Anyone else hate the 21st century?Or is it just me? I don't want to start listing all the things I don't like about how the world is now, because that would be one hell of a depressingly long list, but one of the things I'm really bothered by is how easily so many people have... See More »
My last puzzle/riddle was far too easy, so here is a more difficult one.Decypher this: PULU SI BAGUMBA What does it mean? Does anyone know? Hint: this isn't another Caesar cypher. It's from an old show called 'Gilligan's Island'. (1)
I sent this message to someone who was feeling a little too friendly towards me. UKQNA JKP IU PULA Can you figure out the message?
He really should forget about this idea, because it's just not going to happen. EVER.Donald Krasnov wanting to annex Greenland. How does this type of behaviour make him any different from Putin? Or Hitler? To all of those on SW who still support this deranged man, perhaps you can explain for the rest of us what's really going on... See More » (1)
Repeat after me: Condensation trails. Not "chemtrails" (they don't exist)And no, the sun hasn't changed colour either, nor the sky itself. HAARP isn't into "weather control", they're an organisation that studies the (primarily upper) atmosphere with things like radar. No one can actually control the weather, although... See More »
Why do some people believe there's some kind of "depopulation" agenda?I mean, one would think that if there was a global conspiracy of some sort to control everything that everyone does, that these power-hungry psychopaths would want more people to control, not fewer. No slave-owner ever wanted fewer slaves, he always... See More »
I've heard that some people have bacon and eggs for breakfast. Is that actually true?Bacon and eggs? I don't mind bacon and eggs (on bread, as a sandwich) for dinner or tea, but for breakfast? I've only ever had breakfast cereal, because that's what it's for. Lately I've been eating a lot of muesli.
Why is "diversity" automatically seen as being a "good thing"?I mean, I can understand why biodiversity is important, but I'm speaking generally here. Would the world really end if everyone were basically the same, or at least similar in all the major attributes (like height, weight, intelligence)? Update: A... See More »
Someone Else's Post Reminded Me of This SongNow I'll have it floating around in my mind for the next week or so, but that's okay, it's a good song! (1)
A "Crackdown" on Homelessness.A crackdown? I had no idea it was now effectively a crime to be homeless. Hey, maybe they've actually found homes for these people to live in. No? Why is cruelty and callousness so popular with politicians within the Anglosphere? (1)
Utility to the State? Ben Goes Bonkers.I don't know how old this clip is, but I just found it now. Ben Shapiro once again makes a complete and utter fool of himself, arguing in all seriousness that a marriage is for the primary purpose of producing children for the state. I guess he's not... See More » (1)
My personal thoughts and feelings about what it's all about. That is, life itself (not 'Similar Worlds'). I'm in the middle of having a discussion with someone here on SW who actually likes talking about the things that actually matter and who, like me, despises "small talk". We were on the topic of meaning... See More »
Artificial intelligence must DIE!I hate AI and everything associated with it, claimed about it, and those who are promoting it with a passion! I'm so tired of hearing the, frankly ludicrous, claims that it will "improve our lives", and that we'll all "merge" with it in some weird,... See More »
Shania Twain! Or as I like to call her, Shania Twang (because she used to be a country singer). But she's still the one. (1)
Things Just Happen, and There's No 'Reason' for ItWe live in a chaotic, random universe (trust me, we do, I know a lot about cosmology and statistics). "Shit happens", is the well-known expression. People, especially Christians, like to go on about how "there is a purpose behind all this, all this... See More »
Living With Someone ElseI hate it. I need a place of my own, where I can just do whatever I want and not have to worry that the dishes haven't been done yet, or the vacuuming. I can hear my sister's friends cackling. They're just too loud, like a merry band of drunken... See More »
Posture Really Does MatterWhen you're out and about in public. Stand up straight, and walk like the Earth is yours. Don't just walk - strut! You'll notice a difference right away. If you drag your feet, look at the ground and develop a hunchback, you won't be noticed, and... See More »
Luna appears to be loony.I realise I shouldn't be at this point in time, but I'm constantly surprised by the current government you people have over there in Washington D.C. Well... there's now this. Are we all living in an episode of 'The Simpsons'? Mr. Trump's... See More » (1)
Is Mr. Trump on the verge of betraying the Ukrainians?With the recent "peace talks" being held in the Saudi capital of Riyadh. Ukraine hasn't been invited. How can there ever be peace when the nation that is actually being devastated by the war is being ignored? This reminds me so much of the Munich... See More » (1)
Maybe it's just me, but does anyone else think that time is somehow "speeding up"?It's already February! In March I have my birthday. AGAIN! What's going on?
Some Good News for Once Who would have thought that most people just do not like genocidal, psychopathic regimes. (1)
My Sentiments Exactly! Mr. Trump - F**k off! Greenland is NOT for sale! And Canadians don't want to be your 51st state! And the canal is Panamanian. And it's the Gulf of MEXICO. And Gaza belongs to the Palestinians. (1)