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The United States of America is a racist country....true or false ? 🇺🇸

After last nights election, and the recent results in Georgia, and in Florida. It is obvious that the mental stronghold on certain segments of White America still have an impact that results in an unnecessary fear based on propaganda and division. It ain't that damn bad, ok. It could be worse. Do you agree, that the US is still to some degree a racist country.
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Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
Thinking about it.. America has huge pockets of people who are still very racist... that's not ok.. Other nations also have, often to a much lesser degree people who are racist.. While there remain these pockets of utter ignorance and refusal to see it as a problem, then that country remains racist to a greater or lesser degree.. Racism is NOT inevitable, it's not even necessary or helpful... until we eliminate it then we do have to recognise that racism will continue to affect people adversely.
Budwick · 70-79, M
@Adaydreambeliever Day, you're from the UK, right? How is it you have such an in depth understanding of what people are like in the United States?
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Budwick Because people are observing what is going on here.
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
@Budwick tis called taking an interest in other countries :P Most of us do, most other countries do.. they take an interest in what's going on in the world.. Most AMericans are well known for not taking an interest in anything outside their own country.. So what I am saying is.. it's very common for people from elsewhere to know a fair bit about America, and indeed other countries...
Aside from that.. I have many American friends.. many, many... oh and a really good, UNBIASED news source that tells us what's going on.. @Budwick
Budwick · 70-79, M
@Adaydreambeliever So, is it your many, many American friends that are racist? Or the totally unbiased news sources that have identified Americans as racist?
Budwick · 70-79, M
@Zonuss If they're 'observing' through the MSM lenses, perspective will be skewed.
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
@Budwick aww you seem to be really worrying your pretty head about this don't you? MY friends are the opposite of racist.. I never really found out about their political views until that arsehole Trump was elected.. I have been friends with most of them over 20 years.. I chose them because they are fabulous people.. it was a cool surprise to find out that all barring one was anti-Trump.

As to the news.. I have had many many Americans say that the press is biased.. they say this because there.. it IS.. we are fortunate that we have way less biased news here.. it's not controlled by mega corps and where they are say for instance Murdock's crew ... you will often find that individual papers within that group will be more on the side of the opposing views... SO you get a good mix here..and most of them will present both sides of the story.. e.g. BBC isnt perfect but they do get vilified if they are seen to be presenting more favourably towards one side.. here they are supposed to be unbiased.. just report the news and let people make up their own mind..
I do, of course feel sorry for those stuck with biased news.. must be so hard to find out what's really going on.. No wonder just under half have such off the wall views that Trump is ok!
Interestingly.. some of said friends have actually been here and they say the news here is way less skewed.. so I know it's hard to imagine... but...

And just to reassure.. I didn't say it was only my friends who indicate that there are pockets of racism.. in actual fact talk to a bunch of Americans and one will see it for themselves.. I base it on the sheer number of racist comments I see here and on other sites where there are a lot of Americans.. This isn't about skewed info.. if one sees a crocodile... one doesn't need to ask if it reads the Sunday Times, one can be pretty sure it's a croc.. So if we see racist comments from Americans and there are a lot of same and really quite viscious,, we can assume and know there are

So thank you for sharing your concerns..
Budwick · 70-79, M
@Adaydreambeliever Interesting.
You wrote - "you will often find that individual papers within that group will be more on the side of the opposing views.." That sounds to me like you recognize that your news IS biased - but you also said there's a good mix. So, I suppose you can choose which bias you prefer. That doesn't really sound very much different than what we have in America.

And, you have many American friends - none of which are racist. Yet, you buy into the belief that there are huge pockets of racist people in America. I wonder how you beat the odds by not having huge pockets of racists among your many American friends.

I wonder, is it possible that you are conflating Trump support with racism? If so, you would be like a typical American progressive - cuz they do that all the time!
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Budwick It's because Trumps words and actions shows us his true character.
Budwick · 70-79, M
@Zonuss It's true! He is making America great again!
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Budwick America is and was already great. You're an indoctrinated brainwashed fool.
Budwick · 70-79, M
@Zonuss After eight years under Obami, America had lost a step.
We're back on track now.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Budwick Where were you in 2008. Trump wasn't there. 🤗