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Skeptics, Where Is Your Evolution History?


Since you failed to produce any kind of accounts to combat the accounts recorded in the Word of God, then the accounts in the Word of God are still true and are not myths.
AbbySvenz · F
I want to know how the kangaroos hopped all the way from Mt. Ararat to Australia…..
Viper · M
@AbbySvenz hey kangaroos can hop a long distance... I'm more interested in the tiny or slow moving ones.

Like the Kiwi birds, being tiny and flightless, they didn't go very far, very fast, and they got all the way to New Zealand. And their closest relatives include ostriches, emus, rheas and cassowaries... which are all huge freaking birds.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@Viper LOL! They would have to have been very good at hopping to cross a great expanse of ocean!

(Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania became isolated from what became the major continents long enough ago for their own fauna and flora to develop in their distinctive ways. Don't tell the OP though. It will upset him. :-) )
@AbbySvenz Kiwis dropped them off.

If ANYone can, the KIWI can!
There are a lot of Christians and other people of faith who are fine with the great age of the earth and the universe, and the mechanics of evolution, because of overwhelming scientific evidence, and don't see this as contradicting their faith. The Bible isn't a science textbook!
DocSavage · M
But not the debate itself. I won that with ease.
You never even knew when it happened
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
But not the debate itself. I won that with ease.

Wake up, Doc, your day dreaming again.
DocSavage · M
Not so Chowder head, unlike you, I provided evidence. The fact you can’t read cuneiform doesn’t change what it says.
The score is DocSavage : 1
Godspeed63 : 0 ( that’s his IQ as well )
Anyone come across a talking snake? Or someone 963 years old? Nope. Then the accounts in the book of fairy tales are all still myths. Of course, don't let the fact that scores of experiments have been done all over the world to prove the age of EArth as 4.5 billion years change your mind...
redredred · M
@Roadsterrider there’s a reconstruction of the Mayflower at Plymouth MA built to the original specifications. The bunks are about five feet long.
Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
@redredred And how is that proof that we evolved from another creature? That is evidence of adaptation, not evolution.
redredred · M
@Roadsterrider Well, it clearly suggests support for The point made earlier that humans have gotten taller over the years. Adaptation could easily be seen as support for evolution but the common everyday work in modern genetics labs is far more compelling.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@GodSpeed63 Have you anything apart from retreating behind the Torah's foundation books and attacking those who doubt their stranger stories?

We've all noticed you despise anyone who questions your rigid literal belief, even they happen to believe in God.

We all know you think the ancient Hebrew stories must never be questioned, analysed or have their history examined, even by believers in God.

We all know you despise science - ironically, over the Internet.

What is your motive? Not your belief - we all know what that is - your motive.

Are your questions meant to inspire serious, deep theological and philosophical debate... or what?
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@jackieash27 Indeed. I think he just likes picking a fight.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
@ArishMell @jackieash27
YOU are the one with nothing because you are frightened to open your mind and heart.

My heart and mind are open to what's true and not to what can fit my agenda. My question challenges those who claim that Word of God is a myth and not reliable without evidence or facts to support that claim.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@GodSpeed63 You have contradicted yourself yet again. Your heart and mind are not open to anything except only you own, deeply religious idea of what is "God's Word", and you reject, despise, insult any other.

You can't even accept that you can understand and appreciate all that modern science is discovering about the universe, the development of life etc, but still believe it all God's work.

Indeed, to believe not only that it is God's work, but that as the Science you hate shows us, His Creation is far, far older, more complicated, more wonderful, majestic and beautiful than the sort of spontaneous-generation model that the Ancient Hebrews had to adopt.

The ancients though had a genuine excuse. They had no choice. They genuinely could not have known. Even the Classical Greeks, who were much more technically advanced than the other cultures around them, were equally, genuinely ignorant about Nature beyond what was obviously clear to the naked eye.

You do not have that excuse. Theologically and intellectually, you are more than lazy. You refuse to know because you think knowledge sinful in some way. No wonder people ridicule you.

You are rather like the Taliban. They too appear to think that anything not mentioned - and approved if not actually commanded - in their scripture cannot exist, must be considered as wrong and to be suppressed. (Unless of course, personally useful, like the Internet.)
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Oh right, so one old story-book of one small, tribal society's beliefs must be true because its assorted authors claimed it was all God's Word. Of course they did. They had a vested interest in doing so. If it is all true?


We are all descended from the shenanigans of the sons and daughters of just one male (a man, so naturally virtuous, dominant and physically perfect) and one female ( a woman, so naturally pretty but sinful, submissive and with imperfect physiology); un-married, and who had magically appeared about 4000 years ago last Friday and Saturday....

Then just as our species got going, God saw the risks of illegitimacy, incest, learning, naughtiness, speaking snakes and over-edible fruit. So He tried a new start, a rather drastic Divine gamble. He killed everyone except just one couple he'd tipped off, and their sprogs trapped on a rough barge they'd knocked up in a few weeks or so from timber in a largely tree-less region, but still big enough to hold a breeding-pair of each species of all the rest of the world's fauna and flora except vocal snakes, and food for all, for the 40 days of a flood that needed more water than is actually on the planet they knew nowt about. Well, with nothing else to do while confined to an aimlessly drifting barge for a month - apart from feeding thousands of species and disposing of tons of droppings overboard every day - and knowing everyone and everything else had drowned anyway in this Godly precursor to Waterworld... they must have carried on playing 'Keep It In The Family'.

Clearly, God was too busy running the Cosmos he'd started building approximately 13 800 000 000 years ago last Monday to have considered that this fractious mammal calling itself taxonomically "Wise Man", which he'd developed over several stages within merely the last few million years, would be so theoretically intelligent but so destructive to itself and the world around it. And be so vain it even used to think its planet the physical centre, and itself the pinnacle, of God's creation!

Having failed to wipe it out because He'd had to save the other animals by reducing the world's oceans' level before its refugees afloat starved to death; realising it would resist plagues and fail its own attempts to fight itself into oblivion, He's probably still working out how to replace it, with what, and when....

....Possibly with a species that both respects what He developed physically, and respects Him by using the intellect He gave us, via Science, to understand how and when He developed it. Not merely insult Him by the petty, anti-intellectual tyranny of using ancient, man-made myths to excuse suppressing any attempt to study and appreciate His real Creation.

P.S. - and Oh - the irony of using the Internet to suppress Science...
@ArishMell Beautifully said. Thanks!
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@ArishMell And I bet you think that organic chemicals evolve. Now that is truly funny!
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@hippyjoe1955 The laugh's on me, not you. Of course I don't!

I happen to have learnt half a century ago at school that "organic compounds" are simply those based on Carbon.
I wonder if god is happy that a tiny young creature of the universe is using a religious book based on him, imagines itself cognizant enough to debunk the magnificent complexity of his creation, to bring about agitation and argument amongst its fellow beings ?

Isnt the main message in that book 'love thy brother'?
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
so you dont believe the truth you adhere to, to be the only truth?

Those are your words, not mine.
@GodSpeed63 hehehe.
Nup. You claim your perception is the only truth. You can't even accept a respectful passive retreat.

Your need to argue is so strong.
Ahh, that was funny.😂
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
You claim your perception is the only truth.

Wrong again. It's not my perception that matters here but God's perception is what really matters here.
redredred · M
The 4000 year timeline of the Egyptians disagrees with that of the Hebrews. The Egyptian timeline is supported by that of other ancient civilizations making the Hebrew timeline the outlier.

The Bible contains 2500 factual errors.
DocSavage · M
No you won’t.
I’m still waiting for that light year.
redredred · M
@GodSpeed63 Believe me, I get more respect than a sputtering old fool like you. BTW, did you get my offer to prove there no god? All you have to do is state unequivocally what you will accept as proof and prove there are no bison in your kitchen.
DocSavage · M
God doesn’t speak, you don’t have his word. You just have an old book written be humans
All your claims are refuted in the following sequence of videos

Start here for definitions & terminology:





This stand-alone video is also valuable

If you can't refute the scientists in the video above, you're wasting time on this thread. Your opinions hold no water.
@GodSpeed63 I notice you never actually address the evidence or the specific question. It's fair to ask how all these photons -- that are now arriving at our telescopes from galaxies 1+ billion lightyears away -- got onto the paths they are on?

It's a fair question and you keep ducking it. You also want to hold yourself up as an example of how you're made morally superior by your religion. Instead you're giving us an example of deceptive tactics. Not a good look.

You're also avoiding the very simple Bible question about the "four corners of the Earth." Does that mean the Earth is a quadrilateral? Perhaps a square??

Or does it mean that the Bible is not always literal, but sometimes allegorical and metaphorical? You don't believe in a flat, four cornered Earth, do you?? so how can you be sure which parts of the Bible are literal and which parts are metaphorical???
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
how can you be sure which parts of the Bible are literal and which parts are metaphorical???

Through God's Spirit.

I notice you never actually address the evidence or the specific question. It's fair to ask how all these photons -- that are now arriving at our telescopes from galaxies 1+ billion lightyears away -- got onto the paths they are on?

Why do you believe that's an impossible task for God to accomplish?
@GodSpeed63 You ducked the question again! Does Earth have four corners or not? It's a simple yes or no.

Through God's Spirit.
As I've have pointed out, "God's Spirit" seems to be telling many other folks something very very different. And what those others are hearing from "God's Spirit" is a lot more compatible with the evidence! Why should we trust your version of "God's Spirit" over theirs?? You seem to be holding yourself up as an inerrant interpreter of Scripture. Why should ANYONE, even yourself, believe in your inerrancy???

Why do you believe that's an impossible task for God to accomplish?
I never said that; please don't put words in my mouth. If that's your answer -- God faked the apparent ages of stars, galaxies, fossils, etc -- then I have to ask WHY? I'm coming at this from the perspective that God isn't a liar, so correct me if I'm wrong. Why would God fake all that evidence?? I'm not doubting that an infinitely powerful being could fake infinite amounts of evidence; I'm asking for what purpose would God deceive those who inquire about nature???
Carazaa · F
The world is 6000 years old now.

We know this because every family name is mentioned from Adam to Jesus in the book of Mathew chapter one, and 2 other places in the Bible. And Jesus, God's Son, shed his blood for all our sins, and rose 2000 years ago. that is 6000 total!

2 Peter 3:8 “But do not forget this one thing dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like a day.” and he says there will be peace on day 7 and we are going into day 7 any day, praise God!.

Jesus is coming on day 3 he said, He rose very early the third day, and we are going into day 3 any day now from Jesus first coming. He rose about year 28-30

He said "When the Gospel has gone out to every nation, tribe, and language, that's the end.

And he would keep the tribulation short for his own's sake.

I believe Jesus is coming any day to judge the living and the dead. And take us home if we love him! Praise God!
Carazaa · F
@Nunatak The Bible is the most amazing book, and too complicated and prophetic for man to have written it, absolutely impossible! Scholars with PHD's and the most educated understand that this book is given to humanity from God! And the most blessed people in the world, and the most blessed countries in the world are Christian countries!
Thank you very much @Carazaa 🤗 . May God richly bless you too 🙏
Carazaa · F
@SW-User Awww thank you! ❤️ 🙏 🕊️
Huh? The Word is not a science text, nor does it at any point claim to be so.

If the first Creation story is a vision shown to Moses ~1850 BC/BCE, then it is fine to take it as that.

Scripture, proper, is a record of the ancient Hebrews' interactions with God, including a few things which are best understood as what they are, *attributed* to God by ancients surrounded by polytheists who attributed all sorts of things to the gods & lesser divinities of their pantheons.

Don't pretend there is ANY book which begins "The Book of ________, being God's book of scientific instruction to His people".

Just stop this madness.

It is all "God breathed"

What is the basis for this assertion? The inspiration argument is a difficult one to make...most of the verses offered up in "support" are far narrower than what people think.

All the versions say the
same thing.

? With regard to what?
Carazaa · F

In regards to Gods meaning!

All Scripture is God-Breathed

2 Tim
From infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for instruction, for conviction, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17so that the man of God may be complete, fully equipped for every good work.…
Berean Study Bible · Download

Deuteronomy 29:29
The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, so that we may follow all the words of this law.

Romans 15:4
For everything that was written in the past was written for our instruction, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures, we might have hope.

2 Peter 1:20
Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture comes from one's own interpretation.

2 Peter 1:21
For no such prophecy was ever brought forth by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

2 Samuel 23:2
The Spirit of the LORD spake by me, and his word was in my tongue.

Matthew 21:42
Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?

Matthew 22:31,32,43
But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, …

Psalm 19:7-11
The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple…

Micah 2:7
O thou that art named the house of Jacob, is the spirit of the LORD straitened? are these his doings? do not my words do good to him that walketh uprightly?

2 Timothy 3:10
But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience,

2 Timothy 4:2
Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.

Proverbs 6:23
For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life:

Proverbs 15:10,31
Correction is grievous unto him that forsaketh the way: and he that hateth reproof shall die…

2 Timothy 2:25
In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;

Deuteronomy 4:36
Out of heaven he made thee to hear his voice, that he might instruct thee: and upon earth he shewed thee his great fire; and thou heardest his words out of the midst of the fire.

Nehemiah 9:20
Thou gavest also thy good spirit to instruct them, and withheldest not thy manna from their mouth, and gavest them water for their thirst.

Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers
(16) All scripture is given by inspiration of God.--Although this rendering is grammatically possible, the more strictly accurate translation, and the one adopted by nearly all the oldest and most trustworthy versions (for example, the Syriac and the Vulgate), and by a great many of the principal expositors in all ages (for instance, by such teachers as Origen, Theodoret, Grotius, Luther, Meyer, Ellicott, and Alford), runs as follows: "Every scripture inspired by God is also profitable for doctrine, for reproof," &c.
The rendering followed by the English version, and which is certainly grammatically possible, by making--"all Scripture" the subject, and "given by inspiration of God" the predicate, declares positively the inspiration of all the Old Testament Scriptures, for this is what the Apostle must have referred to, if we understand this verse as we have it rendered in the English version above. The New Testament at this period was certainly not all written; for instance, St. John's Gospel, St. John's Epistles, the Epistle to the Hebrews, and the Apocalypse, with several of the Catholic Epistles, probably were composed at a later date than that assigned to this letter to Timothy. St. Paul, massing together an evidently well-known number of writings under the term ???? ?????, spoke of the Jewish Scriptures, the "canon" of which was then determined.

But such a declaration of the inspiration of these writings to Timothy and to those associated with him would seem unnecessary and uncalled for. Timothy and the trained Jew of the first century would never dream of doubting the divine origin of their most prized and sacred writings. There is nothing in the verses immediately preceding which would call out such a statement. It seems, therefore, on exegetical, as well as on grammatical, considerations best to follow the interpretation of those ancient and venerable witnesses the Syriac and Latin (Jerome's) versions, and to understand St. Paul's words here, as asserting that every inspired writing (this, it should be observed, does not exclude those recent sacred compositions which--Gospels or Epistles--he had seen or written himself, and the divine origin of which he well knew) is profitable for doctrine, &c. Thus he exhorted Timothy to show himself a contrast to the false teachers--ever shifting their ground and waxing worse and worse--by keeping steadily to the old teaching of doctrine and of life. He was not to change, not to advance, but was to remember that every inspired Scripture was profitable for doctrine and for life. It was by these writings, St. Paul would remind him, that he must test his teaching. On the way in which "inspiration of God" was understood in the Church of the first days, see Excursus at the end of this Epistle.

Inspiration of God.--This thought, perhaps, rather than these words, is admirably paraphrased by St. Peter: "Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost" (2Peter 1:21). The various uses of Holy Scripture in the training of the man of God are set forth in the enumeration which closes this verse. These sacred writings must, in all ages, St. Paul would urge, be the hand-book of the Christian teacher. From it he must prove the doctrines he professes; hence, too, he must draw his reproofs for the ignorant and erring. It must be the one source whence he derives those instructions which teach the Christian how to grow in grace.


In regards to Gods meaning!

But that's the problem; there ARE differences in translations.

I think God definitely has messages, but the translations do not agree (and there are some *historic*, well-known fails).
redredred · M
Where is it written that the Bible is true?

And self-reference isn’t valid.
redredred · M
@GodSpeed63 I asked you a long time ago where is it written that the Bible is true. I told you self-reference is not allowed. That’s a simple question. Using your sense of “logic”, you told me I had to prove something.

What proof do I have to provide to ask a question?

You’re simply temporizing because you don’t have an answer. You’re a phony and everyone knows it.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
I asked you a long time ago where is it written that the Bible is true.

Where were you when I told you where it was? Are you asking because you want to know the Word of God is true or are you trying to make a point?
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Hmm. If the Earth is only 6000 years old, i wonder how Big Oil uses calculations based on the Earth being billions of years old to repeatedly and successfully locate sites to harvest oil...
Funny that.
ShadowWolf · 31-35, M
@Pikachu I'm a Catholic, but I can even see that this guy is blissfully ignorant. He is purposely ignoring your query regarding oil. Born agains always seem to deflect to protect creationism. The world is billions of years old. Oil proves it.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@Pikachu He can't reply to the oil question because he has no answer. Somewhat similar to my telescope question.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@Pikachu It's funny how we an use the age of the universe to explain perfectly how everything works!

Funny that.
Here's my refutation from last time that you ignored:

Einstein's general theory of relativity has even less history recorded than evolution. So what? Are you suggesting that is somehow evidence against Einstein's general theory of relativity?

BTW, China has 5000 years of written history, with no mention of your "Moses" or "Jesus" people. What does that prove about "Moses" and "Jesus"? Nothing, right? So why should a lack of mention be so significant??

Below is my response to your previous video, which you ignored. Since you failed to respond to it, it is still true, and your silly claims are myths.

Since the video itself was too long for the opposing team to bear
You neglected to mention the fact that the video was in Russian and none of us could understand a word of it. Just the sort of case-weakening thing you'd forget to mention.
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Wow, they found 15 PhD scientists who rejected "evolutionary theory," but they didn't say what subject their PhDs were in! The USA has over 3 million PhDs, so it looks like it's 15 vs 3 million, LOL!!!

"We asked each scientist what is the worst thing evolution has to handle in your discipliine?" So we're already granting that evolution explains 99.9999% of observations. That's good. Do you offer any other testable theory with a 99.9999% success rate? I didn't think so. Sorry, there's always going to be a little weirdness out there, mistakes in record keeping, mistakes in measurement, typos.

Truth is, in science, if you want to reject a testable theory that's 99.9999% successful, you need to offer a testable theory with a better than 99.9999% success rate. And you ain't got one.

But this video doesn't offer any such testable theory. Instead, it sets up a giant strawman fallacy; the fallacy that any testable scientific theory needs to be perfect. Sorry, dudes, perfection is not how science works. Not even with the so-called "Law" of Gravity.

David Catchpoole says, in the video, that "natural selection can only operate on what is existing, and it can only operate to remove what is existing." That's DEAD WRONG.

The quote clip from John Sanford says essentially that information is complicated; but makes no points and draws no conclusions. I wonder why they included it??

Then the two dudes go on to claim that science says "the origin of life has nothing to do with evolution." That claim, too, is DEAD WRONG. It's a giant strawman fallacy within the overall strawman fallacy.

OK, ten minutes in when they bring up the holocaust I bailed out. I didn't pursue any details of how they tried to blame Nazism on Darwin; sorry dude, I've found enough holes already without engaging with that steaming truckload of bull excrement.

So called "creation science" is NOT testable, not falsifiable. So called "creation science" essentially says "whatever you measure, whatever you observe, God made it that way." Such a theory can't be falsified, so it's not in the realm of science. Want another non-testable non-falsifiable "theory"? Check out the Flying Spaghetti Monster. FSM theory says whatever you measure or observe, the FSM reached out with a noodly appendage and made it look that way. FSM "theory" thus explains everything just as well as "creation science" does. Thus it deserves equal standing with "creation science" yet your video never once mentions the AmAzInG 100% success rate of FSM "theory," LOL!!!
AbbySvenz · F
I’m still waiting for definitive proof that your “Word of God” is actually the words of a god.

“Because the Bible says so” is not proof, by the way.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Do you read? There is, the Chinese, Incas, Aztecs, Indian civilizations, as well as native American.

ElRengo · 70-79, M
"I’m still waiting for you to come with alternative historical records that show the accounts in the Word of God to be myths."
The purpose of Science isn´t at all to disprove (and neither to prove) the narrative of any faith.
If it happens, so be it.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
The purpose of Science isn´t at all to disprove (and neither to prove) the narrative of any faith.
If it happens, so be it.

I'm talking about science, science points to God. I'm talking about those who try to fit science into their world views as a means to change the historical events established in the Word of God.
This is definitely among the stupidest statements I’ve ever read here.
black4white · 56-60, M
The word of God..... Oh my.... is there such a thing...

You do realize that the bible was written by control freaks... LMAO and then push it off onto something they call a "higher" power of God....

This planet has been around for millions of years ... yeah let me just hush.... :-)
Are you a christian?
Do you believe God is an everlasting being , but only decided to create the Earth and everything in 6000 years?
What did he do with the rest of his "all" time?
Twiddle his incorporeal thumbs?😁
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Told ya.

Told me what?
@GodSpeed63 🤦‍♀️that you won't accept.
And now in repeating myself.

Which is where i take my leave.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
that you won't accept. And now in repeating myself.

You didn't say anything yet.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
Almost every observation, in every field of science points to a a very old universe. It is the only ways the natural world makes sense. There is an overwhelming avalanche of evidence as opposed to faith in one book.
Carazaa · F
@JimboSaturn It's the only way it makes sence if you don't trust in the Bible.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Almost every observation, in every field of science points to a a very old universe. It is the only ways the natural world makes sense. There is an overwhelming avalanche of evidence as opposed to faith in one book.

The overwhelming avalanche of evidence comes from your world views and not from science itself. Which requires more faith, God creating the heavens and the earth or some so called 'big bang' exploding out of nothing to produce the universe and everything in it?
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@Carazaa I actually agree with you there. If you don't believe in the Bible, science makes sense. It's a decision between empiricism and faith.
@Roadsterrider i think you may need to look up exactly what 'evolve' means, as some of your points have been used in examples of evolution .
You say a pterodactyl can adapt into into a bird , but not evolve into one : this makes me very confused, as it reads as the same thing .

Primates are an Order, which is a group of Families, which divides into Genus groups and then Species .
We have other primates here, (of which there are nearly 300 species),as they have found their place in the natural order, as have we.
Evolution is like a branching of a tree: with original core 'domains' that divided through eons into more diverse creatures through ever branching kindoms,phylums, classes , orders, etc.
The primates around us today, have supposedly evolved just as we have, from the original mammal class.
That'd be like saying why are there cats dogs, when they are both mammals? When so are we.
Having a common primate ancestor doesnt eliminate other branches of species being able to develop.

Ie: primates...
We are but one, (current) end branch of a big primate tree.🤷‍♀️

Sorry this ended up somewhere else , it was hard to find a good image that was easy to read) to show that primate is not a singular term . Nor is it a purely historic term.
Its where we supposedly came from and still are .
Primates did evolve (or change) into distinct species , of which we are one.
Im very confused by your statement that primates didn't change into anything else . There are hundreds of species of primates🤷‍♀️
Interesting. The video mentions time itself performs miracles. (Impossible -> Probable -> Possible)
So doesn't it contradict the theory of evolution ? Rather, it would be right to say that in the last 6000 years there were no visible traces of evolution.
Does it mention anywhere in The Bible that Earth is created somewhere around 4000 BC ? That would be an interesting read. (Ken Ham is calculating from the series of events since the birth of Adam in this video)
How about some of the species that became extinct. Didn't scientists discover the traces of their existence?
Ken Ham , does uses the word "if" ....If those days were 6 ordinary days... So even he doesn't conclusively claim the age of earth as 6000 years.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@SW-User Thank you!

There seems to have been many migrations of people and ideas for a very long time so each society is very likely to have absorbed various myths and beliefs from each other. Especially around the Mediterranean, which had quite a variety around it.

We are not likely to know how deeply the leaders of the time thought about their policies and actions; but some of those movements were accompanied by various wars for power or territory.

Whatever the origins and intended meanings of the stranger stories in it, there is a strong thread in the OT of the Hebrew leaders trying to impose what we might now call a state religion, and that involved rooting out the old faiths such as that of Baal.

Not at first though: Baal was worshipped in much of the Middle East as the God of Fertility and of dew and rain, so vital in that region. He seems to have been something of a flexible deity, as different people saw and used him in their own ways. The early Israelites continued this for a while, in a rather demoted way as Lord of Israel; and the word even became a personal name-part, e.g. King Saul's son Ishbaal. Then Jezebel tried to introduce the Phoenician version of Baal as a rival to God, causing the Hebrews to turn against that belief and reduce the word "baal" to one of contempt. This happened around 9-8 hundred years BCE.
(Source: Encylopaedia Britannica)

Clearly, those chronicling their own history were keen to make themselves seem ever so good, but they also needed keep their society together, and a single God they could portray as a rather unpleasant tyrant when he chose was an ideal way to do so. Since they genuinely had no idea how the natural world works, beyond what can be observed obviously enough such as the Moon's phases or the Nile's annual floods, they had to fall back on accepting it all as God's work at His pleasure, so it would be a good idea not to upset Him.

Other cultures around the world had their own gods but roughly similar ideas. If the priestly caste, among the intelligentsia of their time, were savvy enough to work out what would happen, it was very advantageous to them to correlate a correctly-predicted event with having propitiated the right gods. It showed that the rites "obviously" worked and how clever are the priests. A simple example is that of frightening away the dragon eating the Sun or Moon, as the Chinese saw eclipses: their astronomers were able to predict them quite accurately, as well.

Tragically these rites in some societies included animal or even human sacrifices; and I think I'm right that to their credit the Hebrews did not use human sacrifices, and eventually put an end to sacrificing animals.

Prophecies are an extension of this idea - they "work" if you make the prophesy sufficiently vague and provide no clues of when and how it might happen.
Thank you @ArishMell . You have abstracted most of the historical practices.
In all, the inventions progressed according to the need of man. And Gods were invented too, having features in accordance with their respective cultures. It was a practice to invade less powerful kingdoms and widen the geography of ones own kingdom. Similarly I feel the fight for true God also started. Rituals and practices were evaluated and required approval to become eligible under the supreme God's terms and condition. Exploring and exploiting mindsets propelled the power hungry to define the narrative and characteristics of God. The range of God's character varied from warriors to victims. Gods were tested in accordance with human sentiments and sacrifice became a key feature.
Finally the one and only true God became heavily dependent on the power of His/Her follower's voice.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
@ArishMell @SW-User
Finally the one and only true God became heavily dependent on the power of His/Her follower's voice.

You're guessing, guys, you have nothing as usual.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
In innumerable books, scientific papers, movies, and TV and radio documentaries.
@GodSpeed63 youre funny man .
The more i talk to you, the more you appear like one of those grumpy old men one finds at the supermarket;
Always looking outwards for something to complain about, lookkng down on people.
We all cope differnt ways , you have found yours .
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Always looking outwards for something to complain about, lookkng down on people.

Learn to spell. Who says I'm looking down on others?
DocSavage · M
Says who ?
DocSavage · M
Just because it skipped you, doesn’t mean it doesn’t have a history
The evidence is everywhere pointing to evolution by the truck load if one only pulls their head of of the sand.
One example, Natural Museums has tons of skeletons and bones.
Study the skeletons, compare each bone with another next to it of everything you can see there from a mouse to a blue whale.
And with an open mind one should get a light blub moment that The Bible cannot explain.
@GodSpeed63 you and all of you Bible bashers has not answered.
Tell me and frigging show me in the Bible that explains the similaritys between a mouse's, a human, an ape and a whale skeleton. I want from what book, chapter number, line number FROM your BIBLE.
I used my eyes, not from a book.
I wait with bated breath. I bet you can't
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
you and all of you Bible bashers has not answered.

We don't bash Bibles.

Tell me and frigging show me in the Bible that explains the similaritys between a mouse's, a human, an ape and a whale skeleton.

Learn to spell, Robynthebeautiful. First, tell me what your deal is.

I used my eyes, not from a book.

There's none more blind than those who refuse to see the Truth of God.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Robynthebeautiful As a Christian who believes that in the beginning God created all that has been created I take the similarity of various life forms as the work of a common Designer.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
Lets try this again. How is it thst I can see galaxies that are millions of light years away in my telescope? That means it took millions of years for the light to travel from the star to me?
@JimboSaturn Naah. God put all those photons in flight six minutes ago and faked the contents of all our memories, photo albums, file cabinets, etc. The world is only six minutes old! Will wonders never cease!!
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
How come I can see galaxies that are millions of light years away in my telescope?
Carazaa · F

🍊 I don't study these people so I can't comment on people, I just read the Bible, and ofcourse I have two graduate degrees.

But let me tell you that there are many thousand Bible promises in the Bble, and if you test them you will find them to be true. And there are thousands of Bible prophesies that have come true, and are coming true as we speak.

Jesus said we will have birth pangs that increase in strength and frequency until he comes back for us; pestilence, earthquakes, iniquity, cold hearts, terrors, disrespect of parents, increased knowledge, increased travel, mocking the Bible, false Christs, and falling away from the faith.

The more I cling to God the more he helps me and my family. My life is good! I am so sad that the world is in bad shape ofcourse but God is still in control, and he is giving us sign after sign that Jesus is coming soon to end all the violence and sadness in the world. Please don't disregard Jesus words because you believe what some people say about genes, or the age of the universe.

"Eye has not seen , ear has not heard, minds have not imagine what God has prepared for those who love him." 1 Cor 2:9

GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Check out his debate with Bill Nye on YouTube. Nye smoked him on his home turf.

I watched the video and Ken Ham flamed Bill Nye hands down. You do a lot of wishful on here, Doc, no wonder you lose on here. Get real, Doc.
DocSavage · M
Nye sliced him with with one answer. Ham couldn’t even save Noah’s ark
Viper · M
Just because you don't believe facts, doesn't mean others have failed to produce any kind of factual information.

And that goes both ways... but back onto topic of your guy.

Your guy suggests we have not seen evolution, which is just factually wrong.


Viper · M
@GodSpeed63 I literally answered your question before you asked it, which is why I posted the two article links.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
I literally answered your question before you asked it, which is why I posted the two article links.

World views do not count here. The Word of God is not someone's opinion but the Truth.
DocSavage · M
which is just factually wrong.

So is Godspeed63, on everything, always
DocSavage · M
nope. There's always "Hitchen's Razor"
You have nothing, So the rest of us don't need anything.
DocSavage · M



I’ve got more more evidence than you do !
ElRengo · 70-79, M
If about faith I´m not a skeptic.
Evolution Theory is, (anyhow and unrelated to faith) alive and well. Thank you.
Of course besides some meaningless noise with source in self imposed ignorance about Science and not at all necessary to faith.
Best wishes
So let me get this straight.
1st, God approves of incest.
Then God has a relationship with a married woman.
Then changes his mind
How often has he changed his mind?
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
Still no answer to my question
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@GodSpeed63 Read any physics book and why can't you answer my question?
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@GodSpeed63 It would be lost on you.
DocSavage · M
It was on the last season of “Arrow”
Oliver Queen battled the Anti Monitor, going back in time into the Anti dimension. The fight unleashed a massive explosion of energy which created our universe. You can see it on video, or stream it. Let’s see your god top that.
(Mya stands for 'million years ago)
@anythingoes477 sorry , dont know who she is .
But that was funny 😆
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
@Nunatak @Ferise1
Mya stands for 'million years ago

Dead men tell no tales. Whoever did the test on the age of those skulls, failed to give the correct age on them. Therefore, their claims are no good.
@GodSpeed63 😂😂😂
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
Still no answer to my question.
@DocSavage Behold, I bring you tidings of great joy! Science assures us that low-probability events CAN occur!
@DocSavage Wow, it's good thing science doesn't "assume that miracles are impossible." Science looks at all possible explanations. If there are multiple possible explanations, science tries to repeat the event under close observation, possibly with slight variations, in an effort to eliminate possibilities and zero in on the true explanation.

If you can produce a guy who walks on water under close observation, in experimental conditions, science will concede its miraculous nature. If during your trip home from work you hit seven green lights in a row, science will not view this as miraculous.
Bushmanoz · 61-69, M
How old was Noah from Noahs Ark?
Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
@Bushmanoz Noah was 600 when he built the ark, he was 950 when he died.
Carazaa · F
@Bushmanoz Everyone lived longer before the flood. Noah was about one thousand years old when he died. God shortened life span after the population increased and they were increasingly sinning.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Since you have failed to produce any kind of evidence that shows that Corvus Blackthorne is not a 4 foot tall extraterrestrial raven, that's also true.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Since you have failed to produce any kind of evidence that shows that Corvus Blackthorne is not a 4 foot tall extraterrestrial raven, that's also true.

You've lost another one, ShadowfireTheSarcastic.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@GodSpeed63 Nope. I win.

You can't prove Corvus isn't real. Therefore, he is.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Nope. I win.

Your world views are from being winners, ShadowfireTheSarcastic. You still lose.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
The evidence is all around you. Look at the mountains, look at the trees. Look at a baby bear.
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