Text I can't send, to my sister: Sandra.I remember you saying "We grew up together, we went through everything together, even when our parents weren't there, we we were together" And I remember thinking you were right, you have always been there. There have been friends and family members... See More »
Text I can't send - BraisI sometimes imagine seeing you again some day, how I would react, how you would react, if we would even say "Hi" to each other or pretend as if we were strangers, like we used to do as kids, hiding our friendship from everyone at school, afraid of... See More »
Texts I can't send - LucasI remember the first time I saw you on Tinder.. I think I cried a little bit. But it wasn't like as soon as I saw your profile I instantly cried. I think I felt confused, I couldn't understand why your profile was being recommended to me, I thought... See More »
Kevin from schoolI went out with an old classmate of mine, from 2015-2016. We got coffee and talked about life. Here is somethings he said: He told me about his life, and how is parents had full control. He said his mother once hit a 12 year old kid in the face for... See More »
Live your lifeI feel like these past couple months changed my life forever, but I am still trying to figure out if it's for better or worse. I ignored a lump I had on my right arm for a year, thanks to my younger brother, I finally decided to get it checked out.... See More »
Looking backI remember being so stressed and sad that I couldn't sleep, I barely ate, all I could think was "Cancer, cancer, losing my arm" I would dream about finally telling everyone it was a false alarm, then I would wake up, and it felt like waking up to... See More »
Update tumorI got a call 2 days ago from the hospital, it was to set an appointment for the results of the biopsy. I was told we have good news, so I think my tumor is not cancerous. I am not fully sure yet, the appointment was set 6 days away from the day of... See More »
Nocturn new entryI had a crush on a guy at school. He was the nerdy, cool asian type. Into the same stuff I am into, like anime and videogames, but he was also outgoing and fun to have around. I didn't tell him how I felt because he was in a relationship. Somehow,... See More »
Distract meI have been fighting to stay positive since I was told I had a tumor and might lose my arm, and tho I am hopeful and determined... The problem is still there, not fixed, we are just getting started and I am afraid I might not be able to stay hopeful... See More »
I have a tumor..A fue weeks ago a did a post called "I may or may not have lymphedema". A lot of people said "Get checked, it's probably nothing, you a very young.." Well I started checking it out with doctors, and it turns out it's a tumor, it's also quite big and... See More »
I may or may not have lymphedema.My older sister noticed my right arm was a bit swollen almost a year ago, and both her and my mom told me to see a doctor about it. I brushed it off cause I thought it was just because I have been playing games on my PC too much lately, and maybe in... See More »
My work experienceI never before thought about writing about this. But I just watched a video about it and it turns out, I got a few things to say, so here we go. The video was about work ethics and how Gen Z care too much about social media to work. Usually when I... See More »
People say I am different Ina good way.It's brave to be vulnerable in a society that you know will take advantage of it. I chose many years ago to pretend I was cold, but apart from the fact it was damaging me inside because I wasn't being myself, I also noticed I was pretending to be... See More »
Sunflowers and loveI consider myself to be very "down to earth" but I feel like I need someone to ground me, to make care less about superficial things and more about feeling. Like planting a flower, stick my feet into the ground. So empty of fear and doubt all I can... See More » (1)
A better lifeA week ago, my closest friend told me he is moving to another country because life would be better there. I remember feeling hurt the moment he told me that, but he looked so excited about the news I couldn't let him know I didn't want him to leave.... See More »
It's not that bad..What I always say is that, you never know how bad the situation is until you stop and look back. Cause we always think "It's not that bad, it's not that bad, it's not that serious, it's fine" And with that in mind we keep going, keep pushing and... See More »
Body dysmorfiaY durante todo este camino de ida y vuelta e ida y vuelta e ida y vuelta, mi ansiedad me estaba matando, no sé si es verdad eso de que tengo "body dysmorfia" pero me avergüenza estar fuera de casa, me veo tan horrible a mi mismo que me avergüenza... See More »
NightmaresEstaba en cama, con otros dos chicos, amigos míos (no son eran nadie en específico de mi vida real). Y resulta que uno era bi pero en el armario, el otro tenía curiosidad, estábamos hablando de ello y de porqué lo mantienen en secreto. Estábamos en... See More »
New old dreamI had this dream when I was 16 I think, but never forgot it. I was a lot older, had a stable job and a beautiful wife and 2 little boys as I always wanted. It was a sunny hot day and I had just came back from work. I was still in my suit when I... See More »
The grey truck/Nocturn (Dream)There was a party, a small village party, just for young people. I went to the party with my 8 year old brother, and at the party I ran into my friends. Some from the city I currently live in, others from the small village I use to live, and others... See More »
Lonely with "friends"There's something I've been struggling with lately. And the thing is that as a human I feel like I am created to need others, to be social, to have a small group of people I can relate to and feed off from their energy and have that go both ways.... See More »
cuts part 1So I am gonna do this in 2 parts because I can't put it all in one post.... Part 1: In life I don’t think you are suppose to be happy, I think you are suppose to be stable, and once you divert from that stability, either its bc you are over... See More »
I will never be what you want me to beI usually never get mad at anyone, it's hard to get me to be mad, but I guess some people see that as a challenge and go for it anyway. I would rather ignore someone than to be mad at them for something they did, that because first of all it's less... See More »
mental stateI feel like for a year and half now I have been failing a constant struggle to be happy. And it's one thing after another , I am barely keeping my head above it all.