How are you going on changing your life around?It's hard for me..I have identified what needs to change but breaking the old hard habits 😞
Well well well I am new year here how do we spell here hareAnyway how's everyone doing and please be nice to me I are sensitive 😊
How do you stop looking flaws in others?I just can't help it and I don't wanna do it. I don't wanna see any flaws just good things in others
After a horror movie even in the daylight I can't go to the toilet by myself.. dayum, they are bad for my brain cellsWhy do I like all this and then piss my pants, getting shit scared for days?
Experienced Mom tips please - My son who is 10 months old doesn't let me get up and do anything all he wants is I play with him or put him to sleep..He cries a lot and follow me everywhere, showing aggression. How do I do the housechores like this?
Do you still make hand gestures while talking with someone over the phone?Imagining them in front of you?
Have you ever tried to be happy despite of all the nonsense around?What did you do exactly to remain happy, calm, and just enjoying life. This time is very precious and we shouldn't waste it.
How do you control your anger when you are over the phone with a lunatic?I deliberately lower my voice and it sounds like I am all calm n composed. It worked once for sure.
When you hear the Ambulance siren I am sure you give way but do you look at it as well, if so why?How would looking at it helps.. I feel it's a human tendency to look at it
Would you leave your family, friends and country just coz you aren't happy and you want to bring about a change?