Congratulations anti-vaxxers! They said it couldn't be done!!
But you guys wouldn't take no for an answer - you brought POLIO back to the USA! Amazing!!
A young adult male in Rockland County NY, who didn't leave the country, has contracted polio (AKA poliomyelitis). They don't know where he got it, other than from some other infected person. Yes, he's unvaccinated, despite the requirement that all school age children be multiply vaccinated for polio.
He showed up at his doctor's office complaining of weakness and paralysis.
Yes, the paralysis is permanent and irreversible. And it all could have been prevented by a few routine doses of polio vaccine; CDC recommends total of four doses: 2 months old, 4 months old, 6 through 18 months old, and 4 through 6 years old.
Sixty plus years of hard work by doctors and epidemiologists and public health officials is starting to be undone by anti-vaxxers and the misinformation they spread. Lordy lordy, what does it mean when the ignorant spread POLIO in our great land??
A young adult male in Rockland County NY, who didn't leave the country, has contracted polio (AKA poliomyelitis). They don't know where he got it, other than from some other infected person. Yes, he's unvaccinated, despite the requirement that all school age children be multiply vaccinated for polio.
He showed up at his doctor's office complaining of weakness and paralysis.
Polio is very contagious, and a person can spread the virus even if they aren't sick. Symptoms, which can be mild and flu-like (fatigue, fever, headache, stiffness, muscle pain, vomiting), can take up to 30 days to appear, during which time an infected individual can be shedding virus to others. Though rare, some polio cases can result in paralysis or death.
In this case, sequencing performed by the Wadsworth Center – NYSDOH's public health laboratory – and confirmed by CDC showed revertant polio Sabin type 2 virus.
In this case, sequencing performed by the Wadsworth Center – NYSDOH's public health laboratory – and confirmed by CDC showed revertant polio Sabin type 2 virus.
Yes, the paralysis is permanent and irreversible. And it all could have been prevented by a few routine doses of polio vaccine; CDC recommends total of four doses: 2 months old, 4 months old, 6 through 18 months old, and 4 through 6 years old.
Sixty plus years of hard work by doctors and epidemiologists and public health officials is starting to be undone by anti-vaxxers and the misinformation they spread. Lordy lordy, what does it mean when the ignorant spread POLIO in our great land??