Is FREE just a buzz word?Nothing is "free" it takes effort (time\energy in) whether it requires money and electricity and\or labor or not. Therefore nothing is "Free" if it pays for itself, it will require time to do so. Is it free after awhile?
Just hear me out. . . In exchanged for continued funding for the war in isreal\gaza both parties must attend conflict resolution class online togetherCould be fun. Also intro to abrahamic religion, and teambuilding 103?
If isreal and hamas were forced back to\ to repeat kindergarten. Might they learn how to SHARE?Might be fun.
I hope i can return my new transition perscription glasses!Hopefully i get to the store before the sun sets.
Weird i woke up to post this response to someone. I hope it helped. Back to sleep. . .Thats life. From december and the depth of winter. Cold silent and unliving to spring when life begins again. Then the break of summers fresh start inviting and new it all buds and lives just path just turns brown gets cool then cold and falls. To... See More »
If environmental protection is declared as religious, It cannot be limited or violated.Freedom of environment\religion? Good.
United states by continent. . . The EU is the united states of europe!If each province of canada were to apply for statehood as part of the United States of North America thatd add 15 stars to the American flag. Then 4 more stars for each province of mexico? Thats 68 stars on the flag of the united States of North... See More »
5 states and now "Ohio Nation" have pursued or desire to be independant from the (incorporated) United states governmental entity.So far New Hampshire Texas Alaska Oklahoma Missouri Virginia and Vermont have considered doing it already. and now Ohio wants to too. I hope for the disunited nations of north America. A peaceful "trial" separation while the fed works out its... See More »
Another string yesterday. No pic was pink about 3 inches long?With 4 ppl in the house now its hard to track strings as they appear. But it wasnt there. Then i looked up and poof there it was coiled. Was in bathroom (thats pretty common). Was pink i was wearing blue boxer white socks black shirt. Whats it mean?
Just 3 years and 47 weeks to go; America is Fu(ked! For sure.Good luck to the world. Time to hunker down.
36.7% of americans eligible to vote in 2024 chose not to. Therefore, no one won.If 64% of ppl voted and no one got at least 50% of those that did vote. No single candidate got more than 32% of the total potential popular vote. Thus no single candidate got even a third of all votes cast. Where was the manditory runoff election as... See More »
Should Elons email to verify what federal employees "did last week" also go out to federal legislators? And to trump and his cabinet? Poll (5) See Poll OptionsI think so. Also elon is only an advisor.
this was in my clipboard to be pasted. Where did it come from? Here it is.lets try this another way. A 9th grader moves into a neighboring k12 school district. The 9th grader (Am"Eric"ah) doesnt know anyone, is emancipated (lives independantly and alone, working part time to afford a studio apartment, basically a free... See More »