Well, that just really sucks.I knew something wasn't right about my car, because my MPG suddenly decreased. And now I have a CEL. It doesn't run rough, no misfires, so hopefully it's nothing too serious. I just don't really have that much money right now, so it's kind of... See More ยป
What's been one of the lowest points of your life, so far?I was hanging out with some people at school after a Bible study, and we were talking about how 2020 was just hopeless and depressing for lots of people. I know for me, I got laid off right when the pandemic hit in March and didn't find a job until... See More ยป
Where were you in 1997?I was just a little dude in 2nd-3rd grade. Times were a lot simpler back then.
What is the worst frozen food brand that you'll be totally wasting your money on?They're not meant to be anything fancy, but if there is one that's a complete joke, it's Banquet. Their meals are like high school cafeteria food lol.
Were your parents strict when you were growing up?I would say that I grew up in a pretty strict and religious household. My parents, dad especially, were the old school "spare the rod, spoil the child" type like how their parents raised them, if you get what I mean.
What is a place, where you can find the highest concentrations of cool people?Where everybody knows your name, and you're always glad you came? Lol.
The Xbox 360's Red Ring of DeathAnyone who ever owned an Xbox 360 back in the day, might have had this happen to it at least once. I've never owned a 360, but I remember hearing about it all the time back in the late 2000s-mid 2010s. Had a couple of friends back in my early college... See More ยป (3)
Posts without replies don't feel complete.I'm referring to me the OP, replying to the comments that people leave. Just hearting and reacting to the comments gets a bit old, but nowadays I just don't have as much to say for whatever reason ๐คท๐พโโ.
My car may be old, not very fast, and not great on gas...But she always starts right up in the cold ๐๐พ.
Have you ever been to a high school reunion?I got invited to a 10 year reunion back in 2017, and being that high school was terrible for me from a social standpoint, I was like "Nah bro, I'm good" ๐.
Insomniacs, what do y'all do when you can't sleep?I just lay in bed and do some deep thinking, browse through Reddit, or I'll get up and play some video games lol.
They say that the holidays are the most wonderful time of the year.Yeah, except for us poor and broke people who have no money.
This is one of the most cartoonish James Bond villain deaths ever.It's like something out of Looney Tunes ๐. (1)
Screw 2024. It's just a big huge joke.I wonder if I could borrow John Olinger's time machine so I could travel back in time to 1994. Lol.
People are already freaking about the election results.I totally get it, but I'm old enough to remember Bush vs. Gore back in 2000, when the race wasn't even officially called for Bush until about 2 weeks before Christmas. It ain't over until everything is counted, tallied, recounted, and the results are... See More ยป