiming that they were treated unjustly by the courts because, like the case JB mentioned below, the courts did things like awarding sole custody of the children to the wife and ordered the husband to pay a significantly large amount of money to her. Upon looking into it further my husband found that there were absolutely valid legal reasons why the courts had done so, and he advised these men that as a result he could not appeal their cases. It has also happened a few times with women.
Quite often people will not understand why the courts do what they do, and will just be angry because they have been ordered to do something that is absolutely valid, but that they don't think is fair and don't want to do. Women will rarely ever publish and share information about this kind of thing when it happens to them, but I have seen that men do it quite a bit and when they do so they often will convolute things, and leave things out that will make it clear why the courts did what they did to try to make everyone think they were treated unfairly and that the courts are biased against men, and that women regularly get the better deal in divorces which is not true. They will do all they can to try to make it seem like they were treated unfairly when they actually weren't. They have pity parties and play the "oh woe is me" role. The problem they often encounter is when people find out the truth about what actually happened. Then they will run away and hide, or continue to try to make it seem like the truth actually isn't true. Its foolish because when people do this they lose their credibility and other people don't want to deal with them anymore.
JB wrote: "Ladyblu says that a person cannot be an MRA and be a humanitarian."

my response: Really? Where did I write that? I'm pretty sure that saintargentina is the one who wrote that. All I did was ask you to provide factual proof that feminists cannot be humanitarians and you have still failed to do so. Your continuous assertions that all feminist think and act alike is absurd. I can point out numerous things that Elam has written that clearly proves that he is not a humanitarian, however, I do not feel that all MRAs cannot be humanitarians since it is clear that some of them can (but obviously not you).
Mikemcneil · 61-69, M
Jack has stated many times he does not believe in alimony or child support payments. He has stated he would put children up for adoption if neither of the parents wanted custody. That is insulting to all men who genuinely want access and custody. He talks of "financial abortion" without explaining what he means. Money is just one of his idols.
yea that's why he stays on the road away from his family so he doesn't have to divorce his wife, and pay her and their child any kind of support . little does he realize he pays them no matter what the situation is .
Money is just one of his idols because he obviously doesn't make very much, but wishes he did - LOL. Guys like him who are never satisfied with their life, or the world, are always going to be unhappy and miserable (and they often end up engaging in criminal activity too).
jack ass >>> The laws did need to be changed. What you fail to comprehend is why those laws existed in the first place. Women sold thier reproductive ability to men in exchange for hiw protection and provision****

how much did they sell lt for ?

oh by the way, have you ever heard of spell check? using it will help make your lies and insults believable! ...................
stupid ass !! u try so hard at trying to look intelligent and informed, as if your a walking history book...... lady blue is intelligent, she is far more informed and with it, then you ever will be !! that is why u try to insult her!! you are intimated by women who are able to stand on their own two feet and speak their mind and know what the hell they are talking about!
even those under aged girls you chase on e/p see right through ur ass you should hang out more with ur friend dozer!
More and more it is starting to seem like AVfM is using men being MRAs as a disguise for men who actually hate (or have serious problems and disdain for) most women. They claim they are MRAs instead of admitting they are woman-haters, or men who have seriously negative issues with most ordinary women, because they know darn well that if they told the world the truth about how they actually view most women the majority of the population would despise them and want nothing to do with them. However it is becoming more and more obvious every day that they actually have serious problems with almost all ordinary women who like (and love) men because of the obnoxious things the AVfMers continuously write, say, and advocate in relation to women, and not just feminists.
" any man who would use children pictures as a threat to their adult counter parts is on the same level as a pedophile who is sick jack ass????"

All I said was that I had seen the photos you uploaded to your profile. That's it. I never said anything about children. I never used that as a threat. All I said is that I had seen the pictures. You did the rest.
I must admit it worked better than I had hoped. You totally having a melt down was awesome and calling me a pedophile was priceless.
Mikemcneil · 61-69, M
"You totally having a melt down was awesome and calling me a pedophile was priceless."

You said it......
*facepalm* Again!!!
Mikemcneil · 61-69, M
Hope it's not the same palm that holds your sock......
I'm MRA myself and I can't stand so called pokesmen like this. They're just the male opposite of the feminists.

Instead of focusing on important issues like custody laws and male rape and abuse it's turned to mud slinging.

So sad.
Yeah,i can't turn it off it will often change a word after i go send so I can't even recorrect it.
My father got custody of my 5 brothers and I and that was back in the 70s
Hey jacki BOY

yep ur proving/ confirming my thoughts about who you really are nearly every day!!!

what's up with you and teen age girls???

why are you trying to brain wash them into your cult of lies and deceit? grown women your age scare you hu? you think since they are teenagers you have a better chance of brain washing them!!!

well guess what jacki boy that orange jumpsuit is coming not to a theater near you but right under your own nose!!

you are really showing who you are ! yep i knew it !! here you are trying to recruit teen age girls and on top of it all... you made copies of children's pictures from profiles. to black mail their parents, which in my book sets you on the same level as a pedophile!!!!!!
Ladyblu. Men often blow smoke up their wives ass because they know if they don't life will be hell for them. Thankfully I was smart enough to not marry one of those women.
The phrase If mom ain't happy ain't no body happy rings a bell. I also heard another phrase A happy wife mean a happy life.
If my happiness is dependent on making sure she is always happy by saying and doing whatever she wants then no thank you.
Being around all of you feminists makes me appreciate my wife more and more.

If marriages is the greatest source of happiness for men then why are fewer and fewer men doing it?
I vote for that Jack. BTW, I've been married to my lovely, sexy, talented wife for a little over 42 years. And she thinks feminists are a bunch of ugly man-hating shrews. I wouldn't dare argue with her about that.
90% of mothers are awarded custody. At the first custody hearing. Fighting for equal custody costs a lot of money. It requires dozens of court visits.
Mikemcneil · 61-69, M
Insults as usual. Care to reveal your true identity?
Mikemcneil · 61-69, M
Maybe you should test that out sometime instead of making things up?
Mikemcneil · 61-69, M
Why not protest against the Texas law system instead of whining about it?
<p>jack said..>*** 90% of mothers are awarded custody. At the first custody hearing. Fighting for equal custody costs a lot of money. It requires dozens of court visits **

</p><p>only if one or the other parent disputes the decision, many times if the child refuses to go along with the ruling, the court will also take that into consideration.</p>
mike you got it all right!!!!

when any man sits their crying a river of tears saying how much they want custody of their children and blame it on others why they cant..... that is a tall tale sign ! they are covering up their true agenda!
below is a link to a story where a antifeminist commented . he is crying about not being able to have custody of his children due to feminist!!

They also often want to be able to go to bars, hang out with their friends, go to athletic games, keep magazines, photos and other things that are "adult only" around their house, hang out in their underwear and drink beer while watching TV after work, date women and bring them home to have sex, sleep in, and do whatever they want to whenever they want to as if they were single men and have no responsibility for caring for children or anyone else, but themselves.
" Because the overwhelming majority of children have their relationships with their father severed. " ---jackoffbarnes

Not true. The majority of divorce and custody issues are handled by agreement of the parties (meaning the court simply records what the parents already mutually agreed to).

When men ask for custody from the courts they get it 70% of the time.

The reason so few men have custody is because they don't ask for or don't want it.

This is men abandoning their children not the courts severing relationships.
What a terrific link!! I couldn't agree more with what is written and my husband, who is a lawyer and has represented both men and women on appeals who were treated unfairly and unjustly in divorce and custody cases, feels the same way. He said it is very rare for a man or a woman to be treated unfairly in divorce proceedings. The majority of the time when it happens it is because for one reason or another the spouses are viciously fighting each other and the one who usually gets screwed over is the one who can't afford a lawyer or gets a lousy lawyer who doesn't do a good job. It has nothing to do with the courts being biased in favor of one gender. In vicious divorce battles it usually comes down to who has the most money to hire the best lawyer, and quite often that is the husband and not the wife.

is a troll.... they have gone over to the sexlessmarrige grp and tired to make it about females against men !!

he is a worthless old troll who is pist because he cant abuse women anymore like he did 50 years ago !!
he is still trying to make women look bad .

his kind will die off soon thank god!!

his generation was taught that men rule and their job was to suppress women!!
all i go to say is have a nice death!
someonealready .just come out of the closet for god sakes!! ur gay !! stop bashing on women!! to keep them at bay!!

we wont hurt you we promise. besides even if your not gay your kind most women don't want any how!!!
Mikemcneil · 61-69, M
My guess is Dozer Dan. He is blocked and has blocked so many EP users that he can no longer comment on stories that interest him anymore.
now that is funny!!!

talk about cutting your own nose off !
here is evidence of jackbarnes admitting he hacked into my profile and got access to the pictures of the children in my family .......>
Rubies wanted to know how I viewed the pics on gypsy's profile. Its very simple.
In quotation marks type experienceproject then the persons full screenname into Google. Click search. When the results appear click on the "images" icon at the top of the page. You will see every photo associated with the screen name you entered.
here is another screen shot of jack saying he calls the month of October bash a violent beach month where he tells men to beat the shit out of women .....................>
any man who would use children pictures as a threat to their adult counter parts is on the same level as a pedophile ....

now who is sick jack ass????
Totally random question here.......why put pics of your family online, resistant children?

Many such people online and far easier to trace people by their IP than people like to admit it even realize.

Careful out there.
Yep. The mrm is a blacksheep....for now. The problem is that we aren't going away and we are not going to shut up. They can talk bad about us all they want. It doesn't change a damn thing. Evidence of this can be seen at Ryerson University.
baaaaaaaaaaaad sheep, now go home, your stockings opps sock is waiting for you
the first few mins on the video is them thanking people for donations.....after that the first opening words were how men cant have calendar sup at work depicting a female in a bikini!!! because it may lead to men not having jobs !!! !ahhhhhhhhhhhhh is that all you got!!! WHAT F@@KING JOKE YOU AND THAT VIDEO IS !!

poor babies cant have their own calendars with half naked women up at work!!! DUH!!!!!!
need i mention how you chase down teen aged girls here on e/p go home ur family needs you
Gylsyblu said.
" it wont be for Hilary comment, you will be reported for cyber stalking, harassment, threatening children and their parents! playing with underage females on e/p"

As for me talking to people under 18 yrs old on EP about feminism and men's rights. I will talk to who ever I please about feminism and men's rights. There is nothing you or anyone else can do about it.

As for the other accusations:
You do what ever it is you feel like you need to do. I am not concerned.
Now Now Now calm down ... we all know what pedophiles do to groom the young !!!
What is MRA
New ish I guess. I've met prior on here for like 5 years already. But I've only been on a few months.
Well then why don't you provide us with copies of the screen shots you took of the comments that feminists made where they made death and rape threats against you in response to your comments to prove that what you are claiming is true. If you don't almost all of us won't believe you and will think that you probably are Michelle0001 since what you write, and how you write it, seems very much like her.
Because it happened months ago and I didn't save it after I got the email from EP about it once it was sent.
I'm a very open person so if anyone wants to watch or see my profile they're very welcome to it. I've nothing to hide except basic personal info, like anyone else, so if you need more proof that I'm not a fake profiles there you go.I've never been accused of being a sock puppet before so I don't know SOP for pricing otherwise plus I'm not inclined to give proof of who I am given that I just don't care to justify myself to others. What you see is what you get and if you need more proof than that...
Ladyblu said.
" I just hope she feels the same way about you."
She tells me so on a regular basis. Better than words she shows me through her actions.

"I don't see fewer and fewer men marrying."
Dr. Helen Smith would disagree with you. Her best selling book "Men on Strike" talks a lot about the marriage strike and mgtow. I highly recommend her book.
My wife and I were together for 5 years before we got married.
Saying things like "I love you" and "I appreciate you" are kind words that make the other person feel good. Telling your wife "my life begun when I met you" is just bullshit.
Isn't bluelady's husband the lawyer who represents people who were treated unfairly under their divorce but he definitely isn't a 'divorce lawyer'.

If a guy like that tells his wife his " began...." you know it's just plain lawyer bullshit. Seems like she's been married to one so long she's starting to believe his BS too.
jack said on a different story to mike...> Listen up bitch mcneil, your a cunt.
Now get in touch with Ladyblu, she knows which county I live in, then contact my local sheriffs department and tell them you want to file an abuse and harassment report because Jack Barnes called Hillary Clinton and Mike Mcneil a bitch and a cunt!***

it wont be for Hilary comment, you will be reported for cyber stalking, harassment, threatening children and their parents! playing with underage females on e/p
It is not only the opinion of avfm but of most people in the mrm and fathers rights movement.

Dr. Helen Smith wrote an excellent book called Men on Strike on the subject of men choosing not to marry or have children. You can find a host of mainstream media interviews with Dr smith on her book.

Now. Let me ask you a question. Why should men marry and have children?
Now I challenge you to disprove the idea that marriage and fatherhood are dangerous for men in our current culture.
jacki boy and his other mra friends who have abandon him, have made many death threats over the last 3 years to us and our families here on exp / proj!!!

jacki boy told one feminist here on e/p he is locked and loaded waiting and if he doesn't get the shot in, his wife will take up the slack!!

other fake mra who are really women haters. have made jokes about feminist saying they are going to hunt down feminist with Ak rifles and knives!! guess who said the Ak rifle one!!! it starts with a L

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