I have known a couple of women who refused to cook anything. They were too lazy to open up a can and reheat the food. I don’t know how they each got by with that for decades.
@cherokeepatti I work at a community college right now, and I have a coworker who buys food from the cafeteria every single day. The food in our café is just way overpriced. We are talking nearly $7.00 for a pre-made salad, the same kind that can be bought at Walmart for just $4.47.
@latinbutterfly You bet it’s overpriced. That’s why I rarely bought anything from there. They had some waffles that were pretty good & a decent price that I got once or twice when I worked there. But had to eat them mid-morning on my first break and it was much better for me to have breakfast before work. Their store refused to sell anything that had a price printed on the package by the manufacturer, they wanted to make more money.
maybe they are living alone and can't bear cooking for only one. It doesn't make economical sense to by prepared foods for every meal. That makes me feel really dad for some. We deliver meals on wheels every Monday. Hot meals are prepared and we then drop them off at homes.