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Why do some people believe there's some kind of "depopulation" agenda?

I mean, one would think that if there was a global conspiracy of some sort to control everything that everyone does, that these power-hungry psychopaths would want more people to control, not fewer. No slave-owner ever wanted fewer slaves, he always wanted more (or was satisfied with the number he already had).
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A lot of modern right-wing conspiracy theories come from Nazism, but in order to make the theories more accessible to the mainstream, they leave out the more blatant references to Nazism. It's like how Nazis used to say the queer agenda is promoted by Marxist Jews, whereas now Nazis say the queer agenda is promoted by Marxists. It's basically the same thing, but the Jews are only alluded to.

With the depopulation conspiracy, it was originally that the Marxist Jews want to depopulate the native population in the West, while continuing to flood white countries with immigrants. The idea being that the West would be easy to take over if it was multiracial.
GerOttman · 61-69, M
I believe we're here as a food source for space traveling aliens. They will use their weather control to freeze dry the whole planet, then harvest what they need.

Few will survive!
GerOttman · 61-69, M
@BohemianBabe I thought all memory of this episode was neuralized long ago!
@GerOttman Well at this point, the aliens know most humans would welcome them.
GerOttman · 61-69, M
@BohemianBabe At first... maybe
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
People gotta believe something
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Bill Gates said it.
Pambie · 22-25, F
@MrBrownstone Where? When?
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@Pambie Was in a newspaper years back. It's online.
Yourwildestdreams · 51-55, M
@MrBrownstone Conspiracy theory 🤦🏼‍♂😃
did the New World Order ask you to post this ? 😁
Pambie · 22-25, F
@NightsWatch Damn, they're on to me.
"I'll be right on over Mr. Schwab!"
@Pambie just tell them you were at your Scientology meeting
Morvoren · F
It’s ridiculous. And in an over populated planet it’s never going to make a single difference.

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