Cried at work because I think someone was trying to crawl under my skin.I don't understand whether people are being serious or humorous, except when they are very obvious about it. That is not perceived very well by socially apt people who don't struggle to communicate on a daily basis. I work in a very high interactive... See More »
Hey.. I see you..I see how you struggle. I see how hard it is for you to push through what we call living. I get it. I understand how hard it is sometimes to just stay alive. So I just want you to remember.. There's nothing wrong with being who you are. You are... See More »
it... shouldn't.. bother me... it shouldn't bother shouldn't bother me, no. it shouldn't. if i speak at one constant volume, at one constant pitch, at one constant rhythm. you still won't hear, you STILL won't hear! you still won't hear! You still won't hear.
Two of my scars on my arm cuz why not and I'm bor3d and tired (Will msg anyone who asks to explain how i got these scars btw) (2)
Past traumaI've had my share of friends and family who have pushed me aside because I tried to be the good person in their lives, but they were so used to being mistreated in their past that they kept gravitating towards those types rather than those that... See More »