How does living like a hobo for 87 years qualify someone for government?Like how Aragorn from Lord of the Rings went from hobo to king, but what does he know about government and administration.
In school did you also have a friend's mother who was a fat, black bush pig who tried to ruin everything?Like demanding homework during the holidays, that kind of thing.
Do you think the government should pay you for the crimes you didn't commit?For instance, you didnt kill anybody today, here's $5!
Who's a movie character you really hated?I hated that "I GO TO AMERICA!!!!" dago in Titanic, after they won the tickets. "I GO TO AMERICA!!!!" like oh yeah!!! They're just going to love you in the states hahahaha!!!
What was the day you were born like?Apparently I was born in a heatwave, while my dad was born in a blizzard.