So now you wanna block meCuz i didnt like your poem about your ex gf. Go ahead i mean havent you blocked me about 50,000 times now. How about you not treat me like shit and maybe we might get along.
Seems like all the cool kids here have an altI feel like mine would be painfully obvious it’s me. Angry tall woman from Australia. Dead give away 😂
Se terminóYa basta... No quiero saber nada, suficiente tengo de todo porque tengo ganas de gritar fuerte hasta quedarme sin voz o hasta desmayarme... Las noches no son agradables ya que se llenan de pensamientos negativos los cuales no me dejan dormir. El día... See More »
Trying To Get Respondents For Survey On Reddit; Gets Shadowbanned Site-WideYeah I think signing up for Reddit even for a throwaway account for temporary purpose was a mistake. Sadly though, nobody has responded to the survey from the link I posted here.