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Are you woke or dumb?

Woke is a term used to describe a person who is alert to the racial and social injustice in the world.

For example, black George Floyd died in the course of being arrested by a white police officer and his backup officers. Woke outrage led to convictions for the cops, and George's family was awarded $27 million compensation.

I am dumb. I couldn't and still cannot wrap my mind around woke justice. Are you dumb?
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
Floyd had a grossly enlarged heart and extremely high blood pressure. He could have a heart attack at any moment. Even brushing his teeth.
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Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@TheEmperor i made no claim the frankfurt school was a law school. You're deliberately misunderstanding again. Woke is a mindset. Critical race theory is a framework that not theorises that racism is a normal part of American law
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@TheEmperor marxs philosophy is based on materialism that was popularised by epicurus
specman · 51-55, M
Woke and dumb are the same at least nowadays it is. Woke nowadays is extremism on the left. It promotes racism and hatred.
TrashCat · M
@specman I don't support trump so, Nope
TrashCat · M
@ElwoodBlues Maybe @specmanshould write that down and learn something if he's able. Maybe he should focus on his high school equivalency test first. 😂
sree251 · 41-45, M
@TrashCat You said:"Maybe he should focus on his high school equivalency test first."

You are another nitpicking better-than-thou woke high priest.
Carissimi · F
You have the wrong definition of Woke. Woke is irrational, illogical, does not acknowledge reality. Woke can be extremely violent, and cannot be reasoned with. It’s unforgiving of even the most minor infractions, and it is utterly hateful of those who don’t agree with their ideology, or POV. Woke is the opposite of social justice. It is discriminatory and racist.
Carissimi · F
@HoraceGreenley @sree251 You are still not getting what being Woke means. Just because someone doesn’t like Trump, doesn’t mean they are Woke. As much as I dislike Jane Fonda’s politics, and what she did back in Vietnam, that wasn’t Woke, it was unpatriotic, at best, and treasonous at worst. Woke is not sane, it’s insane, and unhinged. Some pretend to be Woke, like Biden and Pelosi, and the Global Elites. They use the Woke to destroy western civilization, and our way of life.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@Carissimi Wow, you are great in your analysis. You pointed out fake woke people like Biden and Pelosi. I never thought about that. These fakers are not dumb like me or you or Trump. They are not on our dumb side nor are they on the woke side either. They are playing on the fence rousing the woke against us.

I agree with your perception of Jane Fonda not being woke and her poor choice of method to protest the Vietnam War. She is sane. I think so.

The Global Elites want to destroy our way of life, and the woke are their storm troopers. Got it.

You deserve a case of my favorite wines, Carissimi. Thank you for the education.
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@anythingoes477 Easily offended conservative

@ElwoodBlues Think of it...........M&M's put trumpers into a tailspin. Nikes.......Starbucks.....Mickey Mouse..........Barbie.......Target.......they freak rhinking if they drink a certain beer they will be trans by the next morning. The list of what don't offend a Republican is way shorter than the list of what does.
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
Floyd had taken an overdose of two different illicit drugs
@Guitarman123 He knows. He's just too much of a pussy to admit he liked the murder.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@BohemianBoo evidently so
LordShadowfire · 100+, M
Chauvin didn't kill him
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
Floyd killed himself
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@HoraceGreenley He’s certainly not the martyr they tried to make him. But yes, excessive police aggression!
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@Vin53 you just typed random words?
calicuz · 51-55, M
Stop pretending to not understand, it's actually very simple and if you don't understand it why haven't you read an article on the subject to better understand it? Not to mention, if you don't understand their cause, then they couldn't possibly be your enemy.

For decades we, as a country, have been propagated against to believe that "the Police" are always justified in their actions, and "the Police" would never lie in court. These false notions are no longer acceptable and the continued murder of inocent, UNARMED AMERICANS during a simple traffic stop has to stop.
Our police officers are supposed to be here to "serve and protect" the community, but how can we trust them to "serve and protect" us when the last thing their commanding officer tells them before they hit the streets is "Everyone is a suspect." Does this really make any sense to a person with the least amount of intelligence? We are not all suspects, we are hard-working Americans, going to and from work, to and from taking our kids to school and soccer practice, yet the police are treating us all like suspects?
Our police officers are supposed to be trained to "act," not react like a scared kitten. There is no excuse for a police officer to shoot and kill a person because that officer thought a cell phone was a gun. Officers are supposed to be trained. If a police officer goes to work every day fearing he or she might be killed, then maybe they need to find another line of work.
Then there are the very few, but they are in our police forces, who become police officers just to see what it's like to kill someone and not be charged with a crime.
Then there are the officers who can bully and be ready to shoot an American Citizen during a simple traffic stop but are scared to run into a school full of children with an active shooter in the building. That part my friend, disgusts me.
I'm sure there are plenty of "Conservatives" who pretend not to understand, but we are all free to choose our enemies, the sad part is, those who choose their enemies based on the political party they choose, really don't know who their real enemy is.
calicuz · 51-55, M

Thanks for at least reading it Slade, I really do appreciate it. 🙂
@calicuz Here's how conservatives define 'Woke' when they're under oath:

calicuz · 51-55, M

Sounds simple enough, and it sounds like something worthwhile to investigate to reassure the American public.
black George Floyd died in the course of being arrested

I know, right? It's like when Abraham Lincoln was at the theater and he just died. Strange how that happens, sometimes people just die in the course of seemingly routine events.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@LordShadowfire Why don't you place the blame on that shop owner who called the cops on Floyd over such a small thing? He is a minority setting the cops on a black guy. Why don't you pick on the racism there?
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specman · 51-55, M
Woke and dumb are the same at least nowadays it is. Woke nowadays is extremism on the left. It promotes racism and hatred.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@Guitarman123 Quite right. You were a person that changed as the body aged. The body is one physical thing while the person is another psychological illusion. It is quite amazing when you reflect on this. But don't get too involved with this observation. It gets quite scary when you realize that you are not a human being but a belief in being one. We make fun of those who believe in God. I find it hilarious when we believe that we exists as real biological human organisms.

Watch it, Guitarman. This conversation can destroy your life as a normal person.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@sree251 it wont make any difference to me. We may be living in a simulation. All i know is its the only life i have and i intend to live it best i can
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GrinNude · 61-69, C
A political awakening can take many forms. Waiting in long lines to vote and win in Georgia is but one of them. No wonder Republicans fear democracy and politically awakened voters.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
This has little to do with being "woke" though.

Person gets caught by the police and dies in custody because the cops (a public servant) murdered him. In court the family was awarded $27 milion for the injustice and the loss of their family member. What price do you put on a life?
sree251 · 41-45, M
@Guitarman123 Cowardice.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@sree251 blatant murder committed by a racist cop
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revenant · F
Woke is neo marxist. Everybody else is responsible but I am the pure innocent angel.
room101 · 51-55, M
@sree251 Did the Syrian refugees turn up in Germany in the lead up to WW2?

Seriously, what the fuck are you blabbing on about? Fun fact genius nazism, and all paraphernalia associated with it, is literally banned in Germany.
Is that right. Woke people call me a Nazi.

I can't imagine why. 😆
sree251 · 41-45, M
@BohemianBoo I can't imagine why either, Boh.
@sree251 says
Where did you get that info. Wikipedia is propaganda. Hitler was German.
You have all the facts on Wikipedia's Hitler. Wikipedia has all the facts on dinosaurs also. I don't believe in dinosaurs.

sree251 · 41-45, M
@ElwoodBlues I am just dumb and not woke.
LordShadowfire · 100+, M
@sree251 At least we agree on that.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@LordShadowfire You are woke then? That makes us even.
In a court of law, how do republicans define "Woke"?

@ElwoodBlues Which of course explains completely why Republicans HATE anything that fits that defination,
TrashCat · M
You still going on about George Floyd? 😂

LordShadowfire · 100+, M
Is it for emphasis?
No, that's a thing my stupid phone does. You see, I've got fat fingers, so I mostly dictate what I write into my phone, and when I press the send button too soon, it will sometimes repeat the last sentence twice.

As to the rest of your statement, here's the thing. Was George Floyd a loser? Yes. Was he a drug addict with a history of violence against women? Yes. I don't glorify him, and I don't suck the ghost of his dick. I fully recognize that He was on a self-destructive path. Even his brother has insisted he's not worth the protests and the riots.

So why do I have such a problem with the white police officer who killed him? Because the man has a history of excessive force violations. 18 of them, of which he only suffered negative consequences for two. Does that make him a racist? Fuck if I know. But it does make him a bad cop. And that means he's exactly where he belongs right now.

And the other thing I have a problem with is people who insist that George Floyd was typical of black people, and that Chauvin was a hero for killing him. (He did kill him, by the way. A knee on the neck of somebody under the influence of that much crap was the straw that broke the camel's back.)
sree251 · 41-45, M
@LordShadowfire I can't argue against anything you said because there is truth to all the bits and pieces of the animal you pointed out. Each piece incites emotion, the kind that needs to be vented regardless of consequence. This is why there were riots and protests that erupted even across the pond. And because there is truth to every point of view of the elephant, conflict - even a fight to the death - is justified regardless of consequences.
@sree251 don't remember the name and i can't see it now. we DISAGREEEEED so they blocked me
familyfunguy · 56-60, M
As a fellow woke person, I agree that there are two kinds of people in this world and I think it's so sad that we have to share the world with the stupid dumb sleepy people.
@familyfunguy you silly man… lol
sree251 · 41-45, M
@NoGamesTolerated Why is he silly?
@sree251 Because I thought he was joking. I hope he is joking!
Ontheroad · M
So, why is it that Officer Chauvin being convicted of murdering George Floyd is "woke" justice?
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TexChik · F
@Ontheroad Where was the trail?
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Thevy29 · 41-45, M
#Woke is for F#ckwits who refused to do the right thing till it became cool, and then blew it out of proportion.. They'd join any protest without having a clue what the protest was about.

I thought only one of those cops was white?

Besides, being arrested by the cops has always been a death sentence for most Dark skinned people the world over. With little action taken against those cops.
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sree251 · 41-45, M
@anythingoes477 What you say is true; especially, here in America where cops deal with an arrogant violent public, with a likelihood of being armed, to maintain order. Also, our cops are probably ex-military, vets who are trained to deal with deadly combatants. Their response to a cantankerous American grandma getting pulled over could trigger experience in a war zone dealing with women who could cut their throats.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
Woke as fuck and proud of it
Slade · 56-60, M
Dshhh · M
so in your opinion, was that fatality on floyd justified?
really want your thoughts, not gonna flame you . we can talk about this issue
sree251 · 41-45, M
@Dshhh I don't want to argue this point about the knee method to hold someone down. I have watched several videos by law enforcement throughout the world when this case was being tried. All of them showed that the person being restrained the same way could breathe but they were demos with fit and healthy people. Floyd could have had difficulty breathing in that position at the time.

Choking someone to death is cruel and has got to be deliberate and with knowledge of the killer. Watching the video of Chauvin and the officers restraining Floyd, I didn't detect any of the officers being aware that they were choking a man to death. Floyd was claiming all along that he couldn't breathe while standing on the sidewalk, while struggling in the cop car, and all the way till he had his neck pinned to the ground. If I were a bystander, would I also be concerned and disturbed by Floyd's cries that he couldn't breathe? Sure. The cops were in control of the situation. It would not have been my place to interfere. Like I said, it was a sad situation. At any rate, the police department must take full responsibility for Floyd's death; and by extension, we as the public must bear responsibility also. Pinning it on the cops and throwing them to the wolves is not right even if the woke say I am dumb.
Dshhh · M
@sree251 It may be important to remember, how many people that look like Mr. Floyd. Have folks in their lives that have been abused by police. The statistics are available, and anyone who has had that in their family, will have an anti-police bias
sree251 · 41-45, M
@Dshhh Of course, you are right. Black people are a demographic in American cities. Every Monday morning, I would turn on the TV news channels to see how many people got hurt. Invariably, it would be 4 or 5 killed and 30 to 50 wounded by gunfire. And that's just in my city. It is the same deal in every other big city across the US where there are blacks in the inner cities. This is a feature in American society. I live in Asia 6 months a year and can see the stark difference. It doesn't happen in Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Shanghai, or Beijing. It's like entering a war zone every time I return to the US, walk into an American airport and see American police in their flak jackets and guns strapped to their hips.

Mr Floyd and his folks are not in a good place in America. To pin their misery on white people is nuts. Should we have segregation and give black people their own territories like the whole state of Mississippi, New York, and Illinois? They can govern themselves and have their own police force. I would vote for that in a referendum if that would prevent their abuse by white folks. We know that such a solution would be more cruel. Black people belong in American society. They are an integral part of our cultural fabric. What don't belong are woke people because they make matters worse.
Vin53 · M
Woke is where DeSantis's campaign goes to die.
Vin53 · M
Listen all, nobody and I mean nobody, cares about this stupid contemporary vagary expression that went absolutely no where. Nobody knows wtf its supposed to even mean, and no one is going to even use it anymore.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@Vin53 woke means being aware of social injustices such as racism
Troll harder

Nanoose · 61-69, M
Well I must admit that I am a bit dumb but not so dump that I'm not woke. Cheers and happy weekend!
I’m awake.. not woke
@Vin53 I’m not gunna date you bro…
Learn to scroll past ppl you don’t agree with…
Vin53 · M
Bumbles · 51-55, M
I’m not woke, so I guess dumb?
sree251 · 41-45, M
@Bumbles Yup. Intellectuals are woke. There are no dumb speakers on TED Talk.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
@sree251 Hell yes, brother.
AndysAttic · 56-60, M
I think I may be both.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@AndysAttic You are bi?
AndysAttic · 56-60, M
@sree251 Sir, yes I am bilingual.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@AndysAttic Ok, get serious. In what way are woke?
dale74 · M
I see wokeness as an excuse for miss behavior only reason they were awarded large sums was fear of riots and destruction had the family gotten 27 dollars that would have been more than George would have given.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@dale74 What does that say about you, Dale? Woke is considered a mental health state.
"woke" is the goofiest term i have ever heard just for people to believe in something that they should be born with
TrashCat · M
@DIABLISS Why are right wing fascist cucks so obsessed with using that word?
@TrashCat beats me....and when i hear it, i want to beat is like nails down a chalkboard.
ArtieKat · M
Dumb? I doubt you're even the racist twat you purport to be - but probably just a product of a St Petersburg troll farm
InHeaven · F
Who are you that I must prove anything to you?@sree251 First of all. Second, this question about Floyd actually proves something about you... End of this story.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@InHeaven You should be in Heaven. There is no place for you here.
InHeaven · F
Where my place is@sree251 is none of your business
Peopel on this post are a bit de-lu-lu
@InOtterWords well that is putting it mildly
LordShadowfire · 100+, M
Well, wrap your mind around this. Even though George Floyd most likely was guilty of passing a fake $20 bill at a grocery store while high, that was no reason to put a knee on his neck until he died. The only reason the cop did that is because he was a bad cop. He had a history of excessive force accusations on his record. And the other pigs just stood around doing nothing.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@LordShadowfire Other pigs? This remark would disqualify you as an unbiased juror in Chauvin's trial. Not that it matters.

So, Chauvin has a history of excessive force. What kind of history does Floyd have? He served multiple jail sentences. One jail term even for a year could break a guy like you or me. But Floyd was 6'4" and 223 pounds of resistance against four cops, including, Chauvin, trying to hold him down inside and outside the cop car on the ground till he gave up the ghost. Have you any idea how much exertion it takes to wrestle with four grown men and bad cops to boot, according to you?

Anyway, this thread is about you and me, the woke and the dumb. One of us is going to Hell, and I pray that God ain't woke.
LordShadowfire · 100+, M
@sree251 Okay, so you're just a low effort shock troll with racist tendencies. Got it.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@LordShadowfire What racist tendencies? If I told you I am black will you give up your hatred for me?
I think smart people don't use that word if they're trying to win hearts and minds. It's only good for preaching to the choir
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sree251 · 41-45, M
@Renaci You summed me up pretty well.
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