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Whether if you agree or not black Americans are owed reparations

Black Americans who are descendants are owed reparations not just from slavery but for the following: Jim Crow, redlining, inhumane experiments for war, inhumane experiments that were used to further medical practices, forced sterilization burning down our towns, racist propaganda in school books, the CIA causing the crack epidemic, and lastly giving reparations to former slave masters.
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Ravens80 · 46-50, F
Fuck that nobody owes anyone else shit they don’t earn and deserve. Bad things have happened to every race on earth get the fuck over it and make your own lives better stop depending on someone else to do it for you.
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@MarmeeMarch shouldn’t BLM have more black ppl.. it’s always white ppl on film.

The brothers were down when there was free nikes and TVs..

Weeks later. It’s just white liberals desperate to keep the narrative going.. 😎👍
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jeancolby · 31-35, F
I owe them nothing.
Zenyatta · 26-30
@jeancolby nobody is asking white people to personally give their shit to black people, but I’m not surprised you came to that conclusion
jeancolby · 31-35, F
@Zenyatta Good, because I won't give it. If they do take it, I'll get it back cheque, blood or cash, have a nice day.
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Okay, I can work with this. I will gladly pay my share of reparations for each and every one of these sins I have personally committed, but only to those I have committed them against.

There, that settles that matter. Now, on to the next issue.
@bijouxbroussard and lining up to vote Biden, a proven and documented racist. But okay, whatever.
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@PrivateHell If Biden was a “proven and documented” racist, he got past it enough to serve as a loyal VP to a black president for 8 years. Trump’s proven he’s on the side of the Confederacy and the KKK, in 2020. Right now.
YoungPoet345 · 26-30, F
100% agree. USA should try to learn from Germany about acknowledging cruel history and reconciling it. Start being open about the truth instead of hiding behind patriotism and white washed history books. Sugar coating and embellishing the truth does no good for anyone.
YoungPoet345 · 26-30, F
In the article
I told you to shut the fuck up tho. But I meant if you are speaking for radicals But now you get it. @YoungPoet345
YoungPoet345 · 26-30, F
@Spoiledbrat some of these people have taken things too far. But I don’t think you can lump all people together. Lumping all liberals together or all conservatives together is counterproductive. Not all conservatives are racist, not all liberals are anti-racist. Not all of either party are extremists or support them. That’s the issue of today. There is a mob mentality of conservatives vs. liberals and vice versa
SubstantialKick · 36-40, M
After everything that we have been through and dealt with, yeah I would definitely say that we are owed something much more than just an apology. That just would not be enough.
I think you should take ot with Congress anyway. I don’t make the rules. @rhouse
rhouse · 56-60, M
Nope. That is the simple way out instead of taking a stand against injustice. "Not my fault" said everyone who supported injustice.@Spoiledbrat
People have died. It’s definitely not their fault. @rhouse
4meAndyou · F
I have a friend who is dying of lung cancer. Every once in a while he gets to feeling sorry for himself, and starts whining about his life. He is a white Italian American.

Two or three days ago, he started in whining that he didn't know what joy was, and just wished he could have spent his life experiencing joy, without the depth of wisdom to understand the extremely ephemeral nature of joy. THEN he started saying BS like, "Why did I have to be a slave all my life?"

I will speak to you with equal stern impatience. You are NOT a slave. You simply enjoy feeling sorry for yourself for your perceived sucky life. You have a lot of opportunities, but you prefer to waste your ONE life, the little you have left of it, whining about coulda shoulda woulda.

No one OWES anyone anything. None of us alive today performed any of the sins you mention. Why should the past be converted into a cynical dollar payoff? Will the descendents of the people who were paid off feel as though they were also entitled...and feel cheated because grandma and grandpa spent all their reparations on booze and pot and crack?

Who will pay the geneticists to determine which percentage of black Americans alive today have more than 25% of original black slave ancestors? How much will that cost?

Who will pay genealogists, (me), to determine which American's ancestors all arrived in the United States AFTER the slaves were freed, thus having no possible connection to that issue? How much will that cost?

The stupidity and blind entitlement here has no solutions to these problems. How will these so-called reparations be paid? Will mulatto Americans be forced to pay a percentage, like 25%, because they are 25% white?

And when you responded, "the government", to the question of who will ignore the fact that government sucks all of its money from ALL American taxpayers.
@AshaKenyatta peonage, not slavery but just as wrong. You have your own opinions just like everyone else. I won't argue the case because those things were wrong to do to any human.
AshaKenyatta · 61-69, M
@Justiceforall peonage by definition is a form of slavery. And from what I gathered I’d that you and your friend don’t have an actual leg to stand on thus using out dated talking points.
@AshaKenyatta I know what it is, I do know how to read and I read the Mississippi story about that family who were forced to work. As for having a leg to stand on yes I have one leg that I can stand on. It seems to me that no matter what anyone has to say your going to make yourself right. You don't want to discuss things but be little other people. So I think this conversation is over on my part. But thank you for your words. Have a great day
By the same logic the native Americans are owed more.
@bijouxbroussard I know they make the most noise about it and use history as a weapon. They aren't alone in that mind. Nooo I interpret the needless direct finger pointing and bold words as anger, not a threat, just anger. Which is the typical tactic, make it a personal guilt attack
@TopCat I’m not sure what your point is. This was a post about reparations for the descendants of African slaves in the United States. You mentioned the Native Americans as if you didn’t realize that many tribes are receiving reparations already, so I simply provided the information. You’re also choosing to make assumptions about my personal feelings on the matter—and revealing your own in the process. 🤷🏽‍♀️
@bijouxbroussard you are correct my apologies
JesseInTX · 51-55, M
Sorry but I’ve never owned a slave and no one black person alive today ever knew a family member who was a slave. A payment for something that ended 4-5 generations ago isn’t happening. If it was a serious topic you’d go to the ancestors of the war lords who kidnapped and sold their own people to the Europeans in the first place. Slavery was a horrible time in American history, that goes without saying. However it was Africans who first enslaved Africans and in some regions of the continent still do to this day.
rhouse · 56-60, M
You are right. We both have our opinions but that opinion can never be accepted if it is racist.

Don't worry I would never be embarrassed by my service record. I am retired from the Army with over 26 years of service and I have spent over 7 in combat zones. I am sure you will now say you have 50 and 10 in combat zones but that doesn't bother (or impress) me.

I will agree that you have the right to your opinion but I will not agree that you have a right to anything that I perceive as racism. (I did say perceive. It may not actually be racism. )@JesseInTX
JesseInTX · 51-55, M
You are right. We both have our opinions but that opinion can never be accepted if it is racist.

@rhouse you know I was throwing a bone out there that we might find common ground as people who served our country. But you just called me a racist so that bone is gone and you are now blocked. Sad that you did that. Goodbye.
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You probably know you’re going to get a lot of racist replies to this question.
If General Sherman’s directive (Field Order 15) had been followed and the emancipated slaves had been allotted “40 Acres & a mule” per family, it would’ve been manageable. Today the equivalent is estimated to be $6.4 trillion.

So I don’t see it happening anytime soon. And if we’re talking about cash, who would they give it to ? Only people who could prove black slave ancestry ?

Some are wealthy now. And some are now classified as “white”. It would be really complicated. But I think making an education affordable through college (or trade school) would be a step in the right direction.

One thing a lot of people don’t know about slavery is that it was illegal to educate one’s slaves. People who taught their slaves to read and write risked prison. So even though many dismiss it now, formal education was always the way up and out.
IlovePeaches · 22-25, F
thats stupid... noone is entitled to anythign cause bad things happend to their ancestors
IlovePeaches · 22-25, F
@bijouxbroussard the protests are absolutely valid... there is a race problem. but i am saying there is a deeper rooted problem, and the whole BLM is more like trying to fix the symptoms and not the root of the problem. but maybe thats all we can do for now...
@IlovePeaches Some disagree with me, but my perspective as both a senior and a former teacher is that reparations in the form of educational opportunities would make the most sense. And it’s more feasible, with long term results.
IlovePeaches · 22-25, F
@bijouxbroussard schools and opportunity is a very important stepstone of fixing societies
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
Lead the way for us! Start with your home, property and bank account
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ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
@Stereoguy Exactly.
It is amazing how they’ll demand things like “the homeless should be set up in upper class communities,” but when asked how many homeless are they putting up in their home the answer is always ZERO. They never put their money where their mouths are and in general are full of shit. @ProfessorPlum77
I have actually learned a lot from this thread. Usually when I hear reparations it's always "give me monetary compansation" (which is why I didn't really take this thread serious as I figured it was more a throw money at them conversation)
But I have always disagreed with that. Not that I don't think they deserve it but because it won't actually do anything for people.
I'm of the mind of give a person a fish they will eat for a day, teach a person to fish and they will eat for a lifetime. So reparations need to be in programs that help to lift people out of their situations. Throwing money at people won't do it. But throwing money at social programs could help.
I thought I was the only person that thought like this. But a lot of people on this thread are saying similar stuff and so I feel better.
Zenyatta · 26-30
@Spoiledbrat That was some poorly done research seeing that none of your arguments have been fact based. All I see is pure emotionally charged rants
You haven’t even responded to my points. @Zenyatta
I haven’t done ant reading today. I just know because my major was early childhood education that there have been many programs in place to help poor people children and minorities. I actually did a speech on after school programs and how they wo4k and where the funding comes from. I’ve interviewed teachers from schools I don’t go to and worked in daycares (private and public) and worked in an elementary school middle school and high school. Not that that taught me much.
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
Most people don’t even know what reparations would look like. It’s more complicated than simple payouts. It’s about making thoughtful investments in education in under-represented communities.

It’s about real estate investments and support for minority owned businesses beyond loan support.

If not done properly, government profit seekers will abscond with significant portions of the investments.

Reparations sound nice, but it’s far more difficult than most will admit.

This is going to require a lot of work.
Allelse · 36-40, M
@JoeyFoxx Awesome fucking answer!!! Spot on old boy.
Zenyatta · 26-30
@JoeyFoxx Such a great pivot
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
@Zenyatta no pivot. You mentioned Hawaii first.

What’s your issue with what I said?
Budwick · 70-79, M
Americans are owed reparations

No, they are not.
For most of those, I'm in total agreement.
If there was a (say 80%) agreement with that in a national vote, what kind of reparations would work best?
If 13.4% of US citizens are of African descent, how does one distribute the compensation in a fair and egalitarian way?

Who exactly pays?
Do we expect new immigrants to pay, who have never committed a single sin against a Black American?
Is it all citizens irrespective of whether they have ever caused harm?
Is it only the descendants of slave owners and others who committed racist crimes, leaders who enacted racist laws and funded racist practices, teachers who taught racism...?
How much do they pay? How many payments over what period of time?

I am not trying to imply that compensation is wrong. I don't think it is.
But I think perhaps it might be better if it was not a direct financial payout.
Rather, I think the best way would be to put far more funding into much higher standards of free education, medicine, maintenance of public infrastructure, and better, stricter and fairer standards of justice.

In my will, I have left everything I own to the Gunditjmara people to compensate them for the crimes of my ancestors.
To be honest, there is no way to compensate for the murders, rapes, theft of land, children stolen and sent into slavery, or the destruction of languages, beliefs and cultures. The horrors of it are so great that no amount of money could compensate.
And the work of healing, though it has begun, will take many generations.

I wasn't aware of the CIA causing the crack epidemic.
I would believe it if I saw the evidence.
Crack is a problem in Australia too, but here it's almost exclusively a white addiction.
Who exactly pays?
Do we expect new immigrants to pay, who have never committed a single sin against a Black American?
Is it all citizens irrespective of whether they have ever caused harm?

There is a precedent in the United States. Our taxes currently pay reparations to the Native Americans: from the descendants of those who actually took the land and murdered the indigenous people, the descendants of immigrants who came afterwards, the descendants of those whose Native ancestry has been too diluted to qualify for reparations or whose tribe wasn’t judged as “eligible”. The taxes of the descendants of those brought here by force, who were considered “property”; not eligible to own their own bodies, never mind land taken from anyone else—also pay this recompense.

It’s the equivalent of living in a home where property taxes are overdue. Doesn’t matter if the original debt was yours or not—it has to be paid. You live here now, you’re expected to pay a portion of the bill.
@bijouxbroussard That's great about the reparations to Native Americans! :)
(I'm an Aussie so I didn't know.) I hope the amounts are sufficient and achieving the necessary goals.

I think a valid moral argument would be that if a person migrates to a place that was stolen from others, they vicariously participate in the consolidation of that theft. We don't consider it legal to sell, buy or give items that have previously been stolen - and this still applies to artworks centuries after the theft.

In the 12-steps programs (I was in CoDA), one makes a list of all one's flaws and transgressions over an entire lifetime - and then makes amends as much as possible. It's a means of deep healing.
So I believe that making reparations for all forms of racial violence and discrimination would go a long way to healing entire countries.

In fact, I believe it may be, at least in part, toxic shame which keeps so many people motivated to deny a shameful history. It's a disease of the spyche, some would say soul.

I'd be thrilled to see the system you propose happen in the US, Australia, and every other country where peoples have been violated by invasion, theft, rape, murder, torture, conquest and slavery.

The country that would have the biggest difficulty would be South Africa - but even there, it wouldn't be impossible.

The next challenge is how to get this idea accepted as policy, preferably by the Dems or left-wing parties.

And then how to convince the majority to vote for it.

Seeing the way homosexual marriage has become legal in many western countries, I believe the campaigning and educating works. It takes patience and persistence, but slowly these gains become normalised and the old guard realises it hasn't threatened their lives or made them any less well off.
TexChik · F
Take it up with the DNC
TexChik · F
@JAYS21 you’re crazy they have so much more fast twitch muscle . Physiologically ... they are better athletes
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Tminus6453 · M
you’re crazy they have so much more fast twitch muscle . Physiologically ... they are better athletes

True....Jimmy "the greek" said that on TV back in the 80's and people lost their minds, so Jimmy was fired from his televised spot..some people cant stand truth bombs
BlueVeins · 22-25
I agree, let's implement universal healthcare, universal pre-K, partial basic income, and universal housing, plus increase federal funding to public schools to help right these injustices. The best reparations are investments in impoverished communities that'll last. 🔥
why should the present taxpayers suffer because the actions of dead people?
Zenyatta · 26-30
@IstillmissEP I’ve refuted all your points, you can’t have an honest discussion without resorting to changing your opinion to fit your narrative every time I reply, you are purely childish.
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Zenyatta · 26-30
@IstillmissEP I’ll humor you, who aren’t I demanding money from?
Ravens80 · 46-50, F
Many of them have sucked welfare from the government tit for decades that’s payback enough!!
Yeah not all white people do this or that. I really think it’s time to let go of the past and focus on now. @Zenyatta
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
@Spoiledbrat the problem is that now is a result of the past and generational wealth building that African Americans were explicitly left out of.
Zenyatta · 26-30
@Spoiledbrat Are you even able to comprehend what I’ve been saying or truly this smooth on the brain?
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Zenyatta · 26-30
@sunsporter1649 You are so low effort to project your insecurities into a irrelevant point that shows your inability to read the entire post
Zenyatta · 26-30
@sunsporter1649 this is why your point is irrelevant
@jumbajuice could t have said it any better
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@Zenyatta LOL, how big a check you gonna write to barry big ears?
people should accept that the past was backward, the black community has some serious victim mentality, even Kanye West spoke on this
rhouse · 56-60, M
What I am defending is the right of individuals to be compensated for the wrongs that WE (apparently not you) have inflicted upon them. I am willing to take that side of the argument. @SW-User
@rhouse okay, start with your bank account; open it up for those whose grandparents were wronged
rhouse · 56-60, M
In case you don't understand it, that is exactly what I am willing to do. I pay taxes (a lot) in America. I understand that the money comes from me (more than most by the way.) I am up for your challenge. @SW-User

Definitely more than you if you are British.
Baremine · 70-79, C
Been paid back well with the welfare system.
Zenyatta · 26-30
@PainfulTruth Irish Americans aren’t suffering from the affects of hundreds of years worth of systemic oppression and laws that deliberately cripple communities. Also the Irish weren’t slaves they were indentured servants. Try again
Neither are most blacks. @Zenyatta
And white people suffer. Look at woman and gays how far they’ve come.
"I aIn't GoNe GiVe ShIt, ya hurR?"

Lol stfu with your 1 dollar in the bank. People are always on the defense and leave so very little room to actually listen and understand. Reparations means giving back on lost and stolen opportunities. This can be implemented in so many ways. Funding black communities, allowing black voices in positions of power, changing real estate structures, evening the playing field that still linger and take hold of people without them even being consciously aware.
No one once asked you to grab a penny out of your own damn pockets, they asked for you to listen and to take heed from history and the present, but instead you have the whole "uh just work hard n stuff duh" response.
Gee, aren't you a smart cookie! Working? What an innovative concept.
Fuvk you and sad racist bullshit. Grow the fuck up. @HijabaDabbaDoo
@Spoiledbrat Your inability to make a point besides "fuck you" and "fuck off" quite clearly indicates who needs to grow up here. 🧐
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
@Spoiledbrat I would love to know how in your world she institutionally oppressed you.
Ravens80 · 46-50, F
Just a little FYI I have several friends and acquaintances that are African Americans, they have worked hard to make good lives for themselves. That includes going to school working to pay for their education then becoming all they ever dreamed of being. They are not all rich by any means but have all made good lives for themselves and are raising wonderful families. When the topic came up about BLM, reparations, and other racist related topics this was the same sentiment that echoed from them. They had worked hard to get where they were and didn’t want to be degraded by people who didn’t speak for them. They told me, We aren’t owed a darn thing other than what we work for in our lives. It was our choice (their words) to make something of ourselves and aspire to dream and make our dreams a reality. So think hard about that because these are friends of mine, that came from not good backgrounds, nothing was handed to them to pave their way to success. Remember nothing is FREE! And not everyone is responsible for everyone else’s mistakes or problems.
Ravens80 · 46-50, F
This generation of people like you are a cancer on this country you’re idiots and have no common sense or rational I’m done fuck off asshole!@basilfawlty89
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Zenyatta · 26-30
@Ravens80 Comments like these are a dime a dozen. I’ve seen so many of these that I feel as if you guys copy and paste off each other but I digress.

Here is cold hard data that demolishes your argument.
RedBaron · M
Which black people? Only those whose ancestors came directly from Africa? What about those whose ancestors came from Africa via Caribbean nations such as Jamaica and Haiti? What about those whose ancestors were free and not slaves? How would it be proven who is who, and who's just coming forward for a money grab? And who owes it to them and how is all of this to be paid for? Do you want your taxes raised to cover it?
Zenyatta · 26-30
@RedBaron You seem mad about something it’s like a nerve was hit, might want to calm down a bit and not get worked up over a post on the internet
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RedBaron · M
@Zenyatta I'm quite calm and really don't care what happens. I just think you have an outrageous sense of entitlement and no idea how unrealistic this whole idea is.
RopinTexan · 36-40, M
Most black Americans alive today didn’t experience those things or are too young to remember. Also, many black Americans immigrated here directly from Africa or the West Indies. Should they get reparations too?
@RopinTexan You’d be surprised how many of us remember legal segregation. I was a child, but my parents are still alive. Pop remembers having to ride in the back of the bus when he returned from serving in Korea.
Nebula · 41-45, F
@bijouxbroussard That's f'd up.
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ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
My ancestors on my mom's side were in Europe until the late 1800's. I imagine the same holds true for those on my dad's side. So, no sale.
You forget American people pay taxes so it’s their money reparations come from. @AshaKenyatta
@ProfessorPlum77 So we’ll have to dig up some dead legislators and demand they pay reparations.
AshaKenyatta · 61-69, M
@Spoiledbrat Bold of you to assume that thought hasn’t crossed my mind, and honestly I couldn’t care less. I’d be paying this too and if it’s to fix this incredibly large disparity I’d happily redistribute my wealth. I’m already having my family set up financial literacy programs for when the time comes for true economic mobility in multiple communities in our surrounding area.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Giving handouts to descendants hardly seems like a solution.
@MarkPaul reverting back to your MSNBC fantasies again?
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Stuck in your Putin dreams and Baby-trump fantasies.
@MarkPaul Okay Dave Rubin.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
The fairest solution I suspect is not to just give out money but to redistribute money from police militarization to increase affordable housing, psychological care, social workers, job training, health care, and stocking food shelves.
All these tbings are available. @Tastyfrzz
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
@Spoiledbrat barely... They'd rather build up the military weapons in the police force.
But they’re available the same amount to all. @Tastyfrzz
And Native Americans?
Zenyatta · 26-30
@canusernamebemyusername if you want a post about native Americans do it yourself. Also they got reparations, granted they still got screwed over with it. If I were you would look into how underhanded it was implemented.
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
@Zenyatta They were here, first. Let's start with them.
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Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
As usual I think @bijouxbroussard has a good perspective on this issue. We’re not talking only about distant historical wrongs here. I like the idea of reparations in the form of things like educational and job opportunities. And frankly those kinds of investments, independent of one’s view on race and reparations, tend to be good economic policy.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@Harmonium1923 LOL, does the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ring a bell?
No we’re not owed reparations.
AshaKenyatta · 61-69, M
@JBull actually we very much are
Bastard · 26-30, M
Yes. Please give me money.
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@Barrelracer1 Do you actually know anything about what Al Sharpton does in various cities, like in my state where he comes and works with people trying to get their lives together ?
(He doesn’t get much media coverage for that.)
Or are you just another racist using his name as a talking point ? 😳
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goliathtree · 56-60, M
I am of Irish decent and I want my reparations in Jameson.
jeancolby · 31-35, F
@goliathtree Guiness for you
goliathtree · 56-60, M
@jeancolby I will take what I can get.
Ditto! @goliathtree
Dominus · 36-40, M
Should the indigenous Americans we took the land from also get them? The Japanese Americans we put into internment camps? All the survivors of military members who were subjected to and still are subjected to medical experiments? The families of Mexican-Americans who fought in Iraq & Afghanistan in exchange for citizenship and were then deported? The Mexican families whose children were taken from them at the border? Lastly, where does this money come from?
Zenyatta · 26-30
@Dominus No actually, this was a test post and I wanted to see how many people could all lives matter this post. I’ve learned that if you put black in it that people will throw a hissy fit over it. I notice that when other POC make posts pertaining to their specific people they do not catch flack for it, but when black people do it...well hopefully you see where I am going with this. Also Japanese Americans got reparations like 2 years ago if I remember correctly. Thanks for exposing yourself “ally”
Dominus · 36-40, M
@Zenyatta Oh in that case thanks for your passive-aggressiveness. It's a characteristic most people put on their list for "people to avoid." I notice that you did not respond to any of my questions except one cherry-picked question. I never was your ally, I was there at the beginning of BLM, protesting. I am willing to bet that you were not. You are precisely the type of person I've been warning about, everything or nothing types who prevent others from receiving justice.
Zenyatta · 26-30
@Dominus Well for one my reply was for literally all your questions. Two you do not know what my actual views are. Three I genuinely do not believe anything you’re saying in regards to being an ally your tone says it all for me. I told you what this post is for, so take the obvious hint
As long as the Africans that captured and enslaved their neighbors are going to be the ones to pay for it.... it's cool with me.

What about the Irish that were likewise exploited... Oh, and the American Indians too.
"WHAT ? " said the true native Americans
@NightsWatch Andrew Johnson gave the land back to the slave-owners. The folks who originally stole it.
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@Barrelracer1 The post is about the U.S. and their participation in the slave trade. Whites were indentured servants here, but not slaves by the legal definition. And whites were not legally restricted in terms of jobs, schools, areas where they could live, after the Emancipation Proclamation and Reconstruction.
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@Barrelracer1 You’re free to post a story addressing that, of course. But I’m fairly sure this poster’s discussing the issue of reparations within the United States. And here there is a precedent for such.
Ladyred · 46-50, F
You are owed reparations but at what cost? When we as human beings are coming together under the flag of human beings? Minority as we maybe we the people still believe in we the people. The melding pot we were created to be and we are taking labels and violence out of our mouths! We the people, are we the people full stop!
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
You ain’t owed shit. Get over it. Nothing that is going on now is going to advance the cause.
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
How much over how long and paid for in what manner?

On principle and moral value I believe your statement is true. And I'm certainly willing to entertain notions of what this might look like.

From a practical standpoint I'd prefer to see more programs focused on reducing wealth inequality for all. Because we don't really need billionaires, poverty hurts everyone, and programs that benefit a broad variety of people help prevent resentment invoked by jealousy.

I'm honestly afraid that reparations would lead to an upswing in hate crimes perpetrated against blacks.
@ViciDraco You think hate crimes would increase more than they currently have ? Just by us existing ? 😳
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
@bijouxbroussard the nature of jealousy and resentment. And you can be sure politicians will be playing up that envy. The notion of black people sucking up welfare isn't even true and it keeps the racism flowing.
@ViciDraco I know. And you can look at the number of times on record when blacks have established businesses and thriving towns, only to have gangs of Klansmen come in, killing people and burning everything to the ground.
They did that without reparations. So what would change ?
Funny how some people on here who I assume are White think they owe black people money when that’s the U.S. government’s responsibility.
@pagandad Ah, so I guess a certain demographic filing a lawsuit for damages the U.S. government has done to them is wrong because it's ROBBING you of your hard work. Oh please, the only one being the angry bitch here is you.
daisymay · 51-55, T
@SW-User Yeah, the fuckup you're arguing with is truly a magnificent specimen of incompetence and impotent rage. He can't even maintain consistency with his own arguments about all the "other"s he hates and why he hates them.

I can't wait for his Socialist Reeducation to be broadcast live 😍
Ravens80 · 46-50, F
@SW-User many were sold by there own kind into slavery so maybe Africa can pay them too🤣😂
JesseInTX · 51-55, M
@Zenyatta well I left those out for several reasons. The most important one is what the majority of the radical left want for reparations is slavery. As for your comments on experiments on medical practices I’d invite you to read up on mental/insane asylums of the early to mid 1900s which were almost exclusively white, I’d invite you to read up on Irish immigration during the mid 1800s to the early 1920s, educate yourself on the crack epidemic because it was the black gang leaders who developed it and the sold it to the Mafia in NYC. Anything else I didn’t address?
Zenyatta · 26-30

Pfuzylogic · M
This should have been brought up when ronald reagan depleted funds in a very racist manner from 1980 to 1988. He kicked a lot of people out of housing and starved many.No one called reagan out and he even called politicians “liberals” and Ted Kennedy didn’t stand up to reagan when the times called for it.
IlovePeaches · 22-25, F
@Pfuzylogic glad i didnt live in the 80s... i would have propably ended up in some terror organisation then. everythign i learned abotu 80s politicans is an absolute nightmare.. from thatcher to reagan to brezhnev
Pfuzylogic · M
The Iran confrontation gave the conservatives way too much power and reagan started our dive in debt like no other.
Bush Sr. later had a Hoosier (from Indiana) VP just like we have now. Clinton saved our dive but the bush 43 put us right on track. Why is it that our Democratic Presidents have to be the intelligent ones and cleanup their mess. We don’t even know if donnie could pass a GED since he bought his SAT. He can’t even say Yosemite right 😂
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sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@JAYS21 Geez, did you see that racist last Sunday at Talladega! Awesome race!
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Zenyatta · 26-30
@Barrelracer1 archaeology disproves this but I find your comment entertaining either way
ancientmariner · 61-69, M
And all that was done by Democrats who instituted Slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, fought against MLK and the Civil Rights Movement, fought against Blacks getting the right to vote, instituted Segregation, killed hundreds of Black Americans in Tulsa and burned their neighborhood to the ground just because they were self sufficient. Let the Democrats pay for it.
ancientmariner · 61-69, M
@Zenyatta It's the Truth.
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sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M

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