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Post an embarrassing event that happened to you.

I will start.
As a junior in high school, my voice started to change. So, when answering a question in class, I would always clear my throat before talking to ensure I had a deep voice when I spoke.
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BobbyMoeven · 51-55, M
Professor ..

I really think you are holding back on us ..

I am generally soft spoken person . I mean i mumble because I am not necessarily a confident public speaker . I had to do a university presentation in a an auditorium sized classroom ...and as I presented my paper and lulled the classroom to sleep . One dude in the back clamourd 'speak up , nobody can hear you '.. Not that he cared to hear . He was just being ubnoxious . I looked up from my pages , up at the room , seeing stark gazes , then , lowered my head and continued to mumble the remaining pages . With a dry mouth , and pummeled character ,..after presenting . I just left , I couldn't deal with the embarrassment of being there ..
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
@BobbyMoeven Oh, my. Public speaking is a common fear exceeded only by the fear of death. 😳
DallasCowboysFan · 61-69, M
I was in college and a member of the Young Republicans Club. I had some modest experience as a bartender so I was volunteered to bartend at the home of someone who was raising money for the Attorney General of Virginia. He arrived to the party and a few minutes later our local congressman showed up, who happened to be Chairman of the Armed Services Committee.

He was also a staunch Catholic and only drank white wine. One of his handlers came by and asked me to pour a glass of wine for him. I grabbed the bottle, looked at it closer, and realized it was one of those fancy bottles of wine that had a cork, not the twist off metal kind. I tried to open it with a corkscrew, the cork went the wrong way, and went into the bottle.

I could not pour the wine because the cork stopped up the wine's flow. So I did what anyone else would do....I stuck my finger in the wine bottle, pushed the cork back and poured it slowly. Then, I stuck my finger in his wine glass to pick out the smaller pieces of cork.

Someone saw me, told me he would take care of it, opened another bottle, and poured the distinguished gentleman another glass of wine, free of fingers and cork residue.

But I survived. And so did the guests.
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
@DallasCowboysFan Wow! What a dilemma! 😳
YoMomma ·
I tried to open a car door that wasn't mine.. i had been walking for miles and my slipper had fell apart and i was walking barefoot on the highway and there were critters coming to the edge of the road out of the swamp and i just wanted a break .. there was an abandoned car on the roadside just an old car .. normally i don't touch other people's stuff or their cars but i just wanted to sit down and not be bit by a swamp creature or whatever anyway these people in a pick up truck stopped and gave me a ride and asked if that was my car and i said no and they all looked at me like 😒
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
@YoMomma That's funny! 🤓
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
@YoMomma This reminds me of a story. It was the early or mid-1990's. A friend and I were driving to an out-of-town event on the Interstate. I had rented a car. We stopped at a rest stop. I went into the men's room. My friend was sleeping in the passenger seat. When I got back to the car and was trying to unlock it, i realized i was trying to get into the wrong car. I backed away apologizing as I did. (During this time period, there were a lot of crimes committed on the Interstates in the area I lived in.)
invisiblewoman · 36-40, F
Well i have had quite a lot of things happen to me. Luckily I don't embarass easily.

But once I worked at a restaurant where I was a server. I remember it was the first day of hunting season and early in the morning and we were swamped with hunters. There was a piece of thread hanging from the hem of the black skirt that I was wearing. I thought I pulled it off but when i did it unraveled the entire length of the back of my skirt. So needless to say I gave a free show of my pink panties to approximately 50 -75 men that morning.
JackOatMon · 46-50, M
@invisiblewoman Great show
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
@invisiblewoman Interesting. 🤓
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
We had to carry walkie talkies at work and the unprofessional women-folk would announce to the world anything they thought you did or didn't do they figured was wrong in some way...but they only ever did it to me. They were pleasant and nice to each other.
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
@FloorGenAdm Sounds like a rough crew to work with! 😳
LaLumieri · 51-55, F
In my junior year of high school I had gotten in with some of the "cool" kids, Girls with big hair and pointy flat shoes.... I had gotten myself a pair of those pointy flat shoes (they were white). When you saw everybody you kind of rushed over and slid towards them with your new Shoes..... Well I kept continuing to slide past them Right into the hallway steps and fell on my ass in front of everyone coming into the building.
Or that time that my boyfriend and I were out on 4th of July and because my hair was so big and full of hairspray I backed into a wall and fell in a sewer great and got my leg stuck.......... That 1 made it into the local newspaper were firemen involved.
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
@LaLumieri Wow! Two interesting events. 🤓
RhodaCamel · 100+, M
My neighbors fed me a voodoo chicken and I feel sick!
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
@RhodaCamel Hmm 😳

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