Found someone from the pastShe seems to be doing well...i cant know the truth but..... i am really happy to see she is forging ahead in life. I hope everything forward leads to the best. She is someone i want to have a great future. She deserves so much.
F communism.Nothing has killed more people than the ideal of comunism. If you disagree, you are either a liar or you never read a history book.
One song that captures who i amNot that anyone ever cares or possibly can. You all have your own fights. I dont expect anyone to have the same reaction. The line "aspirations in the clouds, but your hopes go down the drain" Capture most of my life. I also expect no sympathy... See More » (1)
To paraphrase a great CaptainMy days of underestimating people are rapidly coming to a middle. Too many visualize themselves as browncoats, when they are actually alliance.
I hate teams/zoom meetings.Spent twenty five minutes on a weekly meeting. It took two minutes to finish off business and the rest of the meeting was everyone comparing stories of loved ones who died of cancer. I mean, I am sympathetic but WTF. Yeah ive had plenty of that in... See More »
Its fixin to come a blizzard. you babies dress warmly, ya hear?For my fellow midwesterners. This isn't the first time you have seen snow. 1. Turn ON your headlights. Daytime running lights do not turn on your tailights. 2. When the roads are dry and devoid of snow, stop driving 30mph in the passing lanes. If... See More »
Major score for parts!Ive been working on rebuilding an old Remington 1889 double barrel shotgun ever since I got a few parts. I finally found a set of barrels. Normally it wouldnt be too bad to find them except this frame is for a 10 gauge. My old forearm piece... See More » (1)
Tips for dealing with ADHD impulsivenessIm still new at the ADHD diagnosis so I figured id give it a shot to see what others do to rein in the worst of impulsive urges. My personal issues are probably familiar to those who have this sort of thing. Ive had them as long as i remember but... See More »
Most dont know this.Some songs have lyrics that mean more than the pop culture knows. M.A.S.H theme song : (1)
There are subjects i hate to talk about.Sometimes it is because my own emotions are a screaming ball of confusion. Sometimes it's because i know there are no good answers. I think about writing but the voice chimes in to say 'why?, what will it achieve?' I guess this post comes from... See More »
Chinese bots are funMet at least one here. Google translate must be letting him down as the writing is barely coherent. I wonder how many people take it seriously and get worked up over the distortions as it works to make people angrier. I dont think too many do, I... See More »
This is why people dont trust copsMy man did every single thing right but one moron who cant keep a finger off the trigger will now cost taxpayers millions. No foul to my dude as he was 100% right and deserves every penny. (1)
Non political ..less than rantIf i happen to post on a political topic, it will be a rare bending of my personal guidelines. Whatever you feel politically, there is nothing gained by calling your neighbors names. The top of our political landscape (all of them) rely on us peons... See More »