What are some subtle signs that you're in Jesusland?I'm from the USA but not so much that part of it.
What is the most desperate and uncomfortable decision you've made as a result of economic distress?Mine dates back to early COVID.. I was walking past an alley, feeling very hungry. I didn't have quite enough to buy ramen noodles + another thing or two to make it a full(ish) meal. I noticed a lady throwing a diaper in the dumpster in the alley,... See More »
Similar Worlds should have it's users do favors if they want to post many threads in short periods of time.Especially if they're low effort posts... I don't think an entire big section on here needs to be dominated by one person for free. The main favor I have in mind that they could do is send invites to join this place. Then, the ability to keep... See More »
How many "first posts" on here are likely just from people who were previously suspended?They could be like posts on /r/NewToReddit, although I can't confirm the actual status of those users either.
Would Donald Trump secretly agree with the quote by Lyndon B. Johnson about convincing the lowest white man?"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."
Should this place let users have a block list that can be shared with other users, and implemented on their accounts if they choose to?By sharing a block list, I don't mean just the texts of the usernames you've blocked, but an actual "thing" (for lack of a better word) that you can do something with.
A political guessing game? Name a non-politician that you have respect for, and someone else can try to guess who you're voting for.In what election, you might ask? Whichever one seems the most important to you.
Does Joe Biden seem like he should have another job after he leaves the White House? Poll (9) See Poll Options (1)
If you had the opportunity to mess with Trump right in front of Kid Rock, what would you do?We'll suppose that Donald's SS protection just expired so there would be no serious legal hot water, in this scenario.
Choosing Kamala for a "historic first" to defeat the worst Republican that there ever was... Are the priorities straight?I guess that Dems can have their lovely 2-in-1 moment if she wins but, she may (or may not) be a risky choice. She's "young" which is something that everyone seems to want so there is that.
If you could live in an alternative universe in which Trump had to start from scratch as a young man and you couldn't go back, would you do it?
Does anyone else wish that someone would have been taken "all the way" down, only for more interesting news?
What is a likely underrated / lesser known act of stupidity or shallowness from Donald Trump which you'd like to share? (1)
What image would you use to best show or describe how the debate went? Of course, one photo wouldn't necessarily even do it justice. This one that I'm using helps to show what meets the eye, I think. Another one could get a lot deeper than what's at the surface. (1)
Taylor Swift must have a lot of success ahead of her yet, but what acts might make you question otherwise?If she lit a dog on fire while on stage, that's a no-brainer. I was wondering about something less obvious. (1)
Do celebrities and the uber rich have the resources to appropriately have a large wild animal as a pet? (1)
We all remember the infamous dinner that Donald Trump and Robert De Niro had back in 2010's. But why were they tolerating each other?If you hate someone that bad, you probably don't want to be eating dinner with them. Most people go to restaurants to eat, and maybe they did. But they don't exactly seem happy to be there. (1)
If you could control who shares a prison cell with who, what would be some pairings that you would come up with? (1)
There is a progressive with a hard hat in his home, and a conservative with a hard hat in his. What different purpose would you suppose that there is?If any. Just a random example of each, your guess wouldn't have to mean it's always the case.
Do you know of any unlikely friendships between celebrities? This one was rather low key, and may not have lasted especially long. I think it's likely they had a good time that day though. I thought about the 10 year anniversary of Williams' tragic death, and I thought I'd post this as an example. (1)