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Mountainlady16 · 22-25, F
The GA governor election was very much a long shot. And very little had to do with her race she was a socialist anti-American left wing nut. She wanted to turn us into a sanctuary state and give illegals a scholarship reserved for citizens with b avg
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Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Mountainlady16 False. She lives underneath the confederacy government. Georgia is a racist state that still has this White Nationalist democracy. That means there will be senators and law makers there who still think and operate as a White Supremacy unit. Even in the year 2018.
Mountainlady16 · 22-25, F
@Zonuss do you say that to every other state that hasn't elected a black woman as governor which BTW last I checked is all 50. She did not have the views GA citizens hold. She was a democrat running for governor in a largely red state. Only reason she even came close is because our City with over half of the state population is getting more and more liberal and yankee like every year. Look at an elections results map if you don't believe me. It's all red except Atlanta and Savannah our state's biggest blue areas and a small area near southeast AL were slot Yankee snowbirds tend to retire
Mountainlady16 · 22-25, F
@Zonuss okay endorsed by one the most hated members of the Democratic Party
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Mountainlady16 Actually I don't. But in this case yes. Especially when we are in the era of Trump. These racists feel empowered. They feel inspired. They feel like Trump speaks and represents them. This is why you have these mass shootings in Jewish synagogues and in Black churches. This is why you see the racism even here on SW. It's quite clear that there are those who feel like their identity was being lost in the midst of a changing country.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Mountainlady16 At your age I seriously doubt you even know at this point how racism operates on this country and the stuff that goes on behind closed doors in the world of politics.
Mountainlady16 · 22-25, F
@Zonuss really cause antisemitism has been happening for generations and the last shooting in a black church was during Obama's time in office. Remember Mr I kiss Muslim's asses speech about how evil southern heritage is and how a flag most fly in honor of their ancestors started riots in many places last couple church shootings have happened in white churches and last 2 were stopped by a person who openly carries. And that church shooting occurred in 2015 before Trump even announced he was running. Obama encouraged racial division with back black lives matter which is hilarious seeing how they have the highest abortion, abuse and murder rates. Obama also encouraged antichristian by attacking Christian views on homosexuality and transgender
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Mountainlady16 Obama bought light to a broken system that needed to be exposed and corrected. He also exposed the ugly underlying issues and dynamics of racism here in the US. That is what he did. Trump is the kind of guy that doesn't value humanity or justice. He rejects it because he himself is a criminal. The Confederate Flag represents hate. You cannot take a symbol of hate that is being celebrated by hate groups and nationalists and tell people it's good. Especially when the insecure as it is...wanted to maintain slavery even if it meant being forced out of the Union.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Mountainlady16 You have a narrow minded way of looking at issues on race. Crime is in all races. I don't see you talking about the amount of White males involved in domestic violence or mass shootings. Your rhetoric just proves my point.
Mountainlady16 · 22-25, F
@Zonuss being forced out the union dude what planet are you from they were forced to stay by being invaded by the north. Obama encouraged racial division by encouraging black lives matter and other black racist groups. He encouraged transfreaks by trying to force them into our schools. Something the dumbass had no power to do cause wait on it oh yeah the states control school policy not the federal government. And I find your comments on supposed antisemitism when Trump's daughter is married to a Jew and Trump pretty much told the un fuck u and moved the Israel embassy to Israel rightful capital Jerusalem
Mountainlady16 · 22-25, F
@Zonuss abuse and murder happens in all races but the fact stastics show that black on black instances of these crimes are higher than any other race. Also black children are more likely to be born to single mothers, grow up in poverty and have no father. Blacks don't give a shit
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Mountainlady16 Trump is a narccisist. A racist. A dark energy being. A misogynistic pig. A womanizer. A person who makes fun of people with disabilities. An abuser. A master manipulator. A social degenerate hell bent on dividing people to gain power and use it for personal gain. That is who he is. But you will deny this because you are his victim. You are like a little help less lamb being led to a slaughterhouse. This you. 🙂
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Mountainlady16 An again you are also a racist. Your words are quite telling of your character.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Congressional black caucus only gives scholarships to black students, only has black members, only support black causes..... a vote for a black congress person is a vote for RACISM
Graylight · 51-55, F
@Mountainlady16 Yeah, I hate when anti-Americans horns money time and effort running for a public service office.
Mountainlady16 · 22-25, F
@Graylight that was the democrats money funny most of it just like that house seat had to come from outside the state even most her support. Not even any of our living former GA governors that are democrats backed and I know least 2 Roy Barnes and that one former president what was his name on yeah Jimmy Carter
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Mountainlady16 And again you will deny the racial history and current climate and chaos in the Republican Party. Trump is a danger to this country. He's a reckless blowhard who is piggy backing off of a Democratic president. Typical GOP incompetence. Always having to clean up after your mess. And we won't even talk about how Bush blew an entire budget surplus in 8 years.
Mountainlady16 · 22-25, F
@Zonuss and Obama's ads made that debt even worse no better.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Mountainlady16 The debt is still there. 🙂
Mountainlady16 · 22-25, F
@Zonuss BTW historically the democrats were the racist party and they started the klan
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Zonuss Actually, it only took two years for the nation to go from the biggest budget surplus in history to the biggest budget deficit in history under Bush/Cheney. But your point it well taken. Clinton cleaned up the Reagan/Bush41 mess. Obama cleaned up the Bush43 mess. And a Democrat will have to clean up the Trump mess in 2021-2029.
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