Do u believe in the supernatural?I want to .. I might need it to fix my life lol Anyway i had few supernatural experienceS they werent much useful
Hopeless and upset and exhaustedIm tired of trying to be better to do better to live better im tired of being ing in this roller-coaster crazy shitty life. Where everyone around me insults mefor no reason.. There is no me anymore im just a shadow with a roller-coaster shit inside... See More »
gimme a horror movie recommendationim bored and movies make me feel better i guess so im into movies esp horror movies esp at night idk why
i think i should diethere is no point staying here one takes care care of me or loves me or cures my illnesses my head is gonna split from my back and no one cares about my health or even believes that im sick ..its just bullshit staying here ..i cant go anywhere... See More »
is there any home remedy for back and neckmy back and esp my neck are about to split if i dont do sthg im trying everything i have from treatments but still not very affective ...plz help me i cant even think right now my whole body is weak and ly mysusles i cnat call any doctor i cant go to... See More »
Why do I always see patterns ?I always see numbers on the phone clock ..things I that I think about appear a person or sthg on tv ..or anything.. premonitions maybeI think I'm haunted or sthg Give me prayers please..or show me a prayer that removes... See More »
I wanna learn to drawI don't know where to start..and I'm afraid that my family would laugh at me or talk behind my back Abt me ..esp drawing when using phone..since I don't want anybody see it ..I wanna learn animation too but how?!
It's extremely frustrating to be always not enough isn't?I'm so sick and every move I do affects my body And my mother always rings my ears with her unpleasant comments about housework she never likes how I do it or if I don't do it it's like a sick game she plays with me always scolding to the point where... See More »
just thoughts..and how i feeli wish i was strong physically and mentally and spirituall its just not fair being like this im allait scarred down it seems like all ido or tey toi do IS a mess and i screw things UP all thé Time even when i came in hère im sorry if i act weird or s... See More »
late night ramblings lolmy so called family house scares me i cant talk inside of it to anyone ..i think i have a kind of phobia of talking to ppl but when iam in it it gets worse ..omg this is terrible and horrible being me ..talking to no one ..sometimes im not even able... See More »
Life Can be an ass sometimesYeah its been for me Now im juste so sick to the bonethat i canteven think clearly but ..i think whatever ..i have no Friends im completely alone and helpless with no medical Care and i dont even Care and nobody Cares actually ..,,🙂