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The United States of America is a racist country....true or false ? 🇺🇸

After last nights election, and the recent results in Georgia, and in Florida. It is obvious that the mental stronghold on certain segments of White America still have an impact that results in an unnecessary fear based on propaganda and division. It ain't that damn bad, ok. It could be worse. Do you agree, that the US is still to some degree a racist country.
Miram · 31-35, F Best Comment
I had the chance to be in multiple countries, racism is everywhere but in the US it's louder. I guess it has lot to do with identity politics and using race and fear to gain support
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
dale74 · M
@Miram people in the United States also want to pay day and will sue over every little thing even if it's not intentional just because they think it was personal or because of their race sexual identity anything.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@dale74 The Sesame Place controversy was real and intentional.

Penny · 46-50, F
America is not a racist country at ALL! there may be some racists in it, but it is definitely not racist as far a country goes. don't call America a racist country. America is a melting pot and it's motto is all about equality and brotherhood. don't let a handful of people color your opinion about the whole country. you seem to be the racist if you want my opinion. anti-white. ("White America"? it's just "America" and all its color of people)
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Zonuss we have full documentation of your racism. Viewing your posts.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@MasterLee No. Seeing is believing. Low vibration idiots like yourself don't like truth.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@MasterLee Good. 🙂
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
The United States of America is the least racist country on the planet.
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
@yogibooboo Yes, ive seen it first hand. Anyone with curiosity or does any reading would see it quickly.

One example was the Japanese Foreign Minister who in the early 90's stated the following at a press conference:

The problem with America is that it has too many Blacks and Puerto Ricans.

I'd say that was fairly unambiguous.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@HoraceGreenley America has too many Blacks and Puerto Ricans.
Tell us more about your highly
racist theory please.
I can't wait to hear this. 😊
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
@Zonuss I didn't say that.

The Foreign Minister of Japan said this to the press.

Try reading some time. It's pretty handy.
Ozuye502 · 36-40, M
False it’s the demorat race hustlers who keep racism alive! The vast majority of Americans can give a fuck less about how your skin pigmentation is.
Ozuye502 · 36-40, M
@LordShadowfire I’m just saying historically it was better when private organizations handled that than big daddy government. I’m not saying that charity is bad a bad thing but the exact opposite! See there’s no incentive to improve yourself when government hands you everything but going to a private organization that has a stigma to it that is an incentive to not need it and be independent of help! Also you are more likely to give back to help the next individual. Notice how I addressed the situation with out inferring to race other than the racism of lower expectations. I know individuals of every skin pigmentation use gooberment assistance.
The racism of lower expectations is pushed down the Americans throat and is reinforced with critical race theory as it is damaging to minority children. To teach them they are nothing but a victim! Kinda why the vast majority of race motivated attacks on Asian Americans are perpetuated by black men. Something the media has ignored!
justanothername · 51-55, M
@Ozuye502 nope
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Ozuye502 False. The majority of any kind of racist attacks or discrimination overall has been by White Americans. You're talking about something regional . An issue that is being exploited by the mainstream media to divide Asians and Blacks.
It will soon be revealed that this was all a Sorros false flag perpetrated by Antifa and BLM.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Kwek00 this isn't about yoir feelings or your fantasies. This is the straight truth.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@MasterLee Yes, let me hear the truth MasterLee... I know I can't handle it, but I want to be educated! Let me hear MaterLee, give it to me.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@MasterLee I guess not... Djeez, what a surprise 😂
kodiac · 22-25, M
Why don't these rants ever include things like the underground railroad? Do you even know what it was or do you leave it out because it's doesn't fit your I'm oppressed agenda? WHITE people who risked everything to help black slaves escape to Canada do you know the penalties they faced for helping black slaves?
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@dale74 I think the conservative party backers make a lot money using racist doggwhistles. So yeah, you might be right on that.
dale74 · M
@Kwek00 that just told me everything I need to know about you. No need to carry on a discussion with you and your blinders. With no examples.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@dale74 Just go digging in what the main aim of the republican party has been since the end of the 1970s. The aim is to reduce taxes on the rich. That's why the republican party has all these wealthy libertarian types that don't like to pay taxes, because "redistibution" in any form is just labeled "socialism". The wrongs of the past can't be adressed, because that would mean "redistibution" and thus "socialism". And these people they will hug anyone that vote for them. That's why the Donald, the new seller of the brand that makes rich people more rich, opened his arms to all these fringe groups that most people don't want to see in politics. That's why he can't adress white supremacy, because the white supremacists were cheering for him. That's why the KKK promoted Donald Trump in 2016. Not that Donald cares a whole lot about these people, or the poor (no matter how white they are). Nah, he just doesn't want to pay taxes like his buddies. And to keep the bigots loyal, you have to give bigoted speeches, cite "the snake poem" for 4 years long. Tell people that the 1950s were the good old days.

Nothing new... Nixon and Reagan did similair things. Here is the tactic from the horse mouth:


But you just keep pretending that everything is cool. Keep drinking the coolaid.
My life's experience and critical assessment of the basis others use for claiming "systemic racism" leaves me sure that it's not true, especially in modern America. Those that claim it are politically-motivated or simply rotten.

Not every American believes the "America is racist" crap.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Budwick Sorry you are disappointed. But then again aren't you always. To the moron who swore Mr Trump was gonna win the election . 😂
Budwick · 70-79, M
To the moron who swore Mr Trump was gonna win the election

And he did!
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Budwick You are one lost puppy. 😂
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Sunnykel76 🤭 Awww, you so cute. 🙂
Not one lawsuit against Trump has been dismissed, but every one of Trump's lawsuits has been thrown out.
Slade · 56-60, M
@Zonuss That's what I just said
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
@Zonuss she is saying trump is racist. A good point as he is giving power to the kkk and the proud boys, etc.
JackJames · M
@Zonuss people from within can sit and say the country isn’t racist. However, those from without can see the actions as a whole. Do I think the majority of people are racist in the USA? No. Not in the least. Are there big issues surrounding race in the USA? Yes. They happen in other countries as well but not as statistically high.
MommyLucy · 36-40, F
First off racism is wrong and not good at all! 😭😭😭 Before I state my opinion I am not an expert and I could be wrong! 🥰🥰🥰

My opinion on if America is racist is I think it depends on where you live! I live in New Jersey which is an extremely liberal state and is definitely much less racist than somewhere in the deep south like Alabama or Texas! I am no expert but the deep southern states are so conservative it is crazy! 😳😳😳 They think someone on the center right is far left which is nuts! 😳😳😳 I do not think a state like New Jersey or Oregan has as much rasism as a state like Mississippi or Alabama in fact most USA states are way less racist than ever before! 😇😇😇 But the deep south has sadly gotten worse it seems! 😭😭😭
MommyLucy · 36-40, F
@Zonuss You are of course welcome to look at my posts too! 🤗🤗🤗
@Zonuss ya dont have to worry bout that . i am a sanders fan and being he did not get it i voted on the best man there. trump is feeding off of hate and making millions from his little followers. and i could go on and on and we would drift off the thread again. so lets not get the man who this post upset.. ok . grin
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@markansas I don't care about drifting off topic. Im not a petty brat like some of these users here. 🙂
Driver2 · M
There is racism everywhere , much less in this country than years ago. In fact when you really look at it we as a country have improved a great deal in a short amount of time.
The problem is those who want to divide us and tear this country down always use racism to accomplish that goal.
And weak minded people fall for it.
The problem is those who want to divide us and tear this country down always use racism to accomplish that goal.
Those are commonly known as "turds"
I dont get why some of these responses are call this post racist"
is it now "racist" to discuss this problem?

yes America is STILL hampered by racism.
@Budwick What are you against about the bureau of land management? I have to work with those guys every year. There are worse kinds of police.
As far as CRT Goes, read the original textbooks, I think you’d be surprised at what they have to say not related to our current racial discomfort, but more about what happened in the past
Budwick · 70-79, M
more about what happened in the past

I'm more of real and in the present kind of guy.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Budwick In favor of.
Wow you really are off aren't you. 😂
Racism is not unique to a nation nor a particular segment by race, gender, religion or ethnicity of the people of those nations. Every nation and their people have fed from the dish of racism. No one is free of that.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@soar2newhighs Not the question, not an answer.
@Graylight Ok, then ignore my response. But thanks for your input.
Budwick · 70-79, M
@soar2newhighs [Zone may be taking a break - there's a well deserved TOS warning on his account.
JeanAnna · F
Yes it is. If there had been black people going into the Capitol they would be dead by now.
JeanAnna · F
@Zonuss Yes we do know.
Peapod · 61-69, F
@JeanAnna There were cops that absolutely supported this rampage. It's no wonder the Chief of Police resigned almost immediately.

I think more is going to come out about who was all involved with this. These people knew how to get to Nancy Pelosi's office real quick. It's my understanding that they had to have had an insider give them that information since the Capitol building is huge and these offices are not readily there to find.

I hope there will be massive arrests coming and swift and hard punishment for all those involved.
JeanAnna · F
@Peapod You're right. They found Pelosi's office right away and also Jim Clyburn's office which is on the third floor. Someone in the police force was showing them the way. Also one cop removed a barrier and let them in, in another area. They will find out the rotten apples and hopefully they will prosecuted.
Driver2 · M
Of course it’s false , why don’t you ask the millions around the world dying to live here what they think.
Carazaa · F
@Driver2 I did not want to move to the USA. I lived in Sweden where it was peaceful and the government has been great for 1000 years. Many come because our parents were scientists and the USA needed the knowledge of experts. Ofcourse some come from poor countries and bring with them the violence and corruption to the USA. Ofcourse not all do but people bring their ungodly values here which doesn't make for a caring place. I am thankful for what I have now though. I like california, and my life is good.
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Driver2 · M
@graphite you better deal with your hate. I hope you don’t live here
TexChik · F
libs had people move to Georgia (temporairily) , vote by mail, and then move back to where they came from and then illegally allowed those votes to count.
jeancolby · 31-35, F
Not everyone is a racist but everyone without exception is prejudice to some degree.
Whyme · 46-50, M
Ild agree to some level every country is racist and further add every race is racist
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@zonuss] yes racism is still in the united states. it is never really gone since the days pf the american civil war though better. it is not just the americans who suffer this mistreatment of there fellow man other countries round the world have the same problem . alas racism in any shape is like the common cold you can remedy it but not cure it alas
The people that live here, the majority of them are not ethnicist.

United States of America only exists on paper, and I deem it forfeit, so therefore, it doesn't matter; what happened in DC was motivated by pure idiocy, based in sycophancy. It's beyond ethnicism. It's in support of tyranny, of Orwellian totalitarianism, and I cannot wait until I get the chance to plow an armor-plated truck through the Oval Office.

Of course, with the entire city evacuated; rebuilding life without government and without mass religion (therefore without mass ethnicism), will take a lot of people and the more able-bodies we have the better so yeah, it's better to demo derby a city devoid of people.
Carazaa · F
@Amyrakunejo oh great, so no punishment for the murderers, fraud, or help for the disabled, unemployed, the old, kids without parents, sick, mentally ill, no hospitals, no police, no army, no schools, no laws for employers to follow. I think you must be either young, uneducated, or a fool, or all! How many countries have you lived in? I have lived in 4, USA, Sweden, England, and summers in france. And a strong caring government makes the people happy. The happiest people in the world live with the strongest christian governments. Finland, Denmark, Norway has CHristian strong government that has equality, and fairness. Swedish government still support the church but not on paper.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@Carazaa And on this, we agree.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@Amyrakunejo First, if you want to un discuss the merits of government/sans-government, you'll need to explain from which country you hail and how things are done in the absence of government.

Secondly, "politics and religion are for the brainless masses" is lazy thinking, pure and simple. It's right up there with "Everyone on welfare drives Cadillacs," or "Once a cheater always a cheater." It allows for no subtlety, no evolution and no richness of context. Social media makes much peoples' brains and makes them antisocial; but social media also sparks revolutions, changed thinking and mobilizes progress. It's all in how it's used.

Yes, politics and religion have been used to control masses. No argument there. But in many more cases, politics is simply the fuel that powers a government which assists and encourages people to thrive and religion is a comfort, support and call to action for millions of free thinkers.
tindrummer · M
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@tindrummer Yeah I know.
Stupid right. 🙂
tindrummer · M
@Zonuss never fails to amuse 😅
rottenrobi · 56-60, F
Many people are racist in the US, but not all of us. I used to live in one of the most diverse cities in the US, and I encountered more racism there, than anywhere I've ever lived. Every ethnic community had racist views of other ethnicities. This may sound naïve, but I never knew this type of racism existed until it was all around me.
Having said that, when I was younger, the racism was more in your face. People would freely and without shame, say racist remarks. I don't encounter that like I used to.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@rottenrobi Are you Caucasian 🤔
rottenrobi · 56-60, F
@Zonuss Yes, I am.
rottenrobi · 56-60, F
@Zonuss I said I encountered, when I should've said witnessed.
And when I was younger, the racist remarks came out of my family's mouths, and other older people. I rarely see that type of racism anymore.
MissTaken · 36-40, F
Sadly racism is to be found throughout the world but in the US, for historical reasons, it seems to be more prevalent
@MissTaken The US gets singled out because no good deed goes unpunished. Slavery was perfectly acceptable for thousands and thousands of years.
We grew out of it.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@puck61 Apparently folks like you have yet to grow up. 🤔✨
@Zonuss You are such a turd.
kodiac · 22-25, M
Well you live here so I'd have to say yes.😴
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@kodiac Are you smoking weed again. 🤭
kodiac · 22-25, M
@Zonuss 😴
@kodiac This guy is EDL on steroids.
Dolimyte · 41-45, M
I don't know if it's fair to label an entire country as racist, but a whole lot of racist shit happens there.

Also, that's the flag of Liberia.
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Zonuss · 46-50, M
@MasterLee Trump had a great fall. Or was it Humpty Dumpty. 🤭
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Zonuss who cares? I certainly don't.
Countries aren't racist. People are racist. The USA has had racist policies codified into law with slavery and Jim Crow laws. The USA also has a multitude of racist citizens of all races, just like every other country.
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Zonuss · 46-50, M
@tindrummer And then began again with the Republicans. 🙂
@Strictgram Slavery started here long before the US was a country. It had nothing to do with any party. And, yes, I know that Jim Crow laws were initiated with racist southerners who just so happened to be part of the Democratic party. And...? What's your point?

Parties change. The Democratic and Republican parties have both changed a lot over the years. The Democratic party has long been the populist, working man's party. But it began changing in the 1960s when Democratic leadership got behind the Civil Rights movement and when Black politicians started getting elected and became powerful in the party, especially in the South. Southern whites began fleeing the party and went to the GOP.

The Republican party has changed a LOT, internally, since 2009, with the advent of the Tea Party, which was, in part, a backlash against the election of a Black president. It's changed even more with the ascension of Trump as party leader. The old guard Republicans like the Bushes, Reagan, Ford, Dole, and McCain wouldn't recognize or stand for the GOP as it is today. American Conservatism, itself, has changed a lot in the past three or four decades with the advent of right-wing talk radio and a television news network devoted solely to countering liberalism and Democrats.

And the parties will change again in the decades to come. Let's see where they go.
GabbySA8 · 22-25, F
No and I live in Florida
RosaMarie · 41-45, F
@GabbySA8 This was posted in 2018.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@GabbySA8 Florida. 😂
It's...complicated. Anyone who wants to acknowledge history/reality can see that. No point wasting breath.

There seems to be quite a bit of course correction but let's be careful when battling monsters as it were.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@SW-User Complicated yes. But very transparent.
@Zonuss I feel we're probably in agreement on a lot of stuff but since I don't live there, I don't want to speak for those who do. It annoys me when people tell me about Ireland and Northern Ireland and they've never set foot here. ;)

Plus you asked this in 2018 I see. Do you feel it's gotten better or worse?
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@SW-User Its basically the same in spite of the cultural shifts we have seen since then. But the racial tension has died down. 🙂
False. This is about the least racist country on the planet.
@Adaydreambeliever People come from all four points of the compass.

they literally sell their own family and risk their lives to get here, but they won't any more. The left is going to turn us into to the country they are running away fr0m. Welcome to your new world.
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
@puck61 Lol at least I HAVE a mind... which clearly you lack!

You get one reply... I don't waste too many words on those unable to learn
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@puck61 I doubt it. Diversity does not exclude a racist system. Neither does having Black employees or associates. 🙂✨
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@fanuc2013 Based on 🤔
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
@Zonuss my own interactions with minorities. My hubby works in a large factory, and he tells me that most everyone gets along well, color is not a factor in the least! He told me of one example of a man that was a radical, he was lazy, always trying to get out of doing his job, and if he was ever called on it, he always played the race card! And the other minority workers didn't like him either, and called him out for his behavior more than anyone else!
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@fanuc2013 This proves nothing. This is a minute issue here coming from someone who obviously is not engaged in a racially charged environment that is still in existence in American culture.
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
Wow this post is old and still getting new replies 🤣
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@kodiac Thanks to people like you racism still exists.
kodiac · 22-25, M
@Zonuss Going way back to start shit aren't you? I don't correspond with racists anymore have a nice day
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@kodiac Oh so you're not ready. Take care. 🙂
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Secrettoacurtsy What. 🙂
Lostpoet · M
I think there will always be forms of racism, sexism, elitism... The only way to combat this is to make sure these types of people don't make it into office,
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Lostpoet It goes beyond politics.
Lostpoet · M
@Zonuss True, I think it permeates through everything, in religion, neighborhoods, schools, businesses, etc.. In my experience there are two forms of racism one comes from places like the big cities in the south where different races live next to each other, and look for someone to blame for the world being shit. The other kind of racism where you're in a more rural setting and you've never even meet someone with a different culture or skin color as you, so you believe the stereo types you see in the media. I grew up in a predominately white religious area where i never even saw a black kid until I was in Highschool.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
I didn’t watch any election but it’s definitely a racist country. Ive experienced it myself down there
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Strictgram She's talking about you. Guilty conscience?
Strictgram · 70-79, C
@windinhishair Thought you went back under your rock. I see you have reappeared but you're still an ignoramus.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Strictgram And yet still correct and miles ahead of you and your fellow deplorables.
HairbrushDiva · 31-35, F
How did it get like that? It wasn't the original intention.
daisymay · 51-55, T
@HairbrushDiva Wait, what do you think is currently wrong? The fact that we had slaves or that now we don't?
HairbrushDiva · 31-35, F
@daisymay Somehow this conversation has been twisted. It did not start off like that.
daisymay · 51-55, T
@HairbrushDiva Well, granted, I have been delivering epic smackdowns to deserving people and a little trigger happy, but I was just trying to clarify if you were trying to educate people about the evils of slavery or if you were going to segue into craziness.
kodiac · 22-25, M
Who cares?😴
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@kodiac So pointing out white racism is now racism itself? Interesting and twisted logic.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@windinhishair He fears accountability.
Carazaa · F
@kodiac We should care for people!🤨
Race, specifically subjugation of Black people, has been central to the U.S. since its founding.
@Zonuss They suffered discrimination, no question. And the Native American genocide will forever be a blot on this nation. But the enslavement of Black people provided the economic basis for the country. Black slavery persisted in the form of convict leasing until 1941, by the way.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@LeopoldBloom Interesting. Segregation was outlawed but was a sporadic thing even up until the early 90s mainly private owned businesses.
@Zonuss I'm talking about actual slavery. When a farmer or mine owner needed workers, the sheriff would round up a bunch of Black men, charge them with "vagrancy," then allow the business owner to pay their fine in return for labor. These men could be sold to other businesses, or new fines added to their penalties to allow their labor to continue. This is detailed in Douglas Blackmon's Slavery by Another Name. FDR ended this after Pearl Harbor because it was feared that the Nazis would use the persistence of Black slavery as anti-American propaganda.

The legacy of slavery is far more recent than most Americans are aware. Some of the men who marched with MLK weren't just descended from slaves, they may have been slaves themselves.
RopinTexan · 36-40, M
Countries can’t be racist, as countries don’t have minds of their own. Only individual people can be racist. Of course, those people, if they’re in politics, can make racist policies like slavery and Jim Crow, but that’s the fault of the individuals, not the entire country.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@MarmeeMarch No. I'm the anti racist. Checkmate clown. 🙂
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I would not say the United States is a racist country. Does racism still exists in the United States? Yeah, just like in every other country. What a certain individual has done (not naming names) is giver a small minority of people who are racist, the impression that racism is now okay.

With more enlightened leadership this fringe group will be marginalized. However, this country does need to address racism. Our legal and financial system still has archaic racist practices which need to be eliminated.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@SW-User More needs to be done. There must be some profound justice system changes. Political changes.
@Zonuss I will not argue that.
Peapod · 61-69, F
Sadly, there is no question that racism is alive and well in our country. Trump only encouraged his most rabid base to take off their sheets, so to speak.
@TopOfTheWorld It was the foundation of the whole speech. He didn't tell those idiots to attack the white house; not even close. Anyone in their right mind would organize several battalions if they wanted to accomplish anything at all without doing ten to life.
@Strictgram in 5 days time that appalling excuse for a man, let alone a president, will be dumped in the trash can of history where he belongs, thanks to the resounding verdict of the American people at the election.
Strictgram · 70-79, C
@TopOfTheWorld Nice diversion. Must be hard to face reality.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@puck61 No. But Obama did right. Yes. We know Puck. You wouldn't have blamed Obama. 🤭
At least the biggest racist of all will be going out the door in a few days and likely headed to a prison cell
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@ExperienceDLT We shall see. 🤔
@Zonuss they have to do something to him all the stuff he has gotten away with in the last 4 years there has to be some kind of accountability he is by far the worst POTUS in American history
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Kwek00 Because 🤔
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
The United States of America is a racist country....true or false ?

Well, it all comes down to how you define "racist country". For me that would be a country, that in it's laws on a national level, would clearly make a distinction on the basis of race. And therefore have some kind of system that clearly benefits one race over the other.

I don't think the United States has that. You do find local (state-community) rulings that are made by people that has issues with demographics (sometimes based on their race, and thus racism). But you can go to the supreme court and fight those instances. And the supreme court, in the last 20 years, seem to have been ruling in favor of non-discrimination because that's part of the federal (national) ideals that at the moment the US put forward (even though not everyone in all the branches is on board yet).

That the United States (and pretty much every other country in the world) has issues with discrimination, also on the basis of race. Well, that's something that clearly still excists. And that these individuals that are struggling with their biasses create groups and amass political power to press for legeslation on the basis of their bias... well, that's true too. But I rather talk about individuals or particulair groups then instead of saying that the "country" is "racist" or that a "state" is "racist". But you'll find counties and regional parts (most of the time rural) where people grow up in a certain climate that kinda reproduces the biasses that their parents, grandparents and great great grand parents have. And growing out of this, is just not an easy thing to do. It goes really slow, and thinking that a country that had issues with American citizens from African descent drinking out of the same waterfountain as those from European descendent in the 50s, just grown out of it in 70 years... well, that's really utopic. So yeah, the United states deff has issues that it has to work on as a nation. But the issues are more regional and the racists are always individuals.

I hope that explains.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Kwek00 Your response is hypothetical at best but extremely void and flawed
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
You’re a racist
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@jackjjackson Join the party. After all there's nobody at yours. 😂
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
No thanks. You racists are fine alone. @Zonuss
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@jackjjackson Still here aye lad. 🙂
TheConstantGardener · 56-60, M
Racism exists everywhere but in the US you have some unique characteristics which focus the problem to a sharp point.
Mindful · 56-60, F
There are many cliques in America who love their privileges. Being racist is only one way to maintain your privilege. In the US, it has been isolated geographically speaking. So clubs and organization do and have, for generations, kept outsiders out of their cliques. Color is one convenient way discriminate. Money is another.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Mindful Very good point. Pay no attention to the idiot behind the curtain. 🙂
Mindful · 56-60, F
@puck61 when was the last time you invited an African American to your place for dinner?
Mindful · 56-60, F
@Zonuss ??
ya and we are working on it. lets keep up the good fight to end it.
the past for the Irish was

[image/video deleted]

and today its trump calling nations that shithole country or rapist
so people who are worried of anything they dont know gravitate to him
and he had a big platform like twitter and others to beat the drum of hate and all in the means to make money for him.

[image/video deleted]

rebuilding white America does not work anymore.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@markansas Trumpisn is the biggest threat to White America. January 6 was proof of that. 🤔
jim44444 · 70-79, M
I see this thread has popped up again. Folks must be bored and need to argue.

Within all this vitriol and name calling, all of the knee jerk made up facts, and thankfully some intelligent responses I have not seen anyone actually define what they understand racism to be. Without a common definition how can any answer be debated, for or against?
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@jim44444 Well maybe you are the one who is bored. Besides I'm sure you could find something better to do with your precious time. Funny how you ended up right here. 🙂✨
jim44444 · 70-79, M
@Zonuss I follow you for the entertainment. You are the best person on SW at poking the bear.
Eeyore122 · 36-40, F
Yes, it is...systemically. Always has been. Some of the Founding Father's had slaves, yes. Just because it is socially acceptable does not make it racist. Hamilton and Eliza were anti- slavery...
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Zonuss oh we will remember blm a long time
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@MarineBob Youre fighting air Mr Bob. Your peers are ruining the Republican party. And they are going to get worse. You can't stop them because you don't know how. That's why they are self destructive. They don't care about you. Your kind could give a crap about you. You will see what I mean soon. 🙂
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@MasterLee They are a non issue.
dale74 · M

Why racism is so loud in America.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@dale74 Yeah. We know people like you are ok with the racist actions and behavior of others.
dale74 · M
@Zonuss why don't you speak out against true crimes against humanity like the ones covered in the CNN News special.

Zonuss · 46-50, M
@dale74 Why don't you acknowledge truth for a change. You might feel better about yourself.🙂

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