If humanity reaches country sized (by population) skyscrapers; will you visit the arboritum floor?1000 story buildings with an acre floor plan. How many floors will be green space for crops and recreation? 1 per 10?
A random woman looked me straight in the eye and said "Nostferatu?"I did not know how to respond. That was me once. A) i was distracted (how im not sure) b) im very much disconnected from my previous knowledge of that lifetime. And c) Should i have bowed and said hi?
Canada the 51st state. Itd be more than one added state. Do you have concerns?Though not the worst idea. The United States of North America has a nice ring to it,! Plus reorganization of the USA into the USNA would allow title 9 bankruptcy and then the US debt "disappears". Some concerns A) language barrier; it's highly... See More »
Doj policy not to prosecute a sitting president. Preventing trump's prosecution is BS.Trump is not currently a sitting president. For 2 weeks he can still be brought to trial and should be. Current precedent to 'not indite a "sitting president" Is absolute bs. Mfer broke the law. Incited an insurrection specifically and loudly called... See More »
Given the devastation and many lives ended young by forest fires. Should the drinking age be lower? Let them enjoy life. B4 death.Should the age of adulthood be lowered so ppl get to experience life, before it is taken from them? Lot of wildfires. Wow!
Maximum credit card interest rates? Necessary? 15%Currently discover card is at max 24 to 27.42% APR.
January 6th was peaceful? Yes or no? I dont think so.2000 to 2500 people engaged in vandalism looting actively assaulted capital police officers. I continue to hear from president elect (and insurrectionist) Trump that it was "peaceful". Yet assault looting and vandalism are not peaceful. Please... See More »
The tomato is legally a vegetable. To circumvent a tarrif first implemented in 1887. Wow!"In 1893, the United States Supreme Court settled this thorny issue: the tomato is legally a vegetable." See link below;... See More »
The christmas present America needs is to bring Trump to justice. Dont dismiss. . . convict.Until sworn in djt is not yet president and has no reason to be above the law. At the same time inauguration is january 20. Ceetification of the vote is still 2 weeks away. Therefore why so much delay? He was convicted!
So the theory of the string is begining to come together?I lose sight of it fast but when i flash to and the amount of time since the event that split my lifes path from the path merges with my current life path. When im always in the same geographic location for the holidays. Example For xmas im always... See More »
Can you accidentally gaslight someone?I recently had brain surgery. My memory is slowly improving. Unfortunately bc i have still have short term recall issues i routinely and unintentionally gaslight ppl. Am i actually gaslighting myself
No picture but i had my cycle again i think its every 2 months now?Ive been loosely tracking it my entire life (since birth) definitely starting in 2nd grade ish, and it became a "regular" trackable thing in 8th grade ; But im male; it just doesnt add up. Wtf.
Special election required by law? No one got more than half of votes.Im pretty sure the election laws have procedure when no one gets a majority of votes. I know harris conceded but she shouldnt have.
Watching tales fom the darkside. The "Grither"Dont speak its name or he will appear and take (kill) the ones you love. "He who shall not be named" was plagarized too. All of humanity's stories are on repeat. Prepare for Zombie Jesus!
If inflation is "bad" is deflation "good"?Everyone is always complaining the dollar is worth less. Yet if the dollar increased in value would that be good? Weve never experienced deflation but its considered dangerous. How would we know?! Please advise.