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Why ppl now focus on just talking abt mental health and not physical health?

I kinda noticed that... I noticed also that they sympathise more with mental health.. As if its more important than physical health.. Im not judging.. Its just seems like mental health they make it seem like everything in the world... Much drama about it.(tears and movies and shows.. Im not judging.. Its just how i felt like... Its true that mental health is important.. physical health too.. The only physical health that they dramatise about it is cancer as if other physical health problems dont matter...its just how i feel lol
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Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
Mental affects physical health. It can actually a person just like any other disease and can be very painful. It’s a neurological disease, not just something a person has because they had a bad day or are struggling with a stressful situation. Being depressed and having depression are two very different things.

When we are in a down slide, exercising or eating healthy through the pain is not something that is at the forefront for our doctors or therapists. It’s focusing on getting back to a manageable space.

Physical health is a known. How mental health affects it is finally becoming a known. It isn’t that people don’t talk or know about physical health, it’s that they are realizing the symbiotic relationship with the two.

An example, I’m sitting in a hospital room with hubs. He had knee replacement surgery yesterday. We know he has to exercise and have PT; however, it’s only for 30-45 minutes every three days and no more than 10-15 minutes three times a day on non PT days. In other words, we slowly heal one issue before moving forward on another.

I’ve rambled but I hope somewhere in it I explained my view on your question.
I don’t know where you live, but it seems like in the U.S. we’ve been playing catch-up when it comes to concerns about mental health. When I first entered the workplace my insurance covered my physical health (both curative and maintenance) but didn’t address mental health unless you were diagnosed with an illness. Now well care includes standard mental health care for stress and anxiety, as well as treatment of specific disorders.
Mental and physical health go hand in hand. Health is health🤷🏽‍♀

The media is just gonna market on what's popularising. Understanding of mental health is now less stigmatised than in the past. Although there's still a long way to go.
The physical: We have some of the finest medical hospitals in the world along with the Universities and Colleges that teach Medical Science.

Mental Health: We are seeing an increase in stress, at work, in college/university students, sleep disorders, violence, road rage, mass shootings, school shootings, drive by shootings, kids shooting kids. It's not so much about the guns as it is about the mental state of the person pulling the trigger. Also, cyber bullying that have caused some children to commit suicide. Why?
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
I think it's because, at least where I live, way less health resources applied to mental illness.
Honestly, I think managing your physical health can be easier vs mental health challenges
FreddieUK · 70-79, M
Mental health has been ignored for too long and it's now catch up time both in awareness and resource distribution.
in10RjFox · M
Yes.. it has become a trend now and is a fashion to suffer from some mental illness by reading various social media quacks. INFJ, Bipolar, Depression etc. have become common these days. Doubt it could be some kind of getting hooked to drugs prescribed by psychologists .. since its covered by insurance.
WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
You complain a lot.
Peaceseeker123 · 26-30, F
@WintaTheAngle im sorry for bothering u guys i never meant to..😞.
if the biological body has no pain symptoms then the brain only perceives thoughts

context of how thoughts are connected and interpreted depends on the social context

any person is not mentally normal from a social context point of view because the contex always averages general data
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
To me they go hand in hand

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