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What's been one of the lowest points of your life, so far?

I was hanging out with some people at school after a Bible study, and we were talking about how 2020 was just hopeless and depressing for lots of people.

I know for me, I got laid off right when the pandemic hit in March and didn't find a job until November. I didn't have much money to begin with and ended up broke, couldn't really go anywhere or really do much except sit at home and wonder when things would get better.
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WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
I had a period when I left the military where I felt a bit lost. I wasn’t able to find work straight away and I had a young family to support. But I got through it.
Arnoldjrmmer · 56-60, M
I hate to even choose one. Life has a way of saying "oh, yeah?" and giving you a yet lower point.

Most involve people dying, or godawful relationship moments. A few come from having too much free time to let thoughts get out of control or when i start to overestimate myself (that never lasts too long before things go poorly).

I suppose its strange that my own physical issues don't make my list but maybe that is because I can usually do something about them.
The pandemic was a very difficult time for me as well. I began having financial troubles and my mother first became ill with the dementia that would take her from us. 😞
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
It has been the past two years for me. First we had hurricane Ian. It did some damage to a couple of our rental properties. The insurance company wouldn't pay off so we had to repair the places ourselves. Then the economy started tanking. My wife and I make a living off of vacation rentals. All of a sudden our places were sitting empty half the year. Then my wife was diagnosed with uterine cancer. While we were doing biopsies and getting everything figured out we had hurricanes Debbie, Helene and Milton. Those postponed her cancer surgery and treatments. During Milton we had more damage. The insurance company got a little froggy after not paying off for hurricane Ian and actually had the nerve to tell us that we could rebuild two houses for $580. That since our deductible was $5900 they didn't owe us any money. We have currently retained a lawyer and are sueing them to get paid. The lawyer says we can't do any repairs until we settle with the insurance company. Due to all of this we haven't had any rental income in 8 months now and we have been forced to sell another property to raise some cash. The sale closes the first of April, so we won't have any income in March either. We are definitely broke right now. I don't want to ever be this broke again. My wife did have her cancer surgery and radiation treatments. All of her scans and blood work have come back clean. Once this whole mess straightens up I may actually have to get a job and go back to work. Up until all of this I was enjoying being retired.
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meggie · F
When my marriage ended and my husband wouldn't accept it despite having a girlfriend.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
When I was 5-6 year old.
@CrazyMusicLover You can actually remember back then? Impressive 😀
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@Yourwildestdreams Do you want me to block you?
@CrazyMusicLover ? You ok ? I’m merely stating I can’t remember back past ’early twenty’s , I’m impressed at your memory function 😀
HumanEarth · F
Just living, is hell.
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Jackjane · 22-25, FNew

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