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God Created [Spirituality & Religion]

I will be removing all rude and condescending comments.

There are currently 829 comments and so many of them are rude and condescending!

Currently, there is a rather misleading thread which asks...

"For my creationist friends who reject that evolution has occurred: What do you consider to be the best COUNTER-EVIDENCE that evolution has occurred?"

This question is misleading. Most Creationists believe that God created a world with many Kinds of creatures and that these creatures multiplied and grew in diversity. We believe that God used genes as building blocks for creatures in the same way that we might use cement to build very different structures. Similarities between creatures that are of different Kinds are simply the result of having the same building blocks. A dome structure and a skyscraper might both use cement but the similarity means nothing. It means nothing in biology as well.

Similarities between organisms might be used to classify organisms but using similarities to make assumptions about origins is ridiculous!

I am, however, thankful that God gave each Kind of creature the genetic ability to become diverse. So, we have many kinds of birds... many breeds of dogs... etc. Some call this ability evolution... but it does not imply that dogs came from an ancient bacterial ancestor. lolol.

So, does evolution occur? Yes, within each Kind of animal, of course! Does that mean that Darwin's dream might have merit? Of course not. The intricacies of nature and the masterful use of genetic building blocks implies a Creator... an organic architect and engineer.

newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
On the contrary, the genetic evidence for Common Descent is overwhelming.

I’m not sure what you’re trying to say (or not say) when you refer to ‘kind’, but neverthelessl I’d be quite happy to walk you through the genetic evidence showing a 3.5 billion year history of common descent.
Sharon · F
@SW-User It's not our place to seek out evidence to support your claims, that's for you to do. Thus far you've been unable to.
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NewBecky · 51-55, F
For those that deny the existence of a supreme being... consider this:

The universe can be looked at as a system because it has a finite amount of energy and the network of galaxies is moving in harmony. The energy within the universe is finite. Also, the growth of entropy in the universe is constantly occurring. Think of energy as water being poured out. It is spreading out. So is the energy in the universe. While stars are born and while stars die it is clearly seen that overall, energy is dissipating into a cold, dark, nothingness.

Now, while the universe is constantly descending into a loss of order, we are able to create order... aren't we? We, as intelligent beings, can take minerals that are spread out on the land and bring them together in an orderly fashion to make a car, for instance. Intelligent beings can create order out of disorder.

This is the Christian premise. Everyone knows that there has always been something in eternity past. We merely believe that the something is intelligent. It must have been because you cannot have something which is in a constant growth of entropy for eternity past. Eternal entropy is utterly impossible. Someone had to create and give order to the system which is wearing down. The system as a whole had to have a birth. In the beginning, God created.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
the network of galaxies is moving in harmony.

Harmony? Lol... things are bumping into eachother out there all the time.

This is the Christian premise. Everyone knows that there has always been something in eternity past. We merely believe that the something is intelligent. It must have been because you cannot have something which is in a constant growth of entropy for eternity past. Eternal entropy is utterly impossible. Someone had to create and give order to the system which is wearing down. The system as a whole had to have a birth. In the beginning, God created.

"It must have been" .... Because your brain just can't conceive a world where this magical clockmaker that delivered a system full of chaos that you just label "harmonious" so it feels better to you. We can't explain this, thus God ... is one of the olderst and most ridiculous fallacies out there. We aren't smart enough to explain lightning, so God must have done it. We can't explain a Tsunami, so pray to God. We cant explain a volcano, thus God. We can't really explain why life just ends, thus God must have plans for us. We can't ... thus God is the most ridiculous narrative that people have thaught themselves so they can feel better with their insecurities about their reality. Gold solves all because it's a catch all answer for every bit of ignorance that our species still has. And why do religious people stay ignorant, 'cause God.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@NewBecky Please specify what you mean by 'eternal'
redredred · M
@NewBecky Wait, do you honestly believe that the universe must somehow be constrained by the limits of YOUR understanding? That nothing more complex can exist in nature than what YOU can understand? That when questions get too complex for YOUR little brain then we have to invent a god to throw the switches?

You’re funny.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
No Becky, it really doesn't.
The need to invoke some kind of architect without having prove of this architects excistence, has more to do with human beings urge to understand everything without actually understanding it. It's a psychological trick people play on themselves to feel more secure about their ignorance concerning their reality. It's better to stay ignorant instead of taking an hypothesis for proven fact just to feel better about oneself. At least ignorance gives people a motive to search for a better understanding, embracing an hypothesis and turning it into dogma will just keep us ignorant for ever.
@Sharon Because what you wrote is based on a premise... and not much of a theory. Debunked for the most part.
Sharon · F
@SW-User What are you referring to? You claimed @Kwek00's premise is a theory -
Your premise is a theory,
I asked how a premise can be a theory.

Nothing @Kwek00 said has been dunked. What @NewBecky claims has been though. There is no evidence to support what she and you claim. You tell us to "look at the evidence" but you need to present it first, we can't look at a evidence that doesn't exist.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@SW-User You got any proof for that? You were the person that said:

New Becky used the actual existing evidence, and supports it analytically.

And today you go

The evidence is overwhelming...

But then you end with:

He's not going to give you scientific empirical evidence. He's not, he wants you on faith.


Faith informed by evidence.

so "faith" not knowledge by evidence that he's not going to give us...
Of course, when people like you embraced the concept before there is evidence, which you clearly do because there is no evidence even though you claim that there is. Then you can pretend to see God everywhere. Which is something people of faith are extremely good at.

This "analytic" and "evidence" nonsense that you push into the discourse to feel better about your baseless stance is only there to make you feel good about yourself. However, I don't want to feel good, I just want to know what is true, and delusional people that believe stuff without evidence aren't going to help me out.
Adstar · 56-60, M
The absolute stupidity of evolution is that they have never been able to demonstrate / observe sterile matter spontaneously transforming into simple life under natural conditions.. This is the foundation of evolution that life spontaneously came into existence from sterile matter under the influence of the forces of the universes..

The moronic evolutionist propagandists focus on Adaptation and do their best to keep everyone they are brain washing focused on Adaptation which is only a part of the theory of evolution.. Most people have no problem with Adaptation, observing it happen as breeders both plant and animal breeders use selective breeding the slowly change a given organism over many generations..

But again they have NEVER demonstrated or observed life coming into existence from sterile matter EVER.. For their evolution theory to be correct Life must be able to come into existence spontaneously from sterile matter.. But it doesn't!!!!
redredred · M
@Adstar you are seriously confused. You may not like the indisputable truth of evolution of all life but no serious geneticist claims to know the origin of life nor would they assert their specialty does explain it.

I’m open to any citation you can provide where one does.
Adstar · 56-60, M
how can a theory be used to disprove that life was created

It isn’t. That’s the point. You’re completely mistaken... abiogenesis and evolution are two different topics.

The you and your friend here should step in and intervene when ever a evolutionist claims that evolution disproves creation.... Hint you will be getting a LOT of opportunities to do so..
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@Adstar I have absolutely no interest in trying to disprove something that is unfalsifiable... which is also why science has no interest in creationist claims that ‘goddidit’. Such a claim explains nothing (not even itself) because it tries to merely explain everything away.
Allelse · 36-40, M
@Carazaa Yeah I can't do that because of

Adstar · 56-60, M
@Allelse False verses.. The accurate interpretation does not say rape.. Your a prime example why a woman should not have authority or teach men..
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hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
In the beginning was nothing. And nothing existed for a very long time unti for NO reason whatsoever nothing exploded and became everything. Still later again for NO reason whatsoever bits of everything got together and formed dinosaurs.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@redredred Funny thing is I never mentioned the Bible until you did. Hmmm. And then you only showed me that you don't understand it. So your ignorance is not my problem but very common among rocks like you.
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hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@redredred Care to elaborate about the two versions of Eve you seem to think exist?
AbbySvenz · F
Have they ever defined what a “kind” is, specifically..?
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@Adstar So you accept change at the phenotypic level, but reject change at the genotypic level.

To me, that sounds like species immutability
Adstar · 56-60, M
A wolf given enough generations can end up becoming a chihuahua..

A bull shark given enough generations can become a whale shark..

A Zebra given enough generations can end up being a pony..

Whether it be by environmental change or human selective breeding intervention..
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@Adstar When talking about the concept of species, the first problem that seems to pop up is Essentialism. This is a hangover from Plato, who thought that every triangle (for example) was but an imperfect shadow of some essential triangle that existed in some or other conceptual space.

Ernst Mayr pointed out that this same thinking seems to appear when people think about species… as if there’s some quintessential rabbit, against which it can be assessed whether or not any given organism is, or is not, a rabbit.

In fact, a species should never be seen as representing some gigantic and sudden leap from something to something else. There is no magical point in time where biological differences allow separate species classifications. If you don’t understand this, then you’ll be be unable to understand evolution.

Every organism is linked to every other organism, say rabbit to leopard, by a chain of intermediates, each so similar to the next that every link could in principle mate with its neighbours in the chain and produce fertile offspring.

You can’t violate immutability more comprehensively than that.

This is not some vague thought-experiment confined to the imagination. The genetic evidence shows us that there really is a series of intermediate animals connecting a rabbit to a leopard, every one of whom lived and breathed, every one of whom would have been placed in exactly the same species as its immediate neighbours on either side in the long, sliding continuum. Indeed, every one of the series was the child of its neighbour on one side and the parent of its neighbour on the other. Yet the whole series constitutes a continuous bridge from rabbit to leopard… although there never was a ‘rabbipard’. There are similar bridges from rabbit to wombat, from leopard to lobster, from every animal or plant to every other.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
@SW-User The idea of creation will fade away and that will be an evolution in itself. In fact it already is happening.
Yes, this is one of the best explanations based on the actual evidence, both biblical and scientific, which non-surprisingly, fit well together.
Amberrose · 36-40, F
If you stop to think about it God created us with capacity to grow and learn. Who is to say the ability to evolve wasn't built into us by design by god.
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
@Amberrose Shame he can't create you a profile picture!! 🤔
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Who is to say the ability to evolve wasn't built into us by design by god.

His Word.
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Well put!

A lot of close minded people aren’t open to actual evidence, just their evolution talking points... as if they were true.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
Interesting discussion. As a scientist I am amazed at how creation started, beit the big bang or whatever. Did something start it all? That is how i see God.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@samueltyler2 that's correct - science does not yet have an established explanation, although there are some interesting possibilities kicking around.

It's worth noting that even the term 'primal force' refers to an unfounded supposition, and that 'started' requires the existence of spacetime, which didn't exist. It was the rapid inflation of the singularity that allowed spacetime to come into play, so there was no 'before the singularity expanded'.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@newjaninev2 I agree, I accept the theory of the big bang, I just don't really understand it. The newest telescopes showing the universe nearly at its birth ae really astounding, and give great food for thought.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@samueltyler2 If by 'scientific' you mean 'natural' or 'materialist' I completely agree. There is no natural/materialistic cause. However science shouldn't be limited to the natural/materialist and should start looking at the Super Natural Cause.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Cannot believe this conversation is still going on.
NewBecky · 51-55, F
For those deceived by Macro Evolution propaganda:

It was claimed that "Lucy" was a missing link. The only TRUE link is above. :)
Sharon · F
@Reverend Valhalla is one of the places the dead can go, according to the teachings of the Norse religion. That teaching is no less valid than what christianity claims.
redredred · M
@Reverend Dr. Barney Maddox is a urologist, not THE leading geneticist.
Sharon · F
Dr. Barney Maddox is a urologist
I think he's taking the piss. ;)
NewBecky · 51-55, F
More reading material for those sucked in by Macro Evolutionary propaganda:
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hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Emosaur And you expect me to believe where it would be so simple to show me the facts. I asked you to do a simple math problem and you couldn't. It was pretty harmless question involving simple math. Someone in grade five could have done it in their head. You can't do it in your head or by using a calculator or using a spread sheet. Too Funny!!!!
Carazaa · F
@NewBecky Nice to see you too! A breath of fresh air 🙂
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SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@SW-User In order to do some the claims in the bible, you have to be magical because it defies certain laws.
NewBecky · 51-55, F
@SatanBurger The Bible does claim that God created everything, of course. This gave order and energy to what we see. Without the Biblical explanation we are without cause for the energy and order that we see. To me, the greatest question for the atheist or the gnostic is What (or Who) gave the energy? Something or someone much greater than all of us started it all. I do not have enough faith to be an Atheist because they cannot give an answer to the continual winding down and loss of energy... the constant degradation of the universe. With the scientific process we observe the entropy that humanism cannot explain yet the Bible can and does.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
ithout the Biblical explanation we are without cause for the energy and order that we see.
So? Why should there be a cause? Why can't the laws of physics be eternal?
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@Bushranger He is talking about Baraminology. A YEC concept.
Sharon · F
small changes will not result in new kinds.
You're ignoring the fact that lots of small changes result in a large change.
@SW-User It's not a straw man... and it points to what the evidence actually shows. If you don't agree... or haven't looked into it, you're not as informed as you think you are on actual evidence.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
Currently, there is a rather misleading thread which asks...

"For my creationist friends who reject that evolution has occurred: What do you consider to be the best COUNTER-EVIDENCE that evolution has occurred?"

This question is misleading
There is nothing misleading there. And what you provided was not evidence, but a fanciful “what if?”

What if the universe just popped into existence a second ago and our memories are simply simulated fakes? Can’t prove they’re not 🤷‍♂️

The biggest issue with that style of thinking is that it’s essentially paralysis. There is an infinite number of these “what if” scenarios out there that you cannot ever disprove - and it’s precisely because of that they’re all useless.

One of the strengths of a scientific theory like evolution, is that it can be disproved with even a single piece of well qualified evidence. This is what Pikachu is really asking you for here.
NewBecky · 51-55, F
@Carazaa It has been a joy! Pulling back the veil...
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@Carazaa You haven’t been able to produce a single piece of counter-evidence, and despite your masters, you show every indication of not understanding the basic fundamentals of how science works.
Sharon · F
the existence of the universe as a piece of evidence can neither support nor counter it.
The existence of the universe could just as well be taken as evidence of The Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Please describe the mechanism whereby a disembodied intelligence could affect material reality. If you don’t know, please propose an experiment or line of research that could answer this.

The failure of Creation “science” to address this is why it’s not a scientific theory. It’s mythology.
@hippyjoe1955 Damn, you were almost capable of human interaction there, and then you degenerated into ad hominem like you usually do.

You're a theist, so you're automatically going to jump to the conclusion you want regardless of the evidence. So your opinion here can be dismissed on the grounds of begging the question.

Can you provide any of that "evidence?" Scholarly research papers, please, not some blowhard in a YouTube video.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@LeopoldBloom When what one claims and what one says are at odds obviously there is a lie at the heart of the proclamation. Liberals are the only creatures on the planet that believe you can hold two directly contradictory views and hold them both to be true.
@hippyjoe1955 Which is what you're doing. On one hand, you say that God is "supernatural" and therefore exempt from scientific inquiry, and then you turn around and make a vague and baseless claim that "scientists" are in fact studying him without providing any evidence of that.

You decided a long time ago that your God exists, so everything after that point must fit into that paradigm. That's the opposite of science, where a hypothesis can be disproven. Nothing could disprove God's existence in your eyes, so by definition, it's outside of science. That's fine, many religious philosophers would define "faith" as belief in something that cannot be proven or disproven, but you should at least have the honesty to admit that instead of wanting it both ways.

This is why I have more respect for presuppositionalists like Cornelius van Til, than evidentialists like William Lane Craig. A presuppositionalist takes as his initial axiom that the Bible is absolute truth, and goes from there. An evidentialist also believes that, but they won't admit it, instead pretending to reach that conclusion from observation and logic. So presuppositionalists are at least being honest.
There's nothing misleading in that question.
There exist creationists who deny that evolution has occurred. That extant group is then invited to provide evidence which they feel confirms their belief.
The fact that all people who believe god created do not share the view that no evolution has taken place does not make the question misleading.

I'd be interested in debating some of the evidence which shows that different "kinds" of animals in fact share a common ancestor?

Are you up for it and if not would you mind if i posted some of it here and let your readers decide on the validity of the evidence for themselves?

simply the result of having the same building blocks.

Off the top of my head, i can think of an example which refutes that explanation.

Professor Jack Horner has managed to activate dormant reptilian genes in chicken embryos producing reptilian features like teeth, a snout and a long tail.
This is possible because according to evolution, birds evolved from reptiles and so still possess reptilian genes.
But here's the thing: the reverse is not true. Reptiles do NOT possess dormant avian genes.
So there goes the "potter using the same clay" argument.

Here's some more reading on chromosome 2 then

It's a study, not an article.

As for the article on ERVs well it says nothing more than god did this for reasons...which is what the answer always is. Various non-specific reasons.
While evolution consistently explains it by common descent.
Even the article acknowledges that these markers are established by infection. That is to say, even in this article there is no coherent explanation for why this foreign genetic material would be included in a special creation scenario, much less why it would be included at the same points in apparently closely related species.

Why would god make different animals with the appearance of having been infected sometime over their history by a virus which is then passed on in their genetic code? Mysterious ways.
Why would these sites line up so perfectly between certain species? Same answer as always: common descent.
Carazaa · F
So many assumptions! So which ancestry is that if we have common descent? Surely you know that none of this DNA research have ever been invalid at all right! Because we all know that only creationists research is invalid! The evolutionists surely would never corrupt research studies, that would never happen! So tell us which ancestor did we have in common and exactly what happened?

I don't know which ancestor it was. We'll probably never know. How could we?

But you may find the same fingerprints at several crime scenes without knowing to whom those fingerprints belong.
Or you can assert that the fingerprints were planted there for reasons.
I know which one i'd find a more logical conclusion🤷🏻
OggggO · 36-40, M
The fossil record disagrees with you, chief.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
your "explanation" was a bald assertion that they weren't examples of transition. A claim for which you offered no justification.

@GodSpeed63 Do you read and follow every word of the bible?
Speedyman · 70-79, M
The fossil record disagrees with Darwin. Don’t believe every piece of propaganda @OggggO
So you accept the science of evolution right up until you are asked to abandon your sky deity because that's what a step too far? Everything else evolved but what, this supreme being is somehow super advanced from the jump? Also, in his power he's what morally bankrupt to allow for such suffering in the world? Sounds like your sky demon needs to rethink his magical life.
NewBecky · 51-55, F
@RandomForest No... I accept adaptation within kinds... not leaps of 1 kind to another... with any amount of time.
@NewBecky How do you contend with a fossil record that has neanderthals existing on Earth at the same time as homo sapiens? Did they not pray enough? 😂
Carazaa · F
@NewBecky Thats right! Adaptation sure! but inbreeding crazy fantasies like that to make it make sense is an assumption and a flying leep out of the water. If man inbred with a Neanderthal how did a fish become a monkey and how did the monkey become a Neanderthal! They had to add 50 million years to make that happen to try to discredit the Bible some more! And non science experts believe this because the “ experts” say their research is valid!

And they think it’s a jump to believe that God created the universe because it was really a bang that did! Yeah...

God tells us he created it in 5 days and man in one and he came to visit us in the flesh and walks with people who cry to him for help, and he helps them to restore their lives miraculously! And he is preparing a place in heaven for us until the last person is saved and then he will come to take us home! And he will destroy this world, with all people who rejected him!
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
When did God do all this creating and when did he stop?

I’m trying to understand how your loose description of evolution contradicts Darwin.
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
@Budwick I have had people tell me over and over again about how "God's existence" is obvious.

Except, that it's never been obvious to me. People ascribe things to gods as a convenient excuse to absolve themselves of accountability and responsibility. In my life, I have found that the most immoral people are the ones who talk most vociferously about gods. The Judeo-Christian god, in particular is used to divide and hate. This god is used to put man against man. What is written about Jesus' re-interpretation of the Old Testament is not consistently practiced by people who claim to be Christian. I have witnessed more atheists and agnostics live lives that are more in line with Jesus' philosophies than Christians.

I did not decide to look away. I am looking at the same evidence that you promote and I have concluded something different than you. There are others in world history that have done the same.
Budwick · 70-79, M
@JoeyFoxx Joey - for starters I would take man out of your assessment of God. Men - all men [and women] are flawed. It's really inexplicable that you would consider making a judgement of God, based on mans behavior.

I have concluded something different than you.

You looked away

Pretty much the same thing.
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
@Budwick All humans are flawed...

Would not this include the humans that transcribed the so-called word of God?
shuhak · M
God made everything after its kind. Dogs don't "evolve" into butterflies; horses don't "evolve" into cats. Even after billions(?) of years this still holds true.
There are more kinds of dogs today than there were when God created this world. Some of which were only came into existence within the last 100 years (by humans crossbreeding other dogs). Even so, they are still all canines. Not a one of them is part feline, or bovine, or aves (bird).

God said, "I made everything - deal with it!" (Genesis 1 paraphrased)
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@GodSpeed63 Trying to convince a person born blind that rainbows exist is pretty pointless. Even if you convince theme that rainbows do exist they have no idea what they look like or the joy one gets when you see one after a rainstorm.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Dogs don't "evolve" into butterflies; horses don't "evolve" into cats. Even after billions(?) of years this still holds true.
No one ever claimed they did.
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
@ninalanyon I'm wondering. Does he dispute that dogs and wolves share a common ancestor?
olderguy2016 · 70-79, M
An almighty force exists in this world. It is God
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Speedyman · 70-79, M
Absolutely! The sort of nonsense postulated by extreme Darwinist fundamentalist is unproven guesswork
Quizzical · 46-50, M
Wow... this is the best explanation that I've heard in a long time. Not only that, it reflects what the science actually shows... not what the evolutionists pretend that it shows. It's almost exactly what I think is true... and it's consistent with the actual records... biblical and scientific.
Speedyman · 70-79, M
Interesting I was watching a secular television programme in which it was happened to mention that scientists are now saying that they believe the whole human race descended from just a couple of people. Interesting!
Carazaa · F
@LeopoldBloom All things are possible with God! Things happen quickly in nature not millions of years at all 🙂
TheWildEcho · 56-60, M
@Carazaa yes God can speed things up, He's a supernatural God so like you say all things are possible!
Carazaa · F
@TheWildEcho You bet ya 🙂
4meAndyou · F
My brother is a paleontologist, but also very religious. He reconciles the creation myths of the world and science by saying that we have to accept that some things in the bible are stories told by ancient man to explain their origins, which they really did not understand. AND he says that we don't know that God stopped creating or changing. Adaptations and mutations may be God's tools. We don't KNOW a lot of things but we presume a great deal...when all we really need is our faith in God.
Carazaa · F
Loved this video and that they interviewed atheists! Very interesting!
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hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@redredred I have no idea who is and I suspect you don't either. So you don't know a thing about him beyond wikipedia. but you are expert. Eye roll.
Carazaa · F
@redredred Wrong! He has not rejected intelligent design! He is a creationist, because he sees God in science.
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newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@SW-User Ready to continue..?
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@MamaButterfly People.
@LordShadowfire How were people created?
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@MamaButterfly We evolved from a previous species of ape, Wichita falls from a previously existing species of ape, all the way back to the first mammal that crawled out of its cave after the dinosaurs died. It's all very well documented.
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hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@BlueGreenGrey Nice try but no sale. Yes most 'gods' are human creations but there is One Triune God who created the universe and everything in it. Sadly it appears that you don't know that-but that can be fixed.
Carazaa · F
@BlueGreenGrey We are imperfect, not Jesus, who came to save us! 🤗
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GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
to start he's not real

Prove it.
JBird · F

to start he's not real, let me say he wasn't there when people were in trouble. I and many people haven't seen him in our whole lives and things around us seem to work without him. Therefore he's not real.
Can't you read this? 👆 Are you stupid or acting stupid in order to avoid confrontations? Your God can't help people when needed.
@JBird That’s how he ‘debates’-ignores the factual portion of your replies so he can engage in this ‘chasing the tail‘ avoidance of reality.

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