Things you’re not allowed to laugh at, just makes them funnier. PINNEDI was in a queue for a train ticket booth behind four friends - two white guys, a black guy and Middle Eastern guy. And in their boredom they were roasting each other in a manner that can only be described as wildly racist. But they were so quick and... See More »
This week I learned a friend of mine will almost be sick if I pretend to be sick. If I make vomit noises she’ll panic and start wretching… PINNEDAnd now it’s hard not to do it whenever I get bored…. I’m a terrible friend. 😐
Keep it light people, it’s Friday night FFSCan we forget about your shitty president for just one day?
Howcome we have to tolerate Americans data mining us on Meta, but when the Chinese do it that’s not okay?
People tell ghosts stories at Halloween, but I always felt the time of year that suits them is the lead up to, and the days between Christmas and NYsAt this time of year people feel an urge to return to family or a place they come from or connect with. Maybe it’s the same for 👻
Excuse me, 🙂 do you have time to talk about the one true Lord, Cthulhu?"In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming" (1)
I’m watching two tourists fight while I have my morning coffee.The American guy is doing all the shouting and waving his arms around, but it looks like the South African guy won the point. ☕
People who say they’re Christian and a Conservative, that’s an impossible mix. Your party says immigration is bad. But your god says:Genesis 1:26-27: States that all people are made in the image of God and have inherent dignity Deuteronomy 10:17-19: Commands God's people to love foreigners because they were once foreigners in Egypt Exodus 22:21: States that foreigners should... See More »
Has anyone else here encountered an SWer in his 70s pretending to be Satan and putting Russian flags on his replies?He’s just commented on every post I’ve made in a year. Absolute freak.
If you’re here more than two hours a day talking politics and religion - life isn’t happening to you.There’s good reason why these topics aren’t welcome in bars.
Are T shirts with facts on them still cute?The slang has been around for centuries, the orange draft dodger just feels like it 😂 That’s my one politics post for this year. See you in 2025…🥳 (1)
Most days are mundane and trivial. But then there is that one day that could end everything in a snap. It made me think of this GOT quote:Im healthy and mostly unhurt. (1)
Saw a guy getting a hard time off his wife on the train. I couldn’t help but catch his eye and blow him a kiss.Be strong, oh random guy on the train. We’re not all like that. (1)
The Bible tells us that the prophet Santa Claus, blessed be his name, will cross the globe giving presents to all the good little girls and boys.Despite the regular threat of being shot down over Russian occupied Ukraine and Texas, our Lord saviour Father Christmas and his team of magical flying reindeer will make this magical trip, bring in love and joy to all. Remember what Jesus said:... See More »
Dogs are such simps. So pitifully desperate to fetch that stick. That’s what my cat tells me anyway… (1)
My work internet has gone down, all that works is clicking fodder giving random facts about Switzerland. So…🇨🇭1. Tina Turner gave up her US citizenship to become Swiss in 2013. 2. Switzerland can fit its entire population in nuclear bunkers if needed. 3. Switzerland has one of the highest qualities of life rating and the second highest GDP in the world. 4.... See More »