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The United States of America is a racist country....true or false ? πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

After last nights election, and the recent results in Georgia, and in Florida. It is obvious that the mental stronghold on certain segments of White America still have an impact that results in an unnecessary fear based on propaganda and division. It ain't that damn bad, ok. It could be worse. Do you agree, that the US is still to some degree a racist country.
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Miram Β· 31-35, F Best Comment
I had the chance to be in multiple countries, racism is everywhere but in the US it's louder. I guess it has lot to do with identity politics and using race and fear to gain support
sunsporter1649 Β· 70-79, M
dale74 Β· M
@Miram people in the United States also want to pay day and will sue over every little thing even if it's not intentional just because they think it was personal or because of their race sexual identity anything.
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@dale74 The Sesame Place controversy was real and intentional.

Penny Β· 46-50, F
America is not a racist country at ALL! there may be some racists in it, but it is definitely not racist as far a country goes. don't call America a racist country. America is a melting pot and it's motto is all about equality and brotherhood. don't let a handful of people color your opinion about the whole country. you seem to be the racist if you want my opinion. anti-white. ("White America"? it's just "America" and all its color of people)
MasterLee Β· 56-60, M
@Zonuss we have full documentation of your racism. Viewing your posts.
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@MasterLee No. Seeing is believing. Low vibration idiots like yourself don't like truth.
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@MasterLee Good. πŸ™‚
Yes. And Trump is the proof.

He would never have got near the White House if he hadn't pandered to people's deeply held racist beliefs.
@Mountainlady16 more than 100 years ago.

Just think, 10 years ago the Republican Party were a centre-right party who could actually govern. Just 10 years ago.
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@SW-User Trump just got rid of DEI.
What's your opinion on that.
@Zonuss It just makes it easier for employers to dump CVs with foreign-sounding names in the trash without looking at them.
One of the least racist countries in the world. If you listen to the spittle flecked screams of the professional victims, you would think that Jim Crow is alive and well, and we have Sunday picnics at the gallows. That is not real. That is senseless screaming and acting out by people who enjoy pretending to be outraged.
ronisme1 Β· 61-69, M
@puck61 I was a victim of some gang violence from southern calif. I believe I stayed that all need to follow the rules, do unto others as you would do to yourself
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@puck61 Ha. Listening to you say this is like hearing a Nazi deny the Holocaust. πŸ™‚
@Zonuss They are showing their collective asses in front of everyone. You can't just deny what is under everybody's nose. Their violence, harassment, and destruction is not going to stop anything, it is simply going to put more chips on more shoulders. You can deny all you want, but we all see it every day.
Mountainlady16 Β· 22-25, F
The GA governor election was very much a long shot. And very little had to do with her race she was a socialist anti-American left wing nut. She wanted to turn us into a sanctuary state and give illegals a scholarship reserved for citizens with b avg
Mountainlady16 Β· 22-25, F
@windinhishair and maybe if your wife gave you your balls back you be less than you'd still be an ass
QuixoticSoul Β· 41-45, M
@Mountainlady16 The senate race. We have top-two primary system.
windinhishair Β· 61-69, M
@Mountainlady16 Can't get your facts straight, can you? No wonder you love Trump.
HoraceGreenley Β· 61-69, M
The United States of America is the least racist country on the planet.
HoraceGreenley Β· 61-69, M
@yogibooboo Yes, ive seen it first hand. Anyone with curiosity or does any reading would see it quickly.

One example was the Japanese Foreign Minister who in the early 90's stated the following at a press conference:

The problem with America is that it has too many Blacks and Puerto Ricans.

I'd say that was fairly unambiguous.
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@HoraceGreenley America has too many Blacks and Puerto Ricans.
Tell us more about your highly
racist theory please.
I can't wait to hear this. 😊
HoraceGreenley Β· 61-69, M
@Zonuss I didn't say that.

The Foreign Minister of Japan said this to the press.

Try reading some time. It's pretty handy.
There are racists within the country, but there are also people who aren’t. I’m not sure if the entire country should be painted as racists, though. If it were 100% the case, there would be no pushback against racism, but obviously, there is.
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@SW-User Well said Bam Bam. πŸ™‚
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biandlargeny Β· 56-60, M
The elections in GA and FL were not about race. They were about policy. Capitalism vs Socialism in FL. And Conservatism vs Progressivism in GA. The racial divide in the US had been reduced prior to 2008. Obama's policies and actions increased hostilities and created organizations like the BLM. In doing so we tooka step backwards as a country. Now I'm not saying there isn't racism in the country but the degree to which it is being used as a reason for things happening the way they do is over-played.
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OggggO Β· 36-40, M
@unearthed Many of the people they claimed moved, hadn’t.
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@biandlargeny Its nothing but vicious propagand made to put ignorant minds like yours in fear. Nothing more. But your time is coming. The truth is gonna hit you like a brick. πŸ™‚
It will soon be revealed that this was all a Sorros false flag perpetrated by Antifa and BLM.
MasterLee Β· 56-60, M
@Kwek00 this isn't about yoir feelings or your fantasies. This is the straight truth.
Kwek00 Β· 41-45, M
@MasterLee Yes, let me hear the truth MasterLee... I know I can't handle it, but I want to be educated! Let me hear MaterLee, give it to me.
Kwek00 Β· 41-45, M
@MasterLee I guess not... Djeez, what a surprise πŸ˜‚
Pherick Β· 41-45, M
I don't know how you could even begin to deny it after recent marches and events. I think most people would claim that its "just a small portion" of the population that had those feelings.

I would argue that while KKK/Nazi's are at a 10 for racism, that still leaves alot of people who have a 5. They may not be marching or wearing white robes, but doesn't mean they don't feel anger towards immigrants taking their jobs, or those lazy blacks on welfare ...
chisu Β· 31-35, M
@Pherick dont forget all the non white racists. given that 40$ of us population is not white, a lot of the racists are in the 40% too.
Fernie Β· F
@chisu non whites have every reason to hate whites, they aren't racist imo, they've been screwed/oppressed by whites for how many hundreds of years?...whites hate people of color for insane reasons...I don't know why whites think the color of their skin makes them superior in any way
Strictgram Β· 70-79, C
@Fernie Pathetic!
windinhishair Β· 61-69, M
It absolutely is, and Trump has tapped into the anger and hatred and stoked it for his own use.
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@windinhishair He is doing it in a way that is far dangerous than one can imagine.
windinhishair Β· 61-69, M
@Zonuss I agree. What is the term--with malice aforethought?
Sunnykel76 Β· 46-50, F
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@Sunnykel76 🀭 Awww, you so cute. πŸ™‚
MarineBob Β· 56-60, M
nope as you can see obumo safely survived his stumping
Adaydreambeliever Β· 56-60, F
@TexChik I wasn't quite sure what you meant there.. are you trying to say he has admitted it? Being a muslim? Oh that would be interesting.. where and when did this happen? Is there any video? or audio of him saying that?
@MarineBob That POS is sitting on the Ritz a few blocks off of the beltway behind a big fence and a wall.
MasterLee Β· 56-60, M
@puck61 throwing "rocks"
Penny Β· 46-50, F
The US is the opposite of a racist country. It satnds for equality. Of course there may be some racists in it, but that doesnt make it a racist country. I'd say racists were a minority.
Penny Β· 46-50, F
@daisymay a select jury of your peers that happens to wrongfully convict does not necessarily mean the defendant was discriminated against. how do you know the jury consisted of Republicans only? (and all racist white ones too of course.)
daisymay Β· 51-55, T
@Penny Wow. Okay, do you think it's the jury that arrests innocent people and charges them with crimes? That's not how it works.

Do you think it's the jury that withholds evidence, coerces confessions, and various and other sundry things? Is it the jury, too, who when presented with evidence that would exonerate an incarcerated individual does everything in their power to quash that evidence?

how do you know the jury consisted of Republicans only? (and all racist white ones too of course.)

1. I never said that.
2. You're being redundant.

You can continue leaving now.
Fernie Β· F
@daisymay πŸ˜‚
LillyOLilly Β· F
Not one lawsuit against Trump has been dismissed, but every one of Trump's lawsuits has been thrown out.
@Zonuss That's what I just said
ronisme1 Β· 61-69, M
@Zonuss she is saying trump is racist. A good point as he is giving power to the kkk and the proud boys, etc.
JackJames Β· M
@Zonuss people from within can sit and say the country isn’t racist. However, those from without can see the actions as a whole. Do I think the majority of people are racist in the USA? No. Not in the least. Are there big issues surrounding race in the USA? Yes. They happen in other countries as well but not as statistically high.
nedkelly Β· 61-69, M
This is an open question, ALL countries have racism
MasterLee Β· 56-60, M
@nedkelly America just happens to have the least amount
Carazaa Β· F
@nedkelly I have never experienced racism in Sweden when I lived there, only in the USA!
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@nedkelly Not on the level of the US. No. πŸ™‚
Dlrannie Β· 31-35, F
Racism sadly exists everywhere - that being said as an outsider I do get the impression that the US has more of a problem than many other countries
Dlrannie Β· 31-35, F
@Zonuss The words Patronising Git spring to mind sonnyπŸ™‚
Valentine Β· M
@Dlrannie πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Some totally random icons as well.πŸ¦•πŸ¦–πŸ¦§πŸ¦¨πŸ‰πŸ‘™

Lmfao. Ha ha haaaah.
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@Dlrannie Thanks. I welcome the compliment. πŸ€—
Adaydreambeliever Β· 56-60, F
Thinking about it.. America has huge pockets of people who are still very racist... that's not ok.. Other nations also have, often to a much lesser degree people who are racist.. While there remain these pockets of utter ignorance and refusal to see it as a problem, then that country remains racist to a greater or lesser degree.. Racism is NOT inevitable, it's not even necessary or helpful... until we eliminate it then we do have to recognise that racism will continue to affect people adversely.
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@Budwick America is and was already great. You're an indoctrinated brainwashed fool.
Budwick Β· 70-79, M
@Zonuss After eight years under Obami, America had lost a step.
We're back on track now.
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@Budwick Where were you in 2008. Trump wasn't there. πŸ€—
kodiac Β· 22-25, M
Why don't these rants ever include things like the underground railroad? Do you even know what it was or do you leave it out because it's doesn't fit your I'm oppressed agenda? WHITE people who risked everything to help black slaves escape to Canada do you know the penalties they faced for helping black slaves?
Kwek00 Β· 41-45, M
@dale74 I think the conservative party backers make a lot money using racist doggwhistles. So yeah, you might be right on that.
dale74 Β· M
@Kwek00 that just told me everything I need to know about you. No need to carry on a discussion with you and your blinders. With no examples.
Kwek00 Β· 41-45, M
@dale74 Just go digging in what the main aim of the republican party has been since the end of the 1970s. The aim is to reduce taxes on the rich. That's why the republican party has all these wealthy libertarian types that don't like to pay taxes, because "redistibution" in any form is just labeled "socialism". The wrongs of the past can't be adressed, because that would mean "redistibution" and thus "socialism". And these people they will hug anyone that vote for them. That's why the Donald, the new seller of the brand that makes rich people more rich, opened his arms to all these fringe groups that most people don't want to see in politics. That's why he can't adress white supremacy, because the white supremacists were cheering for him. That's why the KKK promoted Donald Trump in 2016. Not that Donald cares a whole lot about these people, or the poor (no matter how white they are). Nah, he just doesn't want to pay taxes like his buddies. And to keep the bigots loyal, you have to give bigoted speeches, cite "the snake poem" for 4 years long. Tell people that the 1950s were the good old days.

Nothing new... Nixon and Reagan did similair things. Here is the tactic from the horse mouth:


But you just keep pretending that everything is cool. Keep drinking the coolaid.
The U.S. always has been. This country is so knee deep it's difficult to get out of it.
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Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@SW-User I agree.
HairbrushDiva Β· 31-35, F
Not having been there I can only go by what I keep hearing about it, and the things I hear about it on this site are not good.
ronisme1 Β· 61-69, M
Old saying, there is more than 1 way to skin a cat
HairbrushDiva Β· 31-35, F
@ronisme1 I don't know, I haven't been over there.
ronisme1 Β· 61-69, M
@HairbrushDiva we are still a great country and I would live here over many other countries. Be back in a bit
JoePourMan Β· 61-69, M
Definitely not. As a country we are mostly good decent citizens. The bad eggs just get more attention
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@Budwick Oh it's the dumb guy again. πŸ™‚
Budwick Β· 70-79, M
@Zonuss Always begging for attention!
Budwick Β· 70-79, M
@Zonuss Tell me something Zone.
If you could somehow become white,
Would you do it?
Peaches Β· F
Yes I agree. My cousin back east won't talk to me anymore because I question Trump. You gotta think and believe just like them or they'll turn their back on ya. I don't think it's fear based so much as just plain ignorance!
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@Peaches Wow. πŸ™‚
Peaches Β· F
@Zonuss I'm sorry I lost my temper on your thread @Zonuss, this is one of the reasons I don't get into politics here.
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@Peaches I don't mind. πŸ™‚
princero Β· M
You got to live in the south to understand it! If you are in North east or on west coast, answer might be - 'not really or maybe some' ... if you are in south, it is blatantly YES!! Just visit Mississippi or Louisiana or some parts of Georgia. Florida is weird - racists are their least of worries.
Fernie Β· F
@Graylight That is true! It was the blatant, unapologetic racism that scared the hell out of me, and it was in the 80's...but, Boston is also scary as hell right now
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@Graylight People down South are nice and try to hide it with their Southern charm. But up North I notice the cliques and clannish behaviors in states like Pennsylvania and Ohio and certain parts of New York. But down here you got Confederate flag rednecks riding around listening to Tupac.
Crazy ain't it. πŸ™‚
Fernie Β· F
@Zonuss ha! damn right! Of course..not ALL southerners (gotta say that) but I soon discovered that "well...bless yer heart!" meant...I hate your guts
Ozuye502 Β· 36-40, M
False it’s the demorat race hustlers who keep racism alive! The vast majority of Americans can give a fuck less about how your skin pigmentation is.
Ozuye502 Β· 36-40, M
@LordShadowfire I’m just saying historically it was better when private organizations handled that than big daddy government. I’m not saying that charity is bad a bad thing but the exact opposite! See there’s no incentive to improve yourself when government hands you everything but going to a private organization that has a stigma to it that is an incentive to not need it and be independent of help! Also you are more likely to give back to help the next individual. Notice how I addressed the situation with out inferring to race other than the racism of lower expectations. I know individuals of every skin pigmentation use gooberment assistance.
The racism of lower expectations is pushed down the Americans throat and is reinforced with critical race theory as it is damaging to minority children. To teach them they are nothing but a victim! Kinda why the vast majority of race motivated attacks on Asian Americans are perpetuated by black men. Something the media has ignored!
justanothername Β· 51-55, M
@Ozuye502 nope
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@Ozuye502 False. The majority of any kind of racist attacks or discrimination overall has been by White Americans. You're talking about something regional . An issue that is being exploited by the mainstream media to divide Asians and Blacks.
softspokenman Β· M
I was born just a few miles from Boston, I remember seeing Busing children to white neighborhood schools. I lived in the panhandle of Florida, near Pensacola, I was there about 3 months and received an application for the KKK in the mail, I lived in Phoenix and now in Albuquerque, There 'IS' discrimination against people of every color even against white people by other white people if you don't have the same heritage or education or income level and against women and it doesn't matter what color they are.
@daisymay a plane figure with four straight sides and four right angles, especially one with unequal adjacent sides, in contrast to a square.
daisymay Β· 51-55, T
Thus every square is a rectangle because it is a quadrilateral with all four angles right angles. However not every rectangle is a square, to be a square its sides must have the same length.
Peaches Β· F
@softspokenman So TRUE my friend! πŸ˜” I grew up in segregated schools and it was horrible! My mother used to date a clansman from KKK and I hated him. I was mistreated for having a "black friend." White people down south do treat others badly if they aren't just like "them." The meanest people I've ever met where in the churches back there.
FreeSpirit1 Β· F
If you watch the media,true, if you live your daily life, false.
daisymay Β· 51-55, T
@FreeSpirit1 No, unlike conservatives I don't threaten people. Keep pretending that your idiotic statement made sense. I'm sure it did to you.

No reading of the question makes your assertion any less stupid.
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FreeSpirit1 Β· F
@daisymay If you say so, I'm sure you are smarter than I am
There is still racism in the USA, and I think its influence has waxed substantially in the last couple of years, despite generally waning over the last 50 years or so.

Honestly, I don't think its going to ever go away, completely, but I really have issues with people saying either 1) it doesn't exist, or 2) its worse now than it was during segregation.
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@MistyCee It's the worst it has been since segregation. Key word since. Interracial relationships doesnt make racism go away.
SatyrService Β· M
racism is "baked in" and will take much more to change it
Time, lots of it, will help
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jackjjackson Β· 61-69, M
Yes the Libby’s are quite sensitive. @DukeOfEarle
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
Every country has racism we arent alone on it
Carazaa Β· F
@Duckduckgo Im glad you give to your community!πŸ‘
@Carazaa Reagan did that. It was one of the things I didn't like. He was my first vote.
Rosejilly Β· 56-60, F
@Duckduckgo Can only speak for UK but it's still very racist. Just not shouted in public. Other countries are x10 worse.
Roadsterrider Β· 56-60, M
I do not. We live in a country where men like Barrack Obama can become president, JC Watts can become a senator, Ben Carson a brain surgeon, Colin Powell a General and JCS. Coming from the military, all ethnicities were in uniform with me and there was no white, black or brown, just different shades of green. Personally I think racism is generated by politicians who have nothing substantive to say, so they must separate us by class, race, and age to fracture the population into manageable groups controlled by fear. I am 52, as long as I can remember, democrats have been telling voters that whites control the world and the KKK is alive and well in the republican party and that they want to run minorities down and keep white people in charge. While republicans have been saying that all democrats want is to confiscate guns and open the borders to drive wages down and turn us into a communist nation. The racism I see in this country comes from the top down, not the bottom up. There are pockets of racists on all sides, AB, Balck Panthers, La Raza, Cair, but they are few. Good people who aren't racist are the many, and they are of all races.
MasterLee Β· 56-60, M
@Zonuss the problem is you assume race. No one knew your race until you told it. It invalidates your entire ridiculous worldview.
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@MasterLee Well this post was made because of people like you. πŸ™‚
MasterLee Β· 56-60, M
@Zonuss happy to help you then! You do need a lot!
SatyrService Β· M
I dont get why some of these responses are call this post racist"
is it now "racist" to discuss this problem?

yes America is STILL hampered by racism.
SatyrService Β· M
@Budwick What are you against about the bureau of land management? I have to work with those guys every year. There are worse kinds of police.
As far as CRT Goes, read the original textbooks, I think you’d be surprised at what they have to say not related to our current racial discomfort, but more about what happened in the past
Budwick Β· 70-79, M
more about what happened in the past

I'm more of real and in the present kind of guy.
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@Budwick In favor of.
Wow you really are off aren't you. πŸ˜‚
No country is racist, people are!
@SW-User true but when those people vote in a white supremist it makes the country racist
@looking4thesun Well yea, people bring bad name to their respective States.
TexChik Β· F
libs had people move to Georgia (temporairily) , vote by mail, and then move back to where they came from and then illegally allowed those votes to count.
Racism is not unique to a nation nor a particular segment by race, gender, religion or ethnicity of the people of those nations. Every nation and their people have fed from the dish of racism. No one is free of that.
Graylight Β· 51-55, F
@soar2newhighs Not the question, not an answer.
@Graylight Ok, then ignore my response. But thanks for your input.
Budwick Β· 70-79, M
@soar2newhighs [Zone may be taking a break - there's a well deserved TOS warning on his account.
I don't know I've never been, but there are lots of users on here who give that impression.
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@SW-User I'm glad you are reading these comments here. It's quite telling.
Driver2 Β· M
Of course it’s false , why don’t you ask the millions around the world dying to live here what they think.
Carazaa Β· F
@Driver2 I did not want to move to the USA. I lived in Sweden where it was peaceful and the government has been great for 1000 years. Many come because our parents were scientists and the USA needed the knowledge of experts. Ofcourse some come from poor countries and bring with them the violence and corruption to the USA. Ofcourse not all do but people bring their ungodly values here which doesn't make for a caring place. I am thankful for what I have now though. I like california, and my life is good.
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Driver2 Β· M
@graphite you better deal with your hate. I hope you don’t live here
I'm reading the book White Fragility at the moment. Recommended by an Afro-Caribbean friend of mine.

This was after I got into a very public spat with two white friends who wouldn't accept they are privileged just through being white.

The author's unpicking of the reasons for white defence of the status quo is very clever and has great merit.

Racism is a process it isn't an event.
Anon066 Β· 31-35, M
Budwick Β· 70-79, M
two white friends who wouldn't accept they are privileged just through being white.

I'm with your two white friends.
Driver2 Β· M
There is racism everywhere , much less in this country than years ago. In fact when you really look at it we as a country have improved a great deal in a short amount of time.
The problem is those who want to divide us and tear this country down always use racism to accomplish that goal.
And weak minded people fall for it.
The problem is those who want to divide us and tear this country down always use racism to accomplish that goal.
Those are commonly known as "turds"
MommyLucy Β· 36-40, F
First off racism is wrong and not good at all! 😭😭😭 Before I state my opinion I am not an expert and I could be wrong! πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

My opinion on if America is racist is I think it depends on where you live! I live in New Jersey which is an extremely liberal state and is definitely much less racist than somewhere in the deep south like Alabama or Texas! I am no expert but the deep southern states are so conservative it is crazy! 😳😳😳 They think someone on the center right is far left which is nuts! 😳😳😳 I do not think a state like New Jersey or Oregan has as much rasism as a state like Mississippi or Alabama in fact most USA states are way less racist than ever before! πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡ But the deep south has sadly gotten worse it seems! 😭😭😭
MommyLucy Β· 36-40, F
@Zonuss You are of course welcome to look at my posts too! πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—
@Zonuss ya dont have to worry bout that . i am a sanders fan and being he did not get it i voted on the best man there. trump is feeding off of hate and making millions from his little followers. and i could go on and on and we would drift off the thread again. so lets not get the man who this post upset.. ok . grin
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@markansas I don't care about drifting off topic. Im not a petty brat like some of these users here. πŸ™‚
DffrntDrmmr Β· M
My life's experience and critical assessment of the basis others use for claiming "systemic racism" leaves me sure that it's not true, especially in modern America. Those that claim it are politically-motivated or simply rotten.

Not every American believes the "America is racist" crap.
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@Budwick Sorry you are disappointed. But then again aren't you always. To the moron who swore Mr Trump was gonna win the election . πŸ˜‚
Budwick Β· 70-79, M
To the moron who swore Mr Trump was gonna win the election

And he did!
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@Budwick You are one lost puppy. πŸ˜‚
Budwick Β· 70-79, M
I disagree.
Yes, there are some racist people and groups.
That doesn't make the USA racist.
Budwick Β· 70-79, M
@Zonuss So, ... you goit nuthin.
Thanks for playing Zone, we have some lovely parting gifts for you!
Budwick Β· 70-79, M
@OggggO Voter ID laws? That tired old whine?
Get over it Ogg - you need to prove who you are - period.
OggggO Β· 36-40, M
@Budwick The courts disagreed. And I provided two other references you have handily ignored.
I think that to some degree every country and every person in it has a racist element. It's unavoidable. But as far as labeling the whole country "racist" because two African American candidates lost I disagree with. Especially since in other parts of the country two Native American women and a Muslim woman were elected to Congress.
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@SW-User These are not excuses. It is your mind that has excused you from reality. But of course you are not man enough to face reality. I understand. πŸ™‚
@Zonuss Ha you don’t know the first thing about me. You’re the one putting yourself out here on a post looking for feedback. Not me. And yea you seem like you’re searching for an excuse that will let you put the blame on someone else. You’re even trying to push some of it on me. It’s comically sad.
OggggO Β· 36-40, M
Fernie Β· F
to a serious degree imo
marybmom Β· 31-35, F
i think racism exists more in politics and media than it does in every day life i know there are cases of it but i work with people of all colors and races and it makes no difference to me or them who is across the table. i have not seen people refused service anywhere based on race i have not seen any denied a loan. i sell house for anyone and i represent buyers from all races.
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@marybmom If you are not a person of color then you cannot speak for those who deal with racism on a daily basis.
tindrummer Β· M
@sunsporter1649 πŸ™„
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@tindrummer Yeah I know.
Stupid right. πŸ™‚
tindrummer Β· M
@Zonuss never fails to amuse πŸ˜…
Adaydreambeliever Β· 56-60, F
I have been quite shocked at the level of racism I have seen and read on here from Americans. America is a country that others look to for example - to see daily bigotry and discriminatory attitudes is shameful.
Carazaa Β· F
Being from Sweden I am shocked at the racism in the USA. Where is that coming from? If the country believed in Slavery won't that have some consequences? If they don't care about the black mothers or neighborhoods falling apart, or homeless, wont that have the consequences it has in Chicago and other areas.

There is research around the world about social classes and only in the USA do people not want to care about the lower class. They don't understand that if we don't take care of the poor, the country will look like a trash can and crime will be in every town and no one will be safe and diseases will increase, like they are now.
Many believe that the homeless deserve to be homeless and don't realize they are just poor, or mentally ill. A country is good that cares for the poor and needy. That is what USA was founded on.

It makes me so sad to see the churches close their doors to "undesirables". They might pass out some bags of food but no real changes. What about us as a country paying for homes and mental hospitals, and care for the needy then America will be great again!
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Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@Carazaa Very true. The Bible is the Gold Standard and the only truth in the world. πŸ™‚
Carazaa Β· F
@strangerthanfiction So you are saying that the democrats don't want free college and free healthcare? Are you kidding me? I heard one promise that I am still waiting on from our president he promised great infrastructure!! OK where is it? Where is the mass transits so the homeless can get to work if they wanted to? And housing for all the homeless many of them veterans?? Where is that?
PrivateHell Β· M
False. It has had its issues with race in the past (like every other nation on earth), but that does not define us as a nation.
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@PrivateHell Apparently you have misunderstood the question. And apparently you are 100% clueless about the current events that is going on in our nation. It will get worse. And you can take that to the bank. πŸ™‚πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
PrivateHell Β· M
@Zonuss I tried, but I'm done. πŸ™„ πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
windinhishair Β· 61-69, M
@PrivateHell OK, to be more precise, the USA is 42% racist and bigoted. The remaining 58% are real Americans.
smiler2012 Β· 61-69
{@zonuss] yes racism is still in the united states. it is never really gone since the days pf the american civil war though better. it is not just the americans who suffer this mistreatment of there fellow man other countries round the world have the same problem . alas racism in any shape is like the common cold you can remedy it but not cure it alas
Dlrannie Β· 31-35, F
As a non American all I can say is that it gives the impression of being quite racist and the present administration appears to be doing its best to compound that
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Dlrannie Β· 31-35, F
@MarmeeMarch Its not a perfect country but certainly more perfect than the US πŸ™‚
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