What would we do without dog's for entertainmentSee my mom does home care for a few older people. There is this one she just started to see last week I guess. They have a huge dog what I been told. He could rest his head on the kitchen counter. He really takes full advantage of his size. My mom... See More »
Are eggs expensive where u are at?I am so happy I got chickens right now I don't have to buy egg's. My mom is complaining about how much they cost right now. I'm like mom u should just get chicken's for eggs or find something new to eat for breakfast,
I can't believe super Saiyan 4 is finally Canon in daimaMy boy Goku finally went ss4 in daima in this last episode.
U know it is pretty badU know it is pretty bad that they had to make a law in Oklahoma to ban cellphones in school. Are our kids that addicted to their cell phones these day's
My daughter loves to see the birds in the yardEveryday she loves to check on the bird feeders to make sure they have plenty to eat, well lately she hasn't seen any squirrels at the feeder's. But yesterday she was excited to see a rabbit at the feeder. I have seen that rabbit hanging around... See More »
Any of u have the PlayStation 5I been seeing a bunch of videos last few day's that the PlayStation 5 network was down. So how long was it down for?
So how is everyone doing today?Me and my husband and my parent's went to a funeral today in Arkansas. I guess u could call him a second cousin. He was around my mom age. His kids are around my age and their kids are around my kid's age.
What u guy's think will happen with gazaI been seeing video's on YouTube that trump's wants the US to take it over to rebuild it.
Can you guys recommend a really good racing game?Gee I can't remember the last true racing game I have played. I think it was one of the need for speed games for the PlayStation 2.
What a wonderful day in SkyrimAt time's u just got to relax after a quest. Why not start a farm and grow some Crops. Nothing like a good old hunt or go fishing at the lake.
Did u guy's hear about thisDid u guy's hear about the 500 pound rapper that was denied a ride because of her weight and now she is sueing the company because of it.
Kind of crazy they areKind of crazy they are all ready talking about the PlayStation 6 coming out in 2027. Feels like it was just released not that long ago. So I had to google it and it has been 5 year's now.
Could the kids survive on that planetMe and my wife was watching the movie the knowing last night. At the end the aliens took the kid's to that new planet. My wife turned to me and ask me if those kids really could survive on that planet. They was left nothing but the clothes on their... See More »
Did any of u noticeDid any of u notice how pissed off joe Biden and kamala harris was in Trump speech this morning. They didn't clap one time for Trump