Post an embarrassing event that happened to you.I will start. As a junior in high school, my voice started to change. So, when answering a question in class, I would always clear my throat before talking to ensure I had a deep voice when I spoke.
How did you find out about SW?I was on EP and as it was closing, I was told about a new site (SW) that would be opening soon.
Have you ever seen The Trilogy? (The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers and The Return of the King.)What was your opinion of this series?
They are no longer going to mint pennies.However, it will take decades for them to become obsolete. What is your opinion on the demise of the penny?
Should the Monday after the Super Bowl be a holiday?There will be a lot of parties going on this evening.
Post a favorite quote.One of mine is from "Annabel Lee." "And neither the Angels in Heaven above Nor the demons down under the sea Can ever dissever my soul from the soul Of the beautiful Annabel Lee."
What is your theory about all the drones over New Jersey?It seems the Feds are trying to downplay their significance.
Have you ever read a book that changed your life?I read "Advise and Consent" when I was fifteen. It was a political awakening for me.
Due to his debate performance on Thursday night, will Joe Biden withdraw from the presidential race? Poll (20) See Poll Options