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The United States of America is a racist country....true or false ? 🇺🇸

After last nights election, and the recent results in Georgia, and in Florida. It is obvious that the mental stronghold on certain segments of White America still have an impact that results in an unnecessary fear based on propaganda and division. It ain't that damn bad, ok. It could be worse. Do you agree, that the US is still to some degree a racist country.
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I was born just a few miles from Boston, I remember seeing Busing children to white neighborhood schools. I lived in the panhandle of Florida, near Pensacola, I was there about 3 months and received an application for the KKK in the mail, I lived in Phoenix and now in Albuquerque, There 'IS' discrimination against people of every color even against white people by other white people if you don't have the same heritage or education or income level and against women and it doesn't matter what color they are.
daisymay · 51-55, T
even against white people by other white people
Yes, truly, white people are the real victims of racism.

Zonuss · 46-50, M
@softspokenman That is true. Racism affects everybody. But in Trumps world that is not the case. 🙂
Did I say that ? And there is discrimination against "T" people and all LGBTQ people too, no ? @daisymay
daisymay · 51-55, T
@softspokenman In a thread about racism, you felt the need to point out that white people are victims of discrimination. The two are not equal. Racism is discrimination, but discrimination is not racism.

Trying to tack on the plight of the poor, systematically oppressed whites in a thread about racism is nothing more than trying to play a non-existent victim card.
If you try to shoot me down man at least have some ammunition in your gun.@daisymay
daisymay · 51-55, T
@softspokenman Are you saying you didn't do those things? Because your words are right up there for anyone else to look at.
Go stick your head up trumps butt.@daisymay
daisymay · 51-55, T
@softspokenman Aww, it's okay, guy! You can still pretend to be oppressed all you want!
How do you see black conservatives like Allen West, Ben Carson, David Clark, Candace Owens, and Condi Rice in this. are they racists too?@daisymay
daisymay · 51-55, T
@YourMomsSecretCrush You do know that throughout history some minorities have supported white supremacy, right?

If you didn't know that already, you should read a book sometime.

If you did, you should be ashamed to ask such a stupid question.
@daisymay Hate to pop your bubble but whites do experience racism quite often in very real ways and I would go as far to say as much as any other race. I am white and went to an all white High School that happened to be over 90% Jewish kids. Because my first AND last name is very German I was called a Nazi every day for my 4 years in high school. Back then if simply wearing blue jeans and and flannels and having a German sounding name made me a Nazi then we can see even today the gross over use of that term even still today to where the use of the term is almost meaningless.
daisymay · 51-55, T
@SW-User Haha, no.

Being called a Nazi isn't racism, snowflake.
daisymay · 51-55, T
whites do experience racism quite often in very real ways and I would go as far to say as much as any other race

That's because you're an idiot.
@daisymay Pointless having a discussion with someone who is totally clueless about discrimination and racsim whose only ammunition is ad hominem attacks. Very weak.
daisymay · 51-55, T
@SW-User Discrimination is not racism. Do you also think that rectangles are squares?
daisymay · 51-55, T
whites do experience racism quite often in very real ways and I would go as far to say as much as any other race

Let's see your examples how white people experience racism as much as any other race. This should be entertaining.
@daisymay Two seeds of the same tree and in no way mutually exclusive.
daisymay · 51-55, T
@SW-User No, like all squares are rectangles, racism is discrimination. Discrimination is not racism.

Now, show me how whites experience ACTUAL racism at the same rate as any other race. You can't.
A square cannot be a rectangle or visa versa but coming from you is not wholly unexpected. Just turn on any MSM news channel and anyone who is a white privileged male is automatically racist scum sprinkled with mysogyny and bigotry that dominates the news cycle every damn day and IMHO more so than any other "race" at play these days.
daisymay · 51-55, T
A square cannot be a rectangle

I'm sorry, do you not know what the definition of a rectangle is?
"All men are created equal..." Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, 1776.

"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others." Animal Farm by George Orwell, 1945

@daisymay @SW-User
@daisymay a plane figure with four straight sides and four right angles, especially one with unequal adjacent sides, in contrast to a square.
daisymay · 51-55, T
Thus every square is a rectangle because it is a quadrilateral with all four angles right angles. However not every rectangle is a square, to be a square its sides must have the same length.
Peaches · F
@softspokenman So TRUE my friend! 😔 I grew up in segregated schools and it was horrible! My mother used to date a clansman from KKK and I hated him. I was mistreated for having a "black friend." White people down south do treat others badly if they aren't just like "them." The meanest people I've ever met where in the churches back there.