The United States of America is a racist country....true or false ?
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Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
I do not. We live in a country where men like Barrack Obama can become president, JC Watts can become a senator, Ben Carson a brain surgeon, Colin Powell a General and JCS. Coming from the military, all ethnicities were in uniform with me and there was no white, black or brown, just different shades of green. Personally I think racism is generated by politicians who have nothing substantive to say, so they must separate us by class, race, and age to fracture the population into manageable groups controlled by fear. I am 52, as long as I can remember, democrats have been telling voters that whites control the world and the KKK is alive and well in the republican party and that they want to run minorities down and keep white people in charge. While republicans have been saying that all democrats want is to confiscate guns and open the borders to drive wages down and turn us into a communist nation. The racism I see in this country comes from the top down, not the bottom up. There are pockets of racists on all sides, AB, Balck Panthers, La Raza, Cair, but they are few. Good people who aren't racist are the many, and they are of all races.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Roadsterrider Here we go again. Sir I live in the South. You got men of color who marry women who are daughters of men in the Klan. We got white male politicians down here with a bunch of curly head bi racial babies. None of this changes the fact that the heirarchy still exists here in our country. And it doesn't change people's attitudes or feelings about anything. If it did we wouldn't be having this discussion right now.
Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
@Zonuss I spend half of my time working in the south. I travel from Michigan to Georgia. I stay in the south sometimes for weeks if not months. I don't see a hierarchy any where. There will always be some people who don't like others who aren't like them, either race or class or what church they go to. There will always be haters, that in itself doesn't make this a racist nation. The majority of people in this nation seem to give anyone the benefit of the doubt and take them at face value till actions deem it wise to do something else. I didn't agree with Obama, not because I am racist but because I thought it was bad policy. The current political climate is to use racist rants to instill fear in certain groups of voters. If I want a secure border, how does that make me a racist? I don't have a problem with immigration, but a total lack of respect in our laws when coming into the country doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy about this person being a law abiding citizen after they get in the country. I joined the military out of high school, learned a trade that I have been earning a living with for 35 years. Every person in this country has the same opportunities that I did. I went to public schools, the military, kept my nose clean and life is good. Every one else has that same opportunity to raise themselves above where they are. The excuse is that inner city kids don't get good educations, can't get out of the cycle. BS, I was in the military with a bunch of inner city kids from Chicago, LA, NY, some learned to read in the military. They worked hard, got promoted, accepted increased responsibility and made a career for them and their family. The only racism alive and well in this country is held by politicians and whacko's that want to cling to it to feel like they are doing something and they are just like a little boy whistling in the dark as he walks by a cemetery to prove he isn't scared. For some, racism is the cry to avoid having to take responsibility for your own actions, or in the case of politicians, to instill a fear that if someone else gets elected, they will enact racist policy. Every time I hear a politician trying to scare me into voting for them, I have to look at their actions. Bernie Sanders has been a politician for 40 years and hasn't fixed anything, why should he be counted on to fix anything in the future. We are being segregated for voting purposes and that is the biggest use of racism that I see in this country.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Roadsterrider You're more naive and out of touch than anything else. But I see the racism as plain as day especially from a black males perspective. My point stands. No need to be long winded about anything as the majority of these answers speaks for itself. Good day.