How many coffees do u drink in the morning?I have one cup but i feel like i want some more And with anxiety that my mother and everyone around le here i. Have a deep constant urge to have some more cups of coffee bc i have to be vigilant and active to serve her selfish duties despite that im... See More »
Java Cup Of CoffeeNot just any coffee ☕ will do 😳 It has to be my favorite kind of coffee ☕🥴 "MORE" (1)
In praise of coffee and cheap lasagnaCoffee for a person turning into gum both prolongs the process but makes it less irksome. For the changing of flesh into gum can bring discomfort, coffee eases that by soaking the fleshy inner parts into it's substance which in effect says "So,... See More »
Rained out, crashed out,but far from washed out. A lesson in Embrasing the unexpected (and the power of coffee ...and learning)Mother Nature may have thrown a torrential tantrum on my spelunking dreams, leaving my caving gear high and dry (and me, well, just high and dry). And yes, my wallet is currently doing a haunting impression of a hollow cave echo. But guess what? This... See More »
The pot of coffee, it's clockiness and anti-clockinessAs one drifts into an unknown amount of awake hours, one has need of the pot of coffee as clock, it's time for bed when the current pot is all drank up, however it's anti-clock nature is revealed in how when the pot is all up, one's energy isn't too... See More »