Humans and other animals are shrinking and living shorter lives, is this because of 6G or the global warming thingy?When life on Earth began 6025 years ago our ancestors towered above other creatures. The average human stood 234.7 feet tall and weighed in around 34 metric tons, the average life span was 600 years (this is probably why we got so big). Look at us... See More »
Some people think that our ancestors were afraid of fearsome dinosaurs such as the Tryanosawdust rex and others. Well, this was not the case.You see, 6000 years ago when the dinosaurs roamed the Earth the World was a much different place. Humans were huge (500 feet high) and lived for a minimum of 759 years, because of this we towered over the dinosaurs and, some of them we kept as pets... See More »
Proof of the young Earth (if proof were needed). Many so called 'scientists' say that we live on an old Earth and that it was once inhabited with hugecreatures such as the fearsome Tryanasawdust Rex and that there were people that used to fight them, these people were called the 'Stoners.' The problem that creation scientists such as myself have is that none of the proof of this 'stone age' is... See More »
If you were told (somehow) that when you die you were going to be reincarnated but it would be as an insect or an arachnid but you allowed to choosewhich of these creatures you could be...What would you choose?
Looking at the current situation I have decided that I must become President of the World, or King of the World (if you will). My policies are fairlystraightforward. 1. All people must own a dog. 2. Cat's are to be officially recognised as people and be allowed to own dogs. 3.Anyone that calls 999/911 with a cut finger or a sore toe immediately must submit their bodies for medical research... See More »
Is Elon Musk a good employer, perhaps he is but why is nobody asking what happened to this guy? Does anyone even care? This guy is probably sitting on Mars right now, fixing the Mars Rovers (probably unpaid) and eating only Mars Bars (which are free on Mars). (1)
Top Personal Hygiene Tip! Isn't it annoying when you have to change your socks and underwear? Well here is a top tip you can use to save time, waterand energy. Once the said items start to get dirty, simply turn them inside out. This will mean the dirty clothing will be on the outside and the clean side will be next to your skin. 'Hey presto!' This will give you at least another 3 months of... See More »
Tick Tock to be banned and I can assure you this will not happen soon enough. Their control of the 7G towers has made us all do things we would notnormally do. I am sure that you, like I have had 'experiences'. I will tell you mine and hopefully it will not be TRDL (Too rong did not read). Well, I was innocently walking my little pug dog when I walked by a 7G tower that commanded me to go to... See More »
Brilliant, just been blocked by a person spinning round and round. LOL, Blocked by the most blocked person on SW.
Flat Earth proof #2. Proof of the flat Earth and the global flood...Or, was it a universal flood?Indeed, renowned scientists agree that the Earth is flat or...In the words of Professor Nile deGrasse Tyson it is an 'oblong spear shaped haemorrhoid.' Well, the global flood would explain this. You see when the waters cascaded on to the flat Earth... See More »
Flat Earth proof if proof were needed. Non Creation scientist try to tell us that the Sun and the Moon are over 1000 miles away from our flat EarthAre they right? Well, first we must look at subjects we agree on. Both Non Creation scientists and 'pseudo scientists' agree that the Sun gives us heat and light and the Moon produces cold and darkness, we agree on this. But the distance, 1000... See More »
Top tip for Gentlemen. Do not! I repeat...Do Not use a vacuum cleaner for anything other than its intended purpose.I have been sitting in casualty with a blanket over the affected 'area' now for 4 hours.
Such an embaressment, I made the front page of the newspapers but I had a half tan face...I left my sunglasses and hat on for too long.I am mortified, the article is below...does the dodgy tan stick out? (1)
We are once again entering in to a cold war situation and we need a hero (male or female) to give us a solution, in 1985 Winston Churchill quotedthat a 'beef curtain' had descended over Europe and he was right. He then visited the Berlin Wall, Berlin and thus quoted 'Mrs Merkel, tear down this wall'! Soon after the Russians responded to 'Perestroika' (which means...erm, probably... See More »
I am worried about the weird and unusual posts I have seen on here recently. Don't people know this an educational site, a seat of learning? (1)
The Sun is a very important planet, can you imagine what would happen if it was to go out? Well, for starters it would be very cold and quite darkwe would only have the light of the Moon and it is not always there. In terms of heat, well we know that the moon only emits coldness so we would probably have to wear much thicker clothing all of the time. But do not worry, if the Sun was it would... See More »
Wake up America and the rest of the World...The Illuminati are all around looking at us with their third eye (1)
Listen up people! We over 50 years old trick or treaters are constantly disappointed by the garbage that is thrown into our bags by a, well quitesimply a bloody unthinking public. How hard would it be you aim off for the older trick or treaters and get some beers and pies to put in our bags? If this is too much for you please do not moan when your house gets egged for being inconsiderate.... See More »