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Nunki · 31-35, F
It’s YOUR birthday so they MUST listen
MellyMel22 · F
@Nunki Only when I get clearly bothered do they accept it, but after blaming me for upsetting them or causing health twisted things for saying no.
Nunki · 31-35, F
That’s messed up. You deserve better. Happy birthday from me 🎉 @MellyMel22
MellyMel22 · F
@Nunki Thank you 🤍
Casheyane · 31-35, F
Put a stop to it. It's your boundaries being unset that let them do that. Years and months and weeks and days before, make sure they are aware of what YOU want.
Not just for birthdays, but for different aspects of your life...if you let others dictate it and control it for you, then it is a you problem and it will make you sad. It's your life. Set boundaries and make sure you are the one with control.
If they get mad, let them. But do you.
Not just for birthdays, but for different aspects of your life...if you let others dictate it and control it for you, then it is a you problem and it will make you sad. It's your life. Set boundaries and make sure you are the one with control.
If they get mad, let them. But do you.
MellyMel22 · F
@Casheyane I do, but then I end up annoyed from having to say no and their reactions.
Casheyane · 31-35, F
@MellyMel22 It's part of being human, girl haha. But yeah, I feel you. Sometimes, you got to teach people things they should already know by now. But life is life. And some people always choose to run faster, wisdom is unable to chase and catch them.
For all that's worth, I do wish you a happy birthday. I hope you get to do something that really makes you happy.
For all that's worth, I do wish you a happy birthday. I hope you get to do something that really makes you happy.
MellyMel22 · F
@Casheyane I know what you’re saying. Thank you 😊🤍
Shadyglow · F
My button gets pushed every time some sold- out store clerk is forced to say HAVE A GOOD "ONE". when they don't know what THEY mean and YOU don't know what they mean but you are supposed to think its maybe Christmas and they just want u to have a good "ONE"
Except its not Christmas OR your birthday but you are supposed to pretend that its all ok to be jerked around verbally like this, JUST TO SEEM POLITE.
Will boycott any store that still does this next time I'm in there, and instead make everything myself, food, band-aids and beer too. Whatever they sell I can't use, especially this idiotic PHONY and INSULTING stab at what they think of as "intimacy".
I don't think anyone here understands this. I wrote about same thing in another post and got crickets.
same as usual.
Rejoice that anyone even knows you are alive and be grateful... if someone came on my birthday I would then do what WE wanted or they would leave and enjoy their nice day. Everyone here acts so POWERLESS. Maybe its just to feel admirable.
and "Have a nice DAY" would be a very welcome wish for me. Any old time. Even on my birthday.
My button gets pushed every time some sold- out store clerk is forced to say HAVE A GOOD "ONE". when they don't know what THEY mean and YOU don't know what they mean but you are supposed to think its maybe Christmas and they just want u to have a good "ONE"
Except its not Christmas OR your birthday but you are supposed to pretend that its all ok to be jerked around verbally like this, JUST TO SEEM POLITE.
Will boycott any store that still does this next time I'm in there, and instead make everything myself, food, band-aids and beer too. Whatever they sell I can't use, especially this idiotic PHONY and INSULTING stab at what they think of as "intimacy".
I don't think anyone here understands this. I wrote about same thing in another post and got crickets.
same as usual.
Rejoice that anyone even knows you are alive and be grateful... if someone came on my birthday I would then do what WE wanted or they would leave and enjoy their nice day. Everyone here acts so POWERLESS. Maybe its just to feel admirable.
and "Have a nice DAY" would be a very welcome wish for me. Any old time. Even on my birthday.
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Shadyglow · F
@MellyMel22 At my age I really dont want any more....and only quietly acknowledge them when they come.
I love LIFE.
I love LIFE.
Shadyglow · F
@MellyMel22 I now have a friend from my home state, was a long time in coming and its the real thing. I feel REAL now.
MellyMel22 · F
@Shadyglow That’s great that you found that friend. I hope it continues to go as well as it has!
TexChik · F
Nope, I do my thing with or without them
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
I remember one time somebody dropped my cake and I was expected to just be ok about it. I even got in trouble for crying about it. I was 11.
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
@TurtlePink did you have to eat it off the floor?
pride49 · 31-35, M
@TurtlePink five second rule!
Casheyane · 31-35, F
@pride49 @TurtlePink Oh I thought someone would ask, did you pick it up and splash it on the face of the one who let it fall? xd
But really, that is a cruel thing to do to a child. They ought to have the decency to replace it with another one.
But really, that is a cruel thing to do to a child. They ought to have the decency to replace it with another one.
Lilymoon · F
Happy birthday twinnie ;)
SeaGlass · F
@Lilymoon @MellyMel22 Happy birthday, gals! ☺
MellyMel22 · F
@SeaGlass Thank you!
Rokan · 31-35, M
I don't tell anyone its my birthday
Rokan · 31-35, M
@MellyMel22 we will see what the future holds but right now the future holds me finishing up my degree and trying to find economic stability. So much stuff is expensive anymore. I also want to work on myself a bit. I dont want my negative traits to carry over.
MellyMel22 · F
@Rokan Good plan! It’s a start to anything you want in the future.
Rokan · 31-35, M
@MellyMel22 not being homeless is the goal atm
Colonelmustardseed · 36-40
I don’t. My sister’s tried that stuff and afterthought celebrations where they want to pretend something they were planning to do was actually for my birthday (despite it being something I’ve never enjoyed), and I’ve said each time that I was celebrating on my own.
MellyMel22 · F
@Colonelmustardseed I told my mom that once and she told me it was her day too 🙄🤣
Colonelmustardseed · 36-40
@MellyMel22 Wish her a happy birthday and that you hope she has fun. 😔
MellyMel22 · F
That was too funny 🤣 @Colonelmustardseed
MrSmooTh · 31-35, M
You need fireworks for your birthday. And an all expenses paid trip to a spa wouldn't hurt either. Tell your people to get on that.
MellyMel22 · F
@MrSmooTh Ot really is! Do you have Coldstone by you?
MrSmooTh · 31-35, M
@MellyMel22 San Antonio has everything. I am in food heaven right now.
MellyMel22 · F
@MrSmooTh Nice!
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
Happy birthday my friend. I'm sorry I missed this. It's just that I don't come on here as often as I used to and ignore those people guilt tripping you. It's your day and you deserve to be enjoying it.
MellyMel22 · F
@Beatbox34 Thank you. I def haven’t seen you!
shakemeup · 36-40
Yes and no. I prefer to not celebrate my birthday.
MellyMel22 · F
@shakemeup I def get it!
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing!
shakemeup · 36-40
@MellyMel22 Hope your birthdays get better!
MellyMel22 · F
Thank you.. I hope yours are good too. @shakemeup
As0if · 26-30, F
I don’t, I never had interesting birthdays and I don’t like them… You just keep saying “no” and don’t mind them getting mad. Put yourself first🥹
MellyMel22 · F
@As0if I don’t like them either. Even as a kid I didn’t. Did you?
Mudkip · 31-35, M
Since mine is on a holiday we normally do it the same. But that must suck 😩
Mudkip · 31-35, M
@MellyMel22 hmm, not really since it's on Christmas Eve, I can't complain 😂
MellyMel22 · F
@Mudkip Oh wow! That’s good then!
Mudkip · 31-35, M
@MellyMel22 yeah it's pretty awesome ngl 😂
pride49 · 31-35, M
Yeah im like, fine. But dont expect me to socialize. Imma just eat cake and ice cream.
MellyMel22 · F
@pride49 It’s your bday, you shouldn’t have to if you don’t want to 😞
pride49 · 31-35, M
@MellyMel22 i wouldnt mind birthdays if certain family members didnt come lol
MellyMel22 · F
@pride49 I can def understand that.
nonsensiclesnail · F
of course.
I dont recall ever having a choice.
but then, I share my birthday with others.
I dont recall ever having a choice.
but then, I share my birthday with others.
MellyMel22 · F
@nonsensiclesnail I started fighting it when they refused to not sing happy bday(I’ve hated it w/a passion since I was very young). So on a big fam vacation w/my brother’s friends(close to the fam) after they ALL promised me they wouldn’t sing if I let them get a cake, they all came to my room singing w/the cake to put me on the spot 😒 I left them there w/the door shut. I’m tired of accepting it.
meggie · F
I just say I'm working and we'll catch up afterwards and it doesn't happen.
MellyMel22 · F
@meggie That’s a good excuse!
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
Fortunately no, btw when is your birthday?
MellyMel22 · F
@vetguy1991 Today is my birthday. I was pretty anxious before when I posted this 🤣
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
@MellyMel22 happy birthday 🎂
Northwest · M
I stopped giving a shit about it a long time ago. These days, I do whatever I please.
exchrist · 31-35
Usually but with some discussion at the least
MellyMel22 · F
@exchrist That's def better than none!
Omg ! Yes ...not this year ...eff that ..
MellyMel22 · F
@pripyatamusementpark Good for you! They need to give it a rest if it’s not what you want!
@MellyMel22 As a recovering people pleaser I refuse
Gibbon · 70-79, M
There is no they. And the day is just another calendar mark.
Every year. 🤦♂
Happy birthday btw!
Happy birthday btw!
MellyMel22 · F
@SW-User Thanks.. and I’m sorry to hear that 😞
NoGamesTolerated · F
Happy Birthday 🎂🎁🎈🎉🎊
MellyMel22 · F
@NoGamesTolerated Thank you 🤍
NoGamesTolerated · F
@MellyMel22 You’re very welcome Kirstie! 😁 😉
crystalkid · 56-60, T
Yes…but it’s a bit adult rated 😉
Jeephikelove · 51-55, F
Happy Birthday! 🥳🎂🎈
MellyMel22 · F
@Jeephikelove Thank you..
GunFinger · F
Happy birthday!!🥳🎉
MellyMel22 · F
@GunFinger Thanks!
Keeper · M
Happy B-Day Gurl 🎊
MellyMel22 · F
@Keeper Thank you 🤍
bijouxbroussard · F
The last couple of years not much happened, except for one or two phone calls. My mother had been the one organizing birthday suppers.
jehova · 31-35, M
Yes not usually though.
Shaveit · 61-69, M
Happening now.
Happening now.
Haa Nope!!
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
My life:😷
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
No? 😠
ThreeLittleBirds · F
That’s so tiresome to deal with around people who can’t handle the word no.
I understand completely
But on the positive side the way I see is that they neeed to hear it and they need to return to their own lives and focus on that which comes from saying no to them
Almost like a counter productive assertiveness , eventually they should get the hint 🌹🥂
I understand completely
But on the positive side the way I see is that they neeed to hear it and they need to return to their own lives and focus on that which comes from saying no to them
Almost like a counter productive assertiveness , eventually they should get the hint 🌹🥂
MellyMel22 · F
@ThreeLittleBirds I definitely agree! They get do mad though 😅
I’m sorry I’m only just seeing for some reason!
I’m sorry I’m only just seeing for some reason!
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
yeah my sisters did that to me all the time. that's why I don't even bother celebrating it with them anymore. a phone call or message is enough.
MellyMel22 · F
@pancakeslam Some live across the street from me.
A few years ago my brother and mom pushed me into a surprise party that they told me two days before b/c they were afraid I’d leave seeing a party 🙄 then my dad asked my mom what my fav cake was now that he wanted to bring it from my fav bakery in the city and she tells him her fav cake thinking I love it too and guess what? It was a cake I don’t like at all and b/c he went through the trouble and expense, I had to sit there trying to not get sick eating it to not hurt his feelings.
A few years ago my brother and mom pushed me into a surprise party that they told me two days before b/c they were afraid I’d leave seeing a party 🙄 then my dad asked my mom what my fav cake was now that he wanted to bring it from my fav bakery in the city and she tells him her fav cake thinking I love it too and guess what? It was a cake I don’t like at all and b/c he went through the trouble and expense, I had to sit there trying to not get sick eating it to not hurt his feelings.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I am sorry Mel. No I don’t have that problem, usually no one acknowledges my birthday.
You should get to do what you want to do.
Happy Birthday to you!!!
You should get to do what you want to do.
Happy Birthday to you!!!
MellyMel22 · F
@iamonfire696 Thank you.. I’m happy with take out even if I bought it.
And thank you ❤
And thank you ❤
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@MellyMel22 I am sorry you had to get your own birthday dinner. What did you get?
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
So here's what you do. Next year, a month or two before your birthday, before anybody thinks to start planning anything, write down a list of stuff you want to do. Take your time and really think about it. Make sure it's all stuff you've always wanted to do. Submit that list, maybe with a fun heading like "MY BIRTHDAY DEMANDS".
MellyMel22 · F
@LordShadowfire I prefer to stay home and order food in. I don’t like the people environment 🤣
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@MellyMel22 Mom? Is that you?
swirlie · 31-35, F
I remember my 12th birthday. My mom baked a birthday cake for me on the day of my birthday, which happened to be a Saturday. When I came into the house about 1pm for lunch, nobody else was home. My parents were away grocery shopping. There, sitting in full view on the kitchen counter was my birthday cake, candles and all.
I was starving, so I poured myself a glass of milk, then got a knife and cut myself a nice piece of my own birthday cake, being careful to cut between the candles so as not to disturb them. Cake tasted great!
My parents came home an hour later. My Dad suddenly spotted a 2 inch piece of cake missing from my cake and went straight through the eff'ing roof, turned left in midair and then came straight down like a laser guided scud missile.
Holy fuk, was he pissed that I had the absolute audacity cut a piece from my birthday cake before he and my mom came home from shopping!
I reminded him who's birthday it was and who's birthday cake it actually was, noting as well there were only 12 candles on the cake and not 3 dozen, suggesting it was most likely my cake and not his. My cake, my rules... is what I said to him. Then he started his rant all over again....
I picked up the cake from the kitchen counter along with the dish it sat on, then walked over to him and mushed it right into his face, then slid the dish up onto the top of his head making him look like he was wearing a hat in a rice paddy.
He became so instantly shocked at my obnoxious behavior that my mom had to walk him out of the kitchen to our backyard where she hosed off his head with the garden hose, then stripped his cloths off leaving him standing there in his underwear and sock feet on the grass.
She came back into the house alone, took one look at me still standing there with my arms folded across my chest and burst into hysterical laughter like I've never heard from her before, nor ever heard since!
My birthday, my cake, my rules.
I was starving, so I poured myself a glass of milk, then got a knife and cut myself a nice piece of my own birthday cake, being careful to cut between the candles so as not to disturb them. Cake tasted great!
My parents came home an hour later. My Dad suddenly spotted a 2 inch piece of cake missing from my cake and went straight through the eff'ing roof, turned left in midair and then came straight down like a laser guided scud missile.
Holy fuk, was he pissed that I had the absolute audacity cut a piece from my birthday cake before he and my mom came home from shopping!
I reminded him who's birthday it was and who's birthday cake it actually was, noting as well there were only 12 candles on the cake and not 3 dozen, suggesting it was most likely my cake and not his. My cake, my rules... is what I said to him. Then he started his rant all over again....
I picked up the cake from the kitchen counter along with the dish it sat on, then walked over to him and mushed it right into his face, then slid the dish up onto the top of his head making him look like he was wearing a hat in a rice paddy.
He became so instantly shocked at my obnoxious behavior that my mom had to walk him out of the kitchen to our backyard where she hosed off his head with the garden hose, then stripped his cloths off leaving him standing there in his underwear and sock feet on the grass.
She came back into the house alone, took one look at me still standing there with my arms folded across my chest and burst into hysterical laughter like I've never heard from her before, nor ever heard since!
My birthday, my cake, my rules.
MellyMel22 · F
@swirlie That is really too funny 🤣🤣🤣
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MellyMel22 · F
@Darksideinthenight2 Exactly, even if it means not doing anything big or anything at all.
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tenente · 100+, M
isn't that the tradition? 🤷♂ is there another way???
MellyMel22 · F
@tenente For me it seems. It’s one thing if the person likes those things, but if not they should accept it.
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MellyMel22 · F
@Elisbch They're fam lol.. and thank you!
Elisbch · M
Family makes it harder, I know that.
When I had family, I had the same problem. I had to stand my ground but politely..LOL. They got to the point they knew I wasn't going to budge. Good luck! I know it isn't easy.
You're very welcome! I hope you've been able to enjoy your day! 😊
Family makes it harder, I know that.
When I had family, I had the same problem. I had to stand my ground but politely..LOL. They got to the point they knew I wasn't going to budge. Good luck! I know it isn't easy.
You're very welcome! I hope you've been able to enjoy your day! 😊
MellyMel22 · F
@Elisbch Yeah, it can be rough.