If you like ice cream you'll love frozen yogurt as a dessertI love ice cream but I thought I'd give frozen yogurt a try. Am I ever glad I did. The Black Jack Cherry is better than any ice cream I've enjoyed. Looks like I'll be trying the other 13 flavors right soon 🤤 (2)
Are you from a civilized country where people drive on the right side of the road? Poll (17) See Poll OptionsOr do you drive on the side of the road you believe is the right side - the left? (1)
Can you recall your first ever post?Did you post it on SW or somewhere else? - - - - - Mine was this goofball entry - - - - - "What Time Is It When An Elephant Sits On your Fence?"
Who are some of the actors you think never got the reconition they deserved?Theresa Harris for one... with Barbara Stanwyck from the 1933 movie Baby Face. (1)
Besides the "Am I pretty?" posts and others on the joys of bacon what else is thankfully absent on SW? Poll (4) See Poll Options
If you're no longer as good as you've been at what you love to do bestare you happy you still can be every once and a while?
What would be your favorite restomod?An old car with modern mechanicals like this electric Rolls Royce? (1)
Sometimes "it" is obviousLike the song Let It Be - - Is it hot where you live? - - Leave it alone, it'll grow - - (I'm sure there are many more examples... )
In honor of the "27 Club"Which one or more of them do you believe would've had a long, successful career? (1)
Why don't comedy movies have laugh tracks like TV shows?Once there was background music coming from an unseen orchestra denoting danger ahead, romantic situations or many other emotional upheavals so why not laughter?
Why is the push on to rid the U.S. of millions of so-called illegal aliens and their familiesinstead of purging the nation of criminal motorcycle and street gangs, the mafia and other highly-organized and deeply entrenched criminal elements?
Which popular movie(s) have you heard so much about but you have not yet watched? Poll (42) See Poll Options (1)
If Amadeus Mozart had an identical twin brother would both have written great music?Maybe neither would have. Who knows?
The different universes of Taylor Swift and The BeatlesSet aside 10 minutes of your day to listen to this Rick Beato video comparing these two music powerhouses. He was spurred by this New York Times headline - "How Big Is Taylor Swift?" (1)
Do you ever watch a movie or a TV show just to pick out the ridiculousness of certain situations?I've only recently discovered Lost In Space (from the mid-1960s) and was wondering how this show ever got on the air. (1)